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texes instead of texTS!!!! you get or you are getting.suNthing instead of soMething.oh god I am getting old and crotchety
....for you....for you....for you....for you....for you....for you....on and on and on JF can say this without fail everytime she says anything about an item or item number. It's brought back my eye twitch so I daren't watch or listen, it might make it permanent.

yeah i noticed she was copying AY with that. bit like charlie copying JH with the so...SO......
Not wishing to throw the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons, but is it really laziness or just regional dialect? I hail from the Black Country where we are deemed to have the worst, thickest accent in the country, so I have to say, I really don't notice it in comparison to how I say certain words. If anybody outside the local area were to hear me speak, you probably wouldn't have a clue what I was saying!! I quite like the differences in how they speak, whether it be correct or not! However, I do draw the line at the grinning manchild known as Craig. He just does my head in with his incessant yakking and has to be muted.
Hi girls, back to finish what I started.

I agree wholeheartedly with the gonna and wanna and canya etc

Confession time though. I used to have a real dislike of Julia Roberts. I thought she was really up herself. Then one night several years ago she got so upset after her father had died and I felt real empathy with her. She used to be guilty of saying numbah all the time but strangely I have noticed that she doesn't seem to say it as obviously anymore.

I'm old fashioned in many of my ways and opinions and I just feel that is someone is speaking on the television that they should use the Queen's English especially if they are selling something and especially if they purport to be such a superior shopping channel as they do.

The presenter with the best diction to my mind is Catherin Huntley especially now she seems to have lost the whistling teeth.
Not wishing to throw the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons, but is it really laziness or just regional dialect? I hail from the Black Country where we are deemed to have the worst, thickest accent in the country, so I have to say, I really don't notice it in comparison to how I say certain words. If anybody outside the local area were to hear me speak, you probably wouldn't have a clue what I was saying!! I quite like the differences in how they speak, whether it be correct or not! However, I do draw the line at the grinning manchild known as Craig. He just does my head in with his incessant yakking and has to be muted.

I agree ... I enjoy the different ways of speaking by the various presenters. It would be so boring if eveyone spoke the so-called Queen's English. To be able to understand them yes, but accents fine.
"for you" really winds me up as does "your" as in "your black" " your pink" " your blue" " your migraine inducing floral multi colour" (well I did make the last one up). Jill Franks is a repeat offender, I sometimes think that she must have done a brief course in selling with Q where they told her to use inclusive language to lull the viewer into feeling that they are part of the "QVC family" and that her overuse of "for you" and "yours" is the result of this.

Does anyone recall "South Park the Movie" when Cartman is given electric shocks whenever he swears? Just imagine doing this to
J F everytime she she uses "for you" and "your".
Most of the presenters say 'Expresso' instead of 'Espresso'. It does my head in.

Why do they do it, it isn't exactly a hard word to say, is it?!?!?!?!?

I knew this was going to come up! I in the past, I have been guilt of this error until I realised that it was 'es' rather than 'ex'. I try really hard to say it correctly (as I love ESpresso) but sometimes it just slips out incorrectly. Now to you lovely forumites I think of Jill Franks and cringe.
AY Annoyances

Sheer - Shea (this could be used for JR)
SPF factor - Should be just SPF
PIN Number - Should be just PIN
Bobbi Brown droning on, earnestly, in her dreary advert: "My beauty philosophy is that all women are beautiful and can be beautiful ... " If they're already beautiful then they don't need your slap to make them something they already are, love.
"Story" (as in, "This season's story"); "coming through"; "price point"; "city short"; "little pump"; "wear to go out and play" (?)

First it was the lobotomised woman's crumpet Glen "my trousers have shrunk in the wash" Campbell who spouted this rubbish, but now it seems to have gradually spread across the main presenters. Even people on other channels have started coming out with this meaningless tripe - yes Denniece on IW, I'm talking about you.

Considering shopping telly is all about communication, the people who manage the presenters should do a far better job of making sure that the people who present shows can actually communicate.
Price point, God yes, that annoys the hell out of me. It is the "price". That's what we're interested in - THE PRICE - not some point in time, the distance or the future, just the flippin price.

Oh and the phrase of the moment is specially for Christmas - "the gift that goes on giving". You can just imagine all these little gifts sprouting legs in the night and wrapping up another present and giving it to someone else. PASS IT FORWARD!
Price point, God yes, that annoys the hell out of me. It is the "price". That's what we're interested in - THE PRICE - not some point in time, the distance or the future, just the flippin price.

That one's up there with "form factor" from the techy geeks. Anyone heard the word "size"?

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