BCC Charity Auction


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Apparently. BBC has okayed the Q's actions to ensure the charity doesn't lose out. Whilst it still got the clogau pendant (£1000) to raffle off, it did lose out on the JC auction. QVC should have made good on this, imo.

They would find it difficult to do other than ok it since the event is a big window to the world for them, wouldd be hard to get a full evening air time for free so no matter what they might think they will put on a face to the public. They are very much between a rock and a hard place, but should never ever have been in the position by Q.
Having read the 'Crowngate resurrected' thread, and since I, and probably a lot of other people were not aware of the BCC charity auction or the Crown auction, I decided I would try and find information about both things. I have found a statement posted on Facebook by QVC, part of which I give below:

"We have raised over £5 million for Breast Cancer Care over the last 15 years and are planning to support them for years to come, as it is a charity that is very important to us. This matter has been resolved in agreement with Breast Cancer Care and we will not be commenting any further on the matter. Any comments we see on this topic will be removed in line with this."

People were moaning that their posts had been removed in spite of the last sentence of the above statement. Why can't people accept what the statement says, that QVC admit an error was made and that the matter has been resolved with Breast Cancer Care? QVC does not have to explain itself further to those who cannot let it go and these people who are expecting some revelation will probably be waiting in vain. An unpleasant witch hunt in my opinion.
Having read the 'Crowngate resurrected' thread, and since I, and probably a lot of other people were not aware of the BCC charity auction or the Crown auction, I decided I would try and find information about both things. I have found a statement posted on Facebook by QVC, part of which I give below:

"We have raised over £5 million for Breast Cancer Care over the last 15 years and are planning to support them for years to come, as it is a charity that is very important to us. This matter has been resolved in agreement with Breast Cancer Care and we will not be commenting any further on the matter. Any comments we see on this topic will be removed in line with this."

People were moaning that their posts had been removed in spite of the last sentence of the above statement. Why can't people accept what the statement says, that QVC admit an error was made and that the matter has been resolved with Breast Cancer Care? QVC does not have to explain itself further to those who cannot let it go and these people who are expecting some revelation will probably be waiting in vain. An unpleasant witch hunt in my opinion.

Nice of you to stir things up again which i assume is your only reason for posting this .
Most of the previous posts are about BCC losing £2000 for the Clogau item.

The crown lost BCC about £9500, as they got £1000 for it, and it cost £10,500 to make it (this is what QVC said it was worth).

I am NOT satisfied with QVC just sweeping all this under the carpet, with a secret settlement with BCC.

I genuinely wanted the crown, and would have paid over £1000 for it, but I was denied the chance, as it went to an insider yet again.
I think QVC underestimate the strength of feelings this caused at the time and shutting down future discussion just made it worse. I'd put it on a par with rigged competitions and prize draws being investigated, but there was no obvious investigation by an independent body. If QVC had submitted to an inquiry by a 3rd party then the matter could have been put to bed. The fact that BCC went along with QVC may have more to do with maintaining their annual fundraiser on the channel and minimising negative publicity. This fiasco annoys me more than the Tea and Joan Collins debacle because after days of build up, saying how valuable the crown was, there was nothing to prompt bids during the BCC event. Had they stated the crown had been withdrawn as an auction lot, that too would have been a better outcome. They could have rescheduled an auction for their next charity day or Founders day. From Q's point of view they can do what the like, it's their rules. However they can't prevent the speculation that this kind of this prompts and it turns into yet another PR own goal by Q.
It's one thing to say the matter has been resolved with BCC but it doesn't do anything to reassure people that it won't happen again and there's no apology. Stopping people talking about it is counter productive if people feel things have been covered up. Q won't stop speculation until they are more transparent.
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Hence the "own goal" comment, we wouldn't still be speculating if QVC had adequately explained what had happened.
Without wanting to come over as too political... transparency and accountability are meaningless to a large profit making company. QVC is not a public sector body. The only reason companies like that do charity events at all is to make them appear good and for tax advantage. Why is anyone surprised by their actions? Of course they are going to stifle debate as much as they can. It makes them look bad. Disgusting. Yes I buy from them, but only because other shops and the companies that own them are no different and I just buy the stuff I need from whoever.

