Breast Cancer Care Event 2/10/15 Items & Chat!


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Well done to DF and her best mate for not having any auctions this year , thats a few grand less BCC raised , i hope they sleep well !!! :mysmilie_10:
They didnt let DF anywhere near it. I thought in past years it was more of an event ,more presenters involved and more dressy.
Personally I would much rather donate to BCC direct rather than line QVCs coffers. It is a big PR stunt for them if you ask me, they hardly donate anything. Why not give free postage on the items and donate that to the BCC fund/ The offerings were dire and the beauty one that I may have been interested in were sold out in seconds which makes me think these big brands donated absolutely minute numbers. Like another poster I hated the way they kept highlighting the big donators. It would be amazing to be able to donate £500 but how many of us can afford to do that? I know it is for an amazing cause and I have had members of my family who have benefitted from it but the whole QVC thing doesn't sit well with me.
There was very little fashion, which I find surprising... Mind you, with the Kim & Co TSV today, there really was very little fashion on QVC today anyway :mysmilie_17:

It doesn't seem so many years ago that QVC really got everyone glammed up, and lots of gorgeous stuff to lift the spirits: perfume, nail polish, lovely jewellery... what happened to all the designers doing t-shirts?

I was fortunate enough not go through chemo, but because I was planning for the worst and hoping for the best all the way through, I'd thought about chemo and losing hair. I decided I wouldn't be able to stomach the cold cap.

I think those T shirts are still available :mysmilie_15: which may explain why they haven't commissioned any more!
Yes it was a bit low key. The real stars were the breast cancer survivors.

Didn't see it all but it was very moving when Ali Keenan was discussing her awful time with this terrible illness!! Jackie too looked upset and did very well to keep it together!!
Missed seeing a few of the other presenters......thought most of them usually attended such a big charity night!!? :thinking:
I was in my local town centre today and there was a huge BCC presence. There were pink balloons everywhere on and in shops, tables with cakes for sale and ladies dressed in pink collecting donations. Some shops had even dressed their windows in pink, some of the non retail units such as solicitors and accountants had opened up purely to let BCC use the space to sell items and collect donations. I went into Waitrose and they had put together a huge hamper full of items in pink packaging up for raffle for BCC. It was an amazing display - no one could have missed it and it generated a very positive feeling.
I only caught Adele's story on the show last night... I watched most of the show and didn't see if they'd also broadcast the other two models' stories, so for anyone who is interested to hear their moving, and different, experiences with this disease

If the only thing QVC generate from last night is awareness - to get, women in particular, to be more aware of checking for changes... and getting to the doctor pronto... and not being fobbed off that it's "only" this or that... it's worth it. If it also prompts us to find a couple of quid and donate directly to BCC, that's worth it. The thing that makes BCC golden for me is the range of services they offer. They're not one of the charities which are targeting cures and paying for research. They are doing the equally important job of helping women, and men, and families, and friends while someone is living with breast cancer. Whether it's for a long period or a short period makes no difference. The way it affects you is sometimes impossible to share fully with anyone who hasn't walked in your shoes.

So hats off to BCC, and a huge amount of admiration for the three ladies who have told their stories. And congratulations to Ali Keenan who manages to articulate very well what it feels like - both when talking on the subject and writing on the subject. Her experience of further things going physically wrong, and the constant fear that it could be linked to the cancer are the reality for so many living with this disease. Once that trust between you and your body is broken by the diagnosis, it's never the same.

I think QVC could really make this a better, and more altruistic, event if nobody - including QVC was taking a cut... so that every penny raised went to the charity. Surely it would be good for their PR?
The Bare Minerals set I ordered for youngest DD on waitlist.......has been shipped!! :mysmilie_17:
Cariad, wishing much happier times for your Mum in future. I'm sending positive thoughts and get well messages to her + hugs.

