Boycott QVC today


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Some say the environment is harmed using polyester. I don't like real or fake fur. I had a hell of a job last year finding a hooded coat that did not have the awful stuff on it.

99% of QVC "fashion" is polyester, times that by QVC globally and there'll be no environment left soon, you can see the static from space, it's enough to light up every home in Britain for a year.
Julius, hunting foxes is called a "blood sport" for a reason, it shouldn't be called a sport really because that implies it's a game were both sides start the game off on an equal footing, were as hunting foxes is anything but a sport! They go round blocking the foxes dens up so they have no where to hide, hardly fair hey? also it's 2015 so do we really really need to "hunt" anything? Foxes keep the rat population down, so although you've expressed your dislike of foxes and your love of squirrels, which in itself I find massively hypocritical, think about the barbaric side to hunting.

But squirrels are nice and graceful. They are fun creatures that just nibble a few acorns. Foxes are nasty creatures that destroy whole coups of chickens. Please don't misunderstand me, I don't particularly agree with DB farming animals but I don't think DB being on telly is a reason to boycott QVC. They sell many things I don't like in Waitrose, and that doesn't stop me buying the many things I DO like. Besides, where else would I get my Duchy Originals biscuits? I think DB is a fun character, like a pantomime villain, with his growling high-low voice and scintillating gnashers.

Hmm, I'm in two minds about this whole issue. A friend on a paper I write for used to go foxhunting. He told me that the foxes did not feel and pain. I asked him how he knew, since he is not a fox, and he told me that the foxes were snapped by dogs or shot. I guess he would know more about it than me. He's of a different class entirely to me. I just think it's interesting, the idea of the red jackets, procedures etc. I think they can still "hunt" an imaginary fox, so now no foxes are harmed on these hunts.
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Foxes destroy coups of chickens that aren't protected properly, so blame the owner of the chickens not the fox they're doing what comes naturally as are squirrels "the fun creatures" that steal baby birds out of their nests, they too are doing what comes naturally, also tell your friend to do his/her research, he'll be shocked as well as disgusted, dogs rip the fox to pieces while alive, so I've never heard anything so ridiculous, it would be funny "that a friend on a paper" (I'm thinking toilet paper or The Sun) would say these things without doing his/hers research, how funny is that if not so sad, as for squirrels I don't want to burst your bubble but er.............
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:mysmilie_454::mysmilie_467:..."toilet paper or The Sun" - nah, not classy enough for those...

Foxes destroy coups of chickens that aren't protected properly, so blame the owner of the chickens not the fox they're doing what comes naturally as are squirrels "the fun creatures" that steal baby birds out of their nests, they too are doing what comes naturally, also tell your friend to do his/her research, he'll be shocked as well as disgusted, dogs rip the fox to pieces while alive, so I've never heard anything so ridiculous, it would be funny "that a friend on a paper" (I'm thinking toilet paper or The Sun) would say these things without doing his/hers research, how funny is that if not so sad, as for squirrels I don't want to burst your bubble but er.............
donna, agree; so predictable, isn't it? (yawn)

I just don't believe that people should feel compelled to boycott a retailer just because they sell products from someone they don't like. You don't like everything they sell in a supermarket, do you? You probably don't approve of the ethics or production methods of all their suppliers, but why should this preclude you from shopping there?
I just don't believe that people should feel compelled to boycott a retailer just because they sell products from someone they don't like. You don't like everything they sell in a supermarket, do you? You probably don't approve of the ethics or production methods of all their suppliers, but why should this preclude you from shopping there?

I agree with you on this, Julius.

Life is full of choices but none of us are perfect and none of us can maintain the moral high ground 100% of the time. Our flaws don't make us accountable for the actions of others.
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Right now, I think human beings are doing much worse things to other human beings, such as bombing whole civilian populations, killing children through sanctions and funding oppressive regimes and puppet governments, not to mention building and selling weapons and jets without any thought to how they will be used, by whom and against whom. Profit is the name of the game. And war is good business right now.

I know some people will thInk this is off topic, but I think it's relevant.
Yes indeed we are the most barbaric species on the planet, but it's not either, or. We are capable of worrying for multiple things at the same time as we are caring for multiple things at the same time, we don't just pick one thing that concerns us and that's it, just like we can care about more things than one at the same time. Anyway, this topic has gone way off topic so that's the last I'll comment on it.
A certain young Lady I used to know kept on, and on at me to get her an animal skin jacket. Well after due care and consideration I did the deed and got the coat - it went down like a lead balloon on her birthday! I got her a DONKEY JACKET BOOM BOOM!!! The old n's are always the best - :mysmilie_17:
I don't think anyone should boycot QVC, what annoys me over the Basso situation is the way presenters push and push the fake fur aspect of basso as if he is such a lovely man which he isn't, I know that no presenter would ever take a stand over Basso.

