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I can't see either of the above items,the infamous error 404 showing again!
I thought this pick of the month would be another one that I didnt want
but I saw them talking about it this morning and when they mentioned it
covered redness and rosacea I am now tempted to try it esp with the free p&p
I did try the bare minerals redness remedy but it was absolute rubbish and I sent it back
Can anyone recommend this for redness or rosacea?
I've bought this BB. It is reducing the look of the redness across my cheeks but like every other primer I've tried my foundation isn't staying put all day...............
ps Shall I hang on until November to see if it's on easy pay or they don't combine two offers (free P&P + EP)?
Ops, I've just come back after placing my order.the first few were on easy pay and as this is a pricey one they might do so hold out if i was you
Great ideaThey seem to show the Pick of the Month at 8am and 8pm,so try this on 1st Nov.
As they are 50mls each, this is a really good deal. No, won't be on easy pay.
I own the 100mls of Nuit de Tuberose which I got a great deal on in SpaceNK.