Miss Ellie in the past I have had some sympathy for how others have responded to you (but please do not infer from that that I necessarily agreed with you). Your thread is just s**t -stirring now. Give it a rest.
Having read the 'Crowngate resurrected' thread, and since I, and probably a lot of other people were not aware of the BCC charity auction or the Crown auction, I decided I would try and find information about both things. I have found a statement posted on Facebook by QVC, part of which I give below:

"We have raised over £5 million for Breast Cancer Care over the last 15 years and are planning to support them for years to come, as it is a charity that is very important to us. This matter has been resolved in agreement with Breast Cancer Care and we will not be commenting any further on the matter. Any comments we see on this topic will be removed in line with this."

People were moaning that their posts had been removed in spite of the last sentence of the above statement. Why can't people accept what the statement says, that QVC admit an error was made and that the matter has been resolved with Breast Cancer Care? QVC does not have to explain itself further to those who cannot let it go and these people who are expecting some revelation will probably be waiting in vain. An unpleasant witch hunt in my opinion.

How DARE you say that I, and fellow posters are on an unpleasant witch hunt. You have annoyed the hell out of me with your posts but in an attempt to be civil I have held back but NO MORE . You have really got my back up now and as WG says you are a total **** stirrer.

Sorry folks.
NO ! I will give my opinion just like everyone else and I won't stop because you don't like it! It's pathetic to accuse and attack me because I put forward a perfectly legitimate view which you cannot stand because it doesn't agree with your conspiracy theories and cynical accusations. I have a different view to the loudest voices on here but that doesn't make me wrong, nor my view invalid. Any unpleasantness is caused by others.
NO ! I will give my opinion just like everyone else and I won't stop because you don't like it! It's pathetic to accuse and attack me because I put forward a perfectly legitimate view which you cannot stand because it doesn't agree with your conspiracy theories and cynical accusations. I have a different view to the loudest voices on here but that doesn't make me wrong, nor my view invalid. Any unpleasantness is caused by others.

Always someone else, never you
If I keep adding names to my ignore list of those who persist in attacking and abusing me, there will probably be hardly anything left to read. If you could 'hear' yourselves attacking me, it sounds like a mob mentality. I do not follow the herd and have a right to my view. I read the 'Crowngate resurrected' thread and I was trying to find out more information about it and came across QVC's statement regarding the BCC auction. Some of the posts were awful from people who just could not accept what they were being told. I actually believe that if you have a problem with QVC, and do not believe the explanation given for a situation, then do something about it! Boycott the channel and report them to an appropriate body for investigation.
If I keep adding names to my ignore list of those who persist in attacking and abusing me, there will probably be hardly anything left to read. If you could 'hear' yourselves attacking me, it sounds like a mob mentality. I do not follow the herd and have a right to my view. I read the 'Crowngate resurrected' thread and I was trying to find out more information about it and came across QVC's statement regarding the BCC auction. Some of the posts were awful from people who just could not accept what they were being told. I actually believe that if you have a problem with QVC, and do not believe the explanation given for a situation, then do something about it! Boycott the channel and report them to an appropriate body for investigation.

Doesn't the fact you're Ignoring everyone tell you something about your trolling and antagonistic behaviour?..............oh wait! you probably won't see this comment having been blocked by you too (shock!)
How DARE you say that I, and fellow posters are on an unpleasant witch hunt. You have annoyed the hell out of me with your posts but in an attempt to be civil I have held back but NO MORE . You have really got my back up now and as WG says you are a total **** stirrer.

Sorry folks.

Don't apologise LATA! All you've done is tell the truth.
Internet Troll
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

I rest my case, nothing else needs to be said.

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