I'm going to have to stop reading posts regarding this matter from you, because I'm not going to lie, they really irritate and annoy me! You can't compare WW2 with gassing of animals today! Did we not learn nothing from fifty years ago?! But can't you understand that two wrongs don't make a right, and it is physically possible to care about more than one atrocity at once you know?! It doesn't have to be one or another, but the last thing I'm going to say to you about this is, humans aren't the better animal you know, far far from it, some humans are nasty, vile, barbaric, cruel, evil, WW2 for example, believe it or not animals kill for one thing and one thing only, for food! A badger won't kill a fox to wear it's fur. When an animal cuts, it bleeds so do we, the blood is red so is ours, they feel pain so do we, they feel fear so do we, they only kill for food so do............oh wait!