To me it would be like a Beauty Brand selling Night Creams and Day Creams etc, not tested on Animals then another part of the company dripping acid into animals eyes.

So please don't boycot QVC, lets just make them accountable on this forum the good and bad of all shopping telly.
Well said Graham. I agree with you - however, I guess the outrage reaction is understandable. You know, sometimes in life people say 'oh I wish I hadn't read that' because I know feel the same after the initial lamb comment, and the visuals I had from reading the facts of Bassos trade. I dont know him, so I cannot comment on personality, but he seems a bit of a DIVA since seeing him in that hotel series about Claridges swanning up to his £1,200 a night piano suite, Im sure someone might feel compelled to spit in his fennel & celariac remoulade however...
But squirrels are nice and graceful. They are fun creatures that just nibble a few acorns. Foxes are nasty creatures that destroy whole coups of chickens. Please don't misunderstand me, I don't particularly agree with DB farming animals but I don't think DB being on telly is a reason to boycott QVC. They sell many things I don't like in Waitrose, and that doesn't stop me buying the many things I DO like. Besides, where else would I get my Duchy Originals biscuits? I think DB is a fun character, like a pantomime villain, with his growling high-low voice and scintillating gnashers.

Hmm, I'm in two minds about this whole issue. A friend on a paper I write for used to go foxhunting. He told me that the foxes did not feel and pain. I asked him how he knew, since he is not a fox, and he told me that the foxes were snapped by dogs or shot. I guess he would know more about it than me. He's of a different class entirely to me. I just think it's interesting, the idea of the red jackets, procedures etc. I think they can still "hunt" an imaginary fox, so now no foxes are harmed on these hunts.

Hmm so you think foxes aren't hunted nowadays. Not sure I believe that.
I used to be someone who was for a Boycott of Basso. Then I came to a slightly different conclusion. If he started to make more money from his faux fur sales than he did his fur designs, maybe he might close down the fur section as it was unprofitable. Its a long shot but you never know because trying the boycott angle has not worked nor got QVCs attention.
I agree with Graham, whilst the slaughter of unborn aminals is a disgusting thought, just to make clothes, this is a free country we live in, where we have freedom of both choice and speech ( well technically anyway).
Providing this forum can educate people into both the good and bad in any situation, we then then have the choice what to do with that information.
Boycotting QVC will not achieve anything, and it looks like boycotting Dessis Basso hasn't worked either, but at the end of the day it's people's choice if they buy into something like that especially if they know all the facts and still buy it.
One day, humans will realise that killing animals for vanity is not worth it - hopefully before it's not too late and some species become extinct !
Well don't worry, people! If you don't want any dead animals draped over your person there's always plenty of Michele Hope dusky pink stretchy lace numbers on offer. No cotton seeds were harmed in the making of them, for they are totally and utterly synthetic. You can wear them with some nice plastic shoes and a plastic belt. Lovely!
I boycott Basso because his designs are awful. If enough people didnt buy his stuff maybe Q would drop him. I can't see that happening though because people like fake fur and believe it is a good alternative to real fur. To me this shows a level of understanding in the UK at least that real fur wearing is a no no.
Well don't worry, people! If you don't want any dead animals draped over your person there's always plenty of Michele Hope dusky pink stretchy lace numbers on offer. No cotton seeds were harmed in the making of them, for they are totally and utterly synthetic. You can wear them with some nice plastic shoes and a plastic belt. Lovely!

People wear cotton,wool, why are you assuming oh they must wear Michelle Hope etc. If you don't like the opinions of others on this forum, then move along. Because you really seem to have a low opinion of the other forum members, if they disagree with you!!!
I have been here many years people come people go, some think they are end all of the forum and their opinions count more than others. Not the case.

I merely asked once which journalist university course you attended? You do love to tell us all about your childhood etc, didn't think it would hit a sore point.

But you do seem to have low opinion of many on here going by your comments if people do not agree with you. Post #96 deary.
I boycott Basso because his designs are awful. If enough people didnt buy his stuff maybe Q would drop him. I can't see that happening though because people like fake fur and believe it is a good alternative to real fur. To me this shows a level of understanding in the UK at least that real fur wearing is a no no.

So Dot are you saying that if you liked Basso's designs that you would buy them?

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