Last year was the first BCC QVC event I watched, and I thought it had some great moments. I clearly remember being impressed with Craig's sensitivity and calm presenting style on the night. I also remember mentioning it on here and others agreeing at the time. He was so thoughtful and seemed genuinely caring and moved by the evening.
I also remember Ali K talking with Charlie and admitting that she was having further tests as there was a chance her cancer had returned. She and Charlie and often Craig and others had tears in their eyes - so did I. Such a shame Debbie had to spoil it with her auction cheating. Julie's Mum was presenting the Peony moments too - she was a lovely thoughtful lady :)
I will likely be watching again this year. Especially as my Mum was diagnosed with BC last week.
breast cance is awful cancer is in itself and ovarian cancer is dreadful. you literally have no symptoms at all with ovarian. none until you are riddled with it. by then you are stage three or stage four. stage four is usually terminal. the treatment is harsh. chemo then a full hysterectomy. sometimes bowel has to be removed, linings in your body cavity. its a nightmare. the recurrance rate is 95%. you usually die within 5 years.

getting treatment was horrendous. kept putting my sister off. a blood test here a scan there. she then had acites where her body cannot drain the usual fluids. she could not eat or drink. she could not move. her stomach full like she was 10 months pregnant. it was a disgrace. i cry when i think of what she had to go through. but shes brave and sees the funny side. i cant
Personally I would much rather donate to BCC direct rather than line QVCs coffers. It is a big PR stunt for them if you ask me, they hardly donate anything. Why not give free postage on the items and donate that to the BCC fund/ The offerings were dire and the beauty one that I may have been interested in were sold out in seconds which makes me think these big brands donated absolutely minute numbers. Like another poster I hated the way they kept highlighting the big donators. It would be amazing to be able to donate £500 but how many of us can afford to do that? I know it is for an amazing cause and I have had members of my family who have benefitted from it but the whole QVC thing doesn't sit well with me.

Yes, more or less what I said. They've really dumbed down the output on all points. When it was first aired, all the presenters 'glammed' up, in tux's and evening dress - not Craig in tieless shirt ! It was on (if memory services me) for much longer than 3 hours. There were proper celebrity auctions involved i.e. "tea at the Ritz with ??? " - so cleaning products hardly cuts the mustard does it. The products to buy were worth having, and all the cheering faces in the background were a little more well known than Jill Gaunt and her cronies !!! Its a shame that its come to this, but carry on in this vein and Q's signature charity will be just another event, like Christmas in July !!
Terrific cause ill served by that piss poor show of Q.
All the big stores had promotions so Q badly needed to come up to the mark this year but fell well short.

The only positive was the exposure as donations could have been achieved by other means. Eg donating postage charges for an entire weekend.
The items I ordered during the event all arrived today - the ABC wipes, the skechers shoes and the lisa snowdon necklace, all great... happy with the skechers; they're gorgeous!
My cousin had breast cancer a few years ago and 18 months later she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had a hysterectomy and earlier this year the cancer returned where her womb had been. She is very philosophical in her attitude. She told me last year that she had the faulty BRAC gene and my sister and another cousin went for gene testing. My sister is the only one of us to have the gene and after counselling has elected to have her ovaries removed which is tomorrow. Luckily her daughter is free of the faulty gene.
My cousin had breast cancer a few years ago and 18 months later she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had a hysterectomy and earlier this year the cancer returned where her womb had been. She is very philosophical in her attitude. She told me last year that she had the faulty BRAC gene and my sister and another cousin went for gene testing. My sister is the only one of us to have the gene and after counselling has elected to have her ovaries removed which is tomorrow. Luckily her daughter is free of the faulty gene.

Hope everything goes well for your sister tomorrow and your cousin in the longer term.

Terrible terrible disease - takes no prisoners when it marches through a family, both the person and their nearest and dearest.
My cousin had breast cancer a few years ago and 18 months later she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She had a hysterectomy and earlier this year the cancer returned where her womb had been. She is very philosophical in her attitude. She told me last year that she had the faulty BRAC gene and my sister and another cousin went for gene testing. My sister is the only one of us to have the gene and after counselling has elected to have her ovaries removed which is tomorrow. Luckily her daughter is free of the faulty gene.
So sorry for you and your family - terrible news, the genetic factors seem to have such a strong influence on whether or not you get this horrible disease. I hope your sister's operation goes well tomorrow.

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