Beauty Claims - For You


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I'm totally fed up with the claims made on beauty shows. Here is my anti-AY advice to anyone who is new to QVC in the hope that you won't waste as much cash as I did:

Elemis PCMC is NOT suitable for oily skin (even if you are over 40). It brings my combi menopausal skin out in spots. Ditto the rest of the Elemis range and most of Gatineau.

Genie and Freeze 24/7 do not work - snake oil in a jar!

And don't get me started on crystal nail files! Last week on the OPI shows, they were raving about their file (which I have and like). Then you watch a Leighton Denny show only to be told that his is the best. Wish they would make their bliddy minds up! I know they are only salespeople but I'm sick of the hard sell and the misleading advice.

I have discovered some gems on QVC but on the whole most of the skincare I have bought is no good. Doesn't live up to its claims and is not worth the money. I have since rediscovered Boots - any recommendations for actual literal over 40 combi skin?

Right - rant over! Must get a life and stop watching so much carp!
I agree 100% about the PCMC - though I'm not over 40 - it is definitely NOT suited to oily skin. In fact nothing from either Decleor or Elemis has ever made a blind bit of difference to my skin which as well as being oily is prone to blocked pores and breakouts.

BUT in defence of QVC, it was through them I discovered A'kin and Alpha-H both of which do work for me.

Prior to QVC, I was a Boots addict and spent a small fortune with them but never found anything there (either expensive, middle of the road or budget) which helped my skin either - so guess it's just trial and error till you find what suits you, and at least with QVC you have got the 30 day MBG for the more expensive mistakes....
Thanks, Gemster. Which Alpha H products in particular do you recommend for oily skin?
I'm 30 with oily skin and use PCMC along with the rest of the range. Admittedly I had spots to begin with but now no probs whatsoever. Suppose everyone is different??
Sorry but I totally have to disagree about the PCMC, I am over 40 with a combination, hormonal skin and always got spots on my chin but not since using PCMC, you really only need a small amount.

I think thats where the 30 day MBG comes in really useful with QVC because, yes they are salespeople and that is their job and not everything will suit everyone so I think everyone has to try things for themselves to see what works and what doesnt for them
QVC or should I say AY really push whatever brand they are presenting at the time. The advice is conflicting and everything will 'slot into your routine' so they make a sale. I should imagine not too many people send stuff back even though you have a 30 day money back guarantee because of the p+p charges, it makes me think twice before ordering.

It's very difficult recommending products when you can't see someones skin which is why tv shopping doesn't always work. You end up buying loads to try until you find the right product.

Menopausal/teenage/oily skin is due to homonal imbalances so a combination of things should be looked at such as diet, exercise and using supplements to help balance the hormones. Skin care should be kept simple.

It is very much trial and error but there are professionals out there who can also help too :happy:
Sorry but I totally have to disagree about the PCMC, I am over 40 with a combination, hormonal skin and always got spots on my chin but not since using PCMC, you really only need a small amount.

You could be me:grin: I have tried other moisturisers but they do cause breakouts so always go back to PCMC, it is about finding what suits you and at least you can send it back to QVC and just be out the postage rather than the cost of the whole item,

I also would never file my nails with anything but the Leighton Denny crystal file I have nails that tend to flake and this file does seem to help. Some people swear by OPI but nail envy ruined my nails and the polish lasts about 24 hours on me but I know that so no matter how tempted I am by the pretty colours I always resist because for me it would be a total waste of money.

Its not just QVC that make these claims go to any department store make up/skincare department and you will get the same spiel at the end of the day they are both there to sell a product not to provide a public service. Find out what suits you and then dont be tempted by that which you know doesnt just because some one on telly goes on about how wonderful it is
I couldn't agree more with what is said here: depends which product they are flogging on the show and that is the one you MUST NOT miss out on and its miraculous claims (they'll have you think it can do everything for you apart from pay your mortgage. Well of course not, you've spent the money already:wink:)
To stop us thinking they shove it down our throats 24/7, AY has the "don't buy it, if you won't benefit from it" mantra, but in the same breath continues to persuade us with every possible scenario, that after all you DO NEED IT and YOU WILL BENEFIT from it :headbang:.

With regards to the Alpha H, I have used it before and is effective in terms of keeping your skin smooth and fresh (the exfoliation), but it's formulated with alcohol (!) which is a very bad skin irritant.

Just as a suggestion if you want an alternative: I've really benefited myself from Paula's Choice which is now sold in UK as well ( I also have combination skin and had problems with breakouts, used Paula's Choice CLEAR Targeted Blemish Relief Toner, which is a BHA exfoliant and (ordered from her US site) the CLEAR Extra Strength Acne Fighting Treatment (•Contains 5% benzoyl peroxide).

After regular use of these two in less then two months my skin was absolutely clear! Now I can use PCM (not that I do, but had small tube an was fine, without braking out) and I now use melatogenine (which I couldn't ever imagine of doing before). Very pleased. Best of all she is not expensive. The BHA bottle 118ml is only around £19, lasts at least 2-3 months of daily use. Here is a link:

p.s. Oh dear, I hope I don't sound like I work for her (trust me I don't), it's just that I got rid of troubled skin through regular use of some of her products.
Thanks, Gemster. Which Alpha H products in particular do you recommend for oily skin?

Hi Ciociaria, from Alpha H I use the balancing cleanser (every night and morning) and liquid gold 3 nights a week. The liquid gold is quite a serious glycolic treatment though so you need to be very careful, make sure you do a patch test for a few nights running & make sure you have no reactions before slapping it all over the facial area. (they do not make this clear on QVC at all which really annoys me!!!)

