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Ooooooh Snarly, our very own "nearly celeb" and my ex has blessed me with his absence :happy: I am pinching that phrase. Be kind to yourself and take care, may your "bouts" be very few and far between.
How much do we reckon they get paid? I'd love to know. Is it commission, can you imagine the clawback for returned goods, bet that makes our "the letter" threads seem tame.

I bet it isn't minimum wage.
@Capirossi @SpeckledHen ~ "FlushedWithSuccess", septic tank overflow fumes with a hint of honey-wagon essence (liquid manure) @Janie ~ naughty girl;JR was sitting down, don't recall any toeposts or jeggings. What I do remember was meeting DGreenwood/white dress. Very pretty and gracious. @Frazzled ~ I am so fortunate I didn't get it, what was I thinking? Really wanted to do voiceover work. @LoveInAmist ~ by all means, share that phrase. 3 days after he left, I saw a BumperSnicker "All men are idiots ... and I married their king." pmsl Feel free to pinch & use any Snarlyisms. Apologies to the fine men out there.
Snarly, am very impressed you made it to QVC towers, well done you!

Was just looking at my (QVC) towels hanging on my radiator and all I could think of to say about them was, they are a lovely colour, they dry me very well and the bath sheet is a big size... er um er um..... I would be so useless, so to be able to talk about a bottle of water for 2 minutes - well I'm impressed.

I bet they get paid really well though, ....have you seen JR's villa is spain (another thread)... very nice and not cheap me thinks. Am not envious, I dont think its an easy job and I wouldn't want to do it - they have to look so interested in every product - I think the look on my face would give it away if I thougt it was a c..p product!

Sorry about your flare up though snarly, am familiar with ME and fybromyalgia - not me my best friend - very challenging shall we say! Take care.
@Unsure ~ I have no idea about the £$€ they are paid, certainly I had no indication. But so curious, I'm itchy! (Apologies to our Resident Itchy) @ReflexGirl ~ very kind of you to take the time to write. (((hug))) We all have hardships which build our character. As Joyce Meyer, Christian author/speaker says, you can't have a testimony unless you have a test and go through the moanies. (((hug/cwtch))) to all of you going through the moanies!
@ReflexGirl ~ very kind of you to take the time to write. (((hug))) We all have hardships which build our character. As Joyce Meyer, Christian author/speaker says, you can't have a testimony unless you have a test and go through the moanies. (((hug/cwtch))) to all of you going through the moanies![/QUOTE]

To Snarly - Just off topic here Snarly - but I do feel for you. A QVC presenting job I reckon can be very stressful and probably would have exaserbated your condition. I too have a debilitating illness, Crohns. (ditton with the OH thing). You can probably guess what I do for a living from my forum name. I have found that it really helps people with your condition and I am lucky enough to have a friend who I can swap treatments with and it really does help alot with mine. Hope you don't think I am being inappropriate here, apologies if you do.
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@ReflexGirl - bless you for mentioning. Over 23 years, I've tried many things, in different countries. I have a cousin and a best friend who are massage therapists, so I am doubly-blessed. Sorry to hear about your on-going illness, cariad. No wonder you have empathy. Take care. x
That's what I love about this forum. One can't discern an accent, weight, gender etc. unless you choose to disclose it. Thanks to you who posted about the M.E. Because hubby couldn't accept, let alone cope with my illnesses, he left. But I now say, "He Blessed me with his absence." And I, like, so, would not enjoy being a Q presenter. I wouldn't be here now, chatting to you people. And learning new words (I had to google todger) blush. Oh yes, I have led a sheltered life. Very.
My daughter has / had M.E and has been considerably helped by 'Reverse Therapy' . I don't know if that's available in your area.
All my good wishes . Jenny.
@ShoppingJenny ~ tried something similar, different name. Nothing in my area. Going back to Qs spirulets which did give me some oomph. Glad your daughter is doing better, very encouraging. My best to you and her (((hug))) x
Hi guys,

I have a friend whose cousin works on QVC as a presenter (best not name names, just in case!) but he tells me that she is paid VERY well BUT is on an extremely short-term contract so has virtually no job security. He also told me that when they meet up she just can't stop talking because it's what she does for a living!! Don't think I could do it, wouldn't mind the salary though :wink:
Ooh, I forgot to say, a message for Snarly (and apologies for posting off thread). I have a friend who suffered pretty badly with ME and he was told about the Lightening Process. I'm sure you probably already know all about it but if you don't, here's a link: I can vouch that it has worked wonders for him, he's pretty much back to full strength now. Hope this is something that could work for you? Good luck anyway.
~ PrincessPickle ~

HEY! We know someone who knows someone related to a Q presenter - ÜberCool! Thanks for that link and maybe these suggestions will help others on here. Thank you for your kindnesses. x
Snarly, am very impressed you made it to QVC towers, well done you!

Was just looking at my (QVC) towels hanging on my radiator and all I could think of to say about them was, they are a lovely colour, they dry me very well and the bath sheet is a big size... er um er um..... I would be so useless, so to be able to talk about a bottle of water for 2 minutes - well I'm impressed.

I bet they get paid really well though, ....have you seen JR's villa is spain (another thread)... very nice and not cheap me thinks. Am not envious, I dont think its an easy job and I wouldn't want to do it - they have to look so interested in every product - I think the look on my face would give it away if I thougt it was a c..p product!

Sorry about your flare up though snarly, am familiar with ME and fybromyalgia - not me my best friend - very challenging shall we say! Take care.

Last year, I was told by a regular guest-presenter that Ms Roberts was paid £150K per annum. My guess - £50K - was way out. No bad for a former chorus girl on a cruise ship!
Sending everyone who isn`t 100%... keep as well as you can wishes....I didn`t realise but as has been said its difficult to get an accurate picture let alone how ones health is by reading.....I`m in the middle of a Fibromyalgia flare up and will rattle if you shake me as my pain has been on top note so the pills have been popped..... I wish I had an understanding husband nuff said on that because if I start I won`t know where to end.Thankfully my son and daughter are my rocks.
Don`t think I could do the job if only from the point of view my son says doesn`t matter what comes out of my mouth my face says it I wouldn`t get passed at any level lol
princess pickle brings up a good point. we all know people who use 5000 words when they could use 5. that would be a real asset in this case :wink:

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