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I am sure I heard Carmel mention today that she is pregnant?

Yes . She mentioned it in her blog a few weeks ago, and today i heard her mention when
she was doing the knitting show, that the wool would make lovely baby bootees and lovely
blankets. We"ll never hear the end of it now :cheeky:
Baby bootees and lovely blankets! That's the sort of thing you think about in your first pregnancy but as all we Mums know, pregnancy is the easy bit. The real trauma starts from the minute you take your bundle of joy home. It begins with no sleep and goes down hill from there. At least when you're carrying them around inside you, you know where they are what they're up to.
She also mentioned it in the Beauty show,saying a cosmetic bag would make a good nappy bag.!!,,

Aww, leave her alone!! She's excited bless her! However, I know I'll be eating my words in a few months as it's bound to turn into the wedding chronicles part 2!! :rolleyes:

Without wishing to be a biatch, I was looking at her face earlier as she presented some air purifier. How old is she? She has a lot of lines and looked quite rough. Could be the pregnancy I suppose, but she looked a lot older than me, then I thought I have no idea how old she actually is!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
its exciting being a new mum...congratulations carmel but you dont have to mention it in every hour
Hmmm. Is she going to purchase the bag and wool herself and knit the baby items? Or was she thinking the guest presenter would 'gift' them? Or that viewers would send her things? How many more months of this - NN towel for Baby'sBathtime, YankeeBabyPowderCandles, CooksEssentials for Baby'sBottleWarming, Kitchenaid for Baby'sFirstBirthdayCake, Cuisinart for Baby'sFirstFood, TiffanyLamp for Baby'sRoom, l'occitane for Mummy&Daddy. Meh!
Hmmm. Is she going to purchase the bag and wool herself and knit the baby items? Or was she thinking the guest presenter would 'gift' them? Or that viewers would send her things? How many more months of this - NN towel for Baby'sBathtime, YankeeBabyPowderCandles, CooksEssentials for Baby'sBottleWarming, Kitchenaid for Baby'sFirstBirthdayCake, Cuisinart for Baby'sFirstFood, TiffanyLamp for Baby'sRoom, l'occitane for Mummy&Daddy. Meh!
Oh Snarly you"re so right there. She asked Stephanie if she"d knit the bottees and blanket, hint , hint, i think. I also would think viewers would send things in. I do wish her well, very exciting a new baby, and she"s lost her mum, and I know it"s gonna be tough for her, but she"s really using it as a selling point. Been watching too much, off a few days, and i"ve had the comfy cardigans, dresses, even the itouch thing for when she"s had the baby. I remember Claudia being pregnant and i don"t think it was used as an excuse to sell sell sell . Okay i"m grumpy. Sorry can"t find the apostrophe on the computer, and using exclamation marks instead, silly me . Grumpy grumpy grumpy Barkly x
Hey, the first time mum's on maternity leave are probably a fairly large part of Q's target market- or at least they should be! Of the customers likely to be watching at home during the day I would say 1. Retired people 2. People working shifts or part time, 3. Women on maternity leave, 4. People unable to work due to ill health, 5. Otherwise long term unemployed, 6. Kept women/men/independently wealthy; would be the categories of demographic.

I understand Carmel. She is probably quite close to me in age. She probably waited until she was older to settle down, not because she was particularly ambitious necessarily but because she wanted to "settle down" not "settle for". Her unborn baby is probably much planned for, and much longed- for. She probably thinks if nothing more but her growing bump and what she should buy. Let me assist- Carmel- you don't need reusable nappies. You Will you will your will rely on pampers like everyone else. Ignore anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. If you buy reusables YOU WILL end up flogging them on ebay like I did. Secondly, unless you are a cow, you will not use a breast pump. Thank god for John Lewis 90 day refund policy. You won't need to spend a fortune in Mamas and Papas, trust me. You will need muslin cloths, microwave steriliser, baby grows, and baby sleeping bags, and a baby monitor. Buy a copy of the baby whisperer, sleep when they sleep, and expect your life to NEVER be the same again. Never wish the time away no matter how hard it is or how exhausted you are. Follow your own instincts and never let anyone bully you into doing it a way that does not feel right. Borrow from friends, babies grow so bliddy fast it is not worth the money otherwise.

And finally Carmel... You probably really miss your mum right now, accept help from wherever it is offered. It won't take her place, I know. But good luck with it all, your happiness makes me smile and I for one am rooting for you.
I'd say everyone on this forum is rooting for her and wishing her well and all the best for the future
Sparkly if you're using a full size keyboard on a laptop or desktop it will be on bottom right near 'enter', underneath the @ symbol. :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Well I like her just because she's just herself, she doesn't come out with the stock phases and doesn't say she has everything.
No she's not the perfect presenter but she doesn't big herself up, she's happy to ask what she doesn't know and is happy to laugh at herself.
She has stated that December would be a sad month due to the anniversary of her mothers death, but she hopes now with a birth it will add some positivity.
I think from all the newer presenters, with her life changes she will endear herself to the regular viewer far easier.

New job, wedding, new house, now with a baby on the way, it all seems coming together for Carmel and Neil.

I wish them the very best.

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