On my non-Liquid Gold nights I use A'kin Rosehip Oil as my moisturiser - sounds strange putting an oil on oily skin but it has really helped balance it - unlike the decleor oils which are 3 times the price and did nowt for me! In the mornings I use Ultrasun SPF30 for face (no other moisturisers). But I'm mid 30's and thanks to my oily skin I don't have any lines or wrinkles other than a few very fine lines round my eyes, so I don't need heavy duty moisturisers or anti-ageing products.
I adore the leighton denny crystal nail file and have had the one I use for age. Fantastic, gentle and effective so that was a fab discovery for me, can't use the majority of the sikincare sold on QVC though and gave up buying ages ago.
i have combination skin, prone to breakouts and i've used PCMC for a while now with great results. I think it really does depend on the individua. x
Thanks, Gemster. Which Alpha H products in particular do you recommend for oily skin?

the cleansers are good in alpha-h for all skin types and are perfume free so tend not to irritate my hormonal skin. love alpha-h liquid gold but the most effective moisturiser is the rejuvinating cream this zaps my very occasional spot in hours of using it is an excellent moisturiser for all skin types if you can use glycolics.

pro collagen by elemis is very perfumed as is decleor and clarins fed up with high end products giving me breakouts so stick to alpha-h no perfume or excessive use of essential oils some of which are irritants.
I've only recently started using Alpha H due to menopausal skin issues, and am really impressed.

I use the Balancing Cleanser night and morning, Liquid Gold 2-3 nights a week, the Balancing Moisturiser (with Gentle Exfoliant) during the day and I love, love, love the Liquid Gold Smoothing and Perfecting Mask once or twice a week.

So far, so good .... no break outs and lovely soft clear skin.
I have found PCMC works for me but I am totally on board with the sentiment behind this thread as I think QVC are not that great when it comes to giving a full picture of a product (which is mad when you consider the massive opportunity they have with an on-air presentation - most beauty counters on online retailers must manage to give a much more informed explanation without the on-air opportunities!)

The range I am loving at the moment is A'kin as I have found it really normalises and hydrates my skin. It is a range I would recommend anyone try, particularly if they have anti-aging concerns and/or any breakouts.

re: crystal nail files, I stumbled across them years ago, long before they were available on QVC and have found that they are all pretty much the same thing, with the only difference being the size or in the case of LD's new black ones, the colour (and sometimes if they have a little diamante on them!!!).
I love the tripke action cleanser by alpha h i also like the balancing moisturizer theres a grat kit u can get on qvc i also sware by philosophy hope in a bottle it drys in seconds and skin feels super soft. Tho at the moment i use ultrasun 30
I have a mild roseaca and my skin loves Elemis. BUT, there are certain items from the range I would not go near. The Tri Em stuff for a start, the Papaya makes me itch like mad, yet it is suppose to be so gentle. Give me my Clarisonic. I do not have dry skin earlier even though I have started the menopause.

Never tried A'Kin for the simple fact my skin hates anything with rose oil. It breaks me out, yet people with mature and or sensitive skin swear by it.

Alpha H, another range I would never go near. Jabba's daughter had a major problem with it and her skin broke out so badly she had to go see a doctor. I thought if that happened to her no chance for me with roseaca.

Gatineau the only things I really loved were the Throat Gel, until I discovered you are suppose to actually use a cream over it. Too expensive, for then having to buy a neck cream. I swear by the Clientele one, but buy for half the price on ebay. Also loved the 400ml size of bottle scrub they made. Then of course they discontinued it and bought out this twice the price and half the size product which was improved.

AY in the old days used to do her beauty shows in a white coat looking all professional. No doubt to convince the viewers I am the beauty expert trust me. I will take your calls and give you advice what you need to use. As someone else in a thread said she bangs on about how many years she had been in the beauty industry. But when was the last time she did a re train to get the latest technics and products. If QVC doesn't sell it no way will she recommend a product. That means she is a sa, just the same as the ones you see standing in Boots or a department store. AY is there to sell whatever brand is on just like the women/men at the cosmetic counter they work for. They will not send you to another counter to buy something, its all about their sales figures.
I'm ashamed to admit I'm one of the ones who was sucked in by all the claims AY made when I first watched QVC. She's definitely not without skincare knowledge - but at the same time is just a saleswoman and therefore has to big up whatever she's flogging at the time.

I think for me, the biggest thing that made me reverse the 'What The Chuff?' Bus back a couple of stops was when (and it's been discussed on here loads) she claimed a particular Alpha H product would peel off your dark eye circles. That was the moment for me when I thought 'you're just talking through your ladygarden...'

I mean I have picked up some useful advice and the odd good beauty brand from QVC - but I'm much more savvy now about where I buy from and shop around. I can get my A'Kin cheaper elsewhere and know that there are other beauty brands besides QVC ones that will suit my skin.
I can't believe that putting umpteen different products on at once can do anything but cause some chemical reaction thereby meaning you then have to buy more 'beauty problem solvers' to sort it out- perhaps that's their ploy?????

Honestly, cleanser, moisturiser, lip balm, sunscreen, fresh air and eating your greens is all you need.
I can't believe that putting umpteen different products on at once can do anything but cause some chemical reaction thereby meaning you then have to buy more 'beauty problem solvers' to sort it out- perhaps that's their ploy?????

Honestly, cleanser, moisturiser, lip balm, sunscreen, fresh air and eating your greens is all you need.

Plus a good night's sleep, drinking lots of water, and keeping your b@wels regular :giggle:

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