Banned from Rocks TV


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PHEW!!!!! OK, paranoid android put away, and back to pink fluffy sparkliness!! hee hee!!! :)


PR, i'm sure everyone will agree that your posts in the chat cheer people up and are very amusing. Who can forget the adventures of Rok and the time you and ValleyGirl became presenters in chat, very entertaining, if only chat was like that now.:mysmilie_61:
It would be a bore to talk about jewellery all of the time but I do accept that this is the main objective of this channel. At the same time, a little off topic chat is OK for me too. I am a nurse but i don't like to get too involved in the health issues discussed. Some of the advice given out from some chatters to others beggars belief and could be very bad for people. However, we all have friends on there and having a bit of a chat adds to the enjoyment and a chance to catch up. The problem seems to be that the proportion of off topic chat can be a lot higher than gem chatting. I am a culprit, any chance to talk pointe shoes and tutu's and my mouth runs away with me!

Love reading Mira and PR's comments though, two of my favourite ladies in fact :)

Inge xx
I've stopped going into chat apart from the very occasional comment/question exactly because of the aforementioned points. I'm sure it has stopped quite a few old timers from joining in.
Of course you can't talk about jewellery all of the time and an occasional 'how are you' conversation is natural, but it has really got out of hand recently and I'm fairly sure the current state of chat is not what the Bennetts had intended. They lost a potentially very lucrative magazine article because of the topics on chat at one point. They've tried to stop it and also tried to ban requests from chat in the past, but I notice that there are now many requests (some in capitals!) and a lot of whinging even though there is no longer any interaction with the presenters. The loss of interaction might well be one of the reasons for the current state of chat and I think it has, therefore, lost a lot of its relevance. I'm very pleased they've brought back the opt out button, though I do often watch with the sound off so really appreciate Mira's contributions.
My own observation of chat on Rocks (and chat rooms in general) strikes me that the people who constantly dominate them to offload about personal issues must be quite lonely, insecure or occasionally just downright attention seekers. Sorry if that offends anyone but having been involved in various forums for quite a few years I have found this often to be the case and that is why I can't be bothered to get involved and plough through all the self obsessed drivel.

i agree its all the health stuff and life story doom and gloom stuff thats the worst. I am sure that there are chat rooms set up where people can go and talk about those sorts of things if they want to. A jewellery shopping site to me is somewhere to go to cheer yourself up, perhaps treat yourself, forget about probs etc, not get dragged down by other peoples. I don't mean that in a nasty way but i just think it should be fun and enjoyable. funny posts like princess racers couldn't depress anyone

:mysmilie_34:Now I'm feeling paranoid!,:mysmilie_81: as I have health issues! and of late Marge1 lost her mother, and I lost my stepson on new years eve (yet to his have funeral)...if people ask what can you do.. (sorry guys feeling sorry for myself today) and hope I don't and havn't offended anyone in chat with my doom and gloom..

To try cheer myself up I'm there in chat everyday, I join in chat with the measurements I've always done..It helps keep me sane.:mysmilie_701:

Love Mirabelle x
I've stopped going into chat apart from the very occasional comment/question exactly because of the aforementioned points. I'm sure it has stopped quite a few old timers from joining in.
Of course you can't talk about jewellery all of the time and an occasional 'how are you' conversation is natural, but it has really got out of hand recently and I'm fairly sure the current state of chat is not what the Bennetts had intended. They lost a potentially very lucrative magazine article because of the topics on chat at one point. They've tried to stop it and also tried to ban requests from chat in the past, but I notice that there are now many requests (some in capitals!) and a lot of whinging even though there is no longer any interaction with the presenters. The loss of interaction might well be one of the reasons for the current state of chat and I think it has, therefore, lost a lot of its relevance. I'm very pleased they've brought back the opt out button, though I do often watch with the sound off so really appreciate Mira's contributions.

Oooooo that drives me potty!!!! We have been told about a gazillion times that there is no formal request process just now. The presenters, because they are good people, and off their own backs, have invited people to email them with requests, and as I understand it, they are going back to people saying whether they are able to put them on and when they will put them on, so I don't see the need to put requests in chat, or to whinge about it. The presenters don't HAVE to do this - they are doing us a favour, so why can't people show their gratitude rather than their disdain?

Even if it's taking presenters a few days to come back to people, where's the issue? It's not like we are ordering medical supplies and someone is going to die if we don't get our request straight away is it? And if we are after a specific item for a birthday or something, then we need to send our emails earlier so that Rocks have time to deal with them.

This is still FAR more than we have the ability to do with any other channel, and is without question a unique selling point for Rocks.

I think we all need to remember this, stop acting like spoilt brats and have some patience!!!
To try cheer myself up I'm there in chat everyday, I join in chat with the measurements I've always done..It helps keep me sane.:mysmilie_701:

You're very helpful with the measurements Mirabelle - the people I was referring to are those that talk amongst themselves on things that other posters can't really join in with as it's nothing to do with them, hence the MSN comment earlier!

Or wittering on & on (& on!) about something that really only warrants a passing comment or two, if that - the other night one or two were going on about corsets or something for bl**dy ages, they kept it going long after the initial amusing comments were posted & after about half an hour of it, it was really starting to p*ss me off tbh!

There are a few posters on there (Mirabelle, Purpledreams etc.) who prevent it from turning too cliquey but as chat has got busier of late, it does seem to be teetering on the verge of falling into the grip of such!

Also, the constant 'Don't like this!' & 'Yuk!' comments are getting a bit out of hand - I occasionally say I might have preferred something in plain silver, not plated or whatever but some of them are just plain bl**dy rude!

Here endeth the rant! :mysmilie_61:
I agree, Kitten!! I have gotten to the stage where I delete those kinds of comments because I think it is darned well inappropriate and rude. OK, you don't like it. No need to go on and on and on about it!!!!!
Its the request all the time that annoy me (thought i'd join in with the rants) they know there is no request system, but they still go on and on and on and on! They think if they shout loud enough they'll get their own way, just like my nephews lol.

The charms hour was like that, I wanted certain charms too, but I didnt shout in chat about it constantly. Anyway, I am really happy I got the pink tourmaline earrings I wanted last night woooo hooooo!!! And got lovely amethyst earrings for my sister in law (her birthstone) as its her birthday on the 8th. Just hope they arrive in time!!!
:mysmilie_34:Now I'm feeling paranoid!,:mysmilie_81: as I have health issues! and of late Marge1 lost her mother, and I lost my stepson on new years eve (yet to his have funeral)...if people ask what can you do.. (sorry guys feeling sorry for myself today) and hope I don't and havn't offended anyone in chat with my doom and gloom..

To try cheer myself up I'm there in chat everyday, I join in chat with the measurements I've always done..It helps keep me sane.:mysmilie_701:

Love Mirabelle x

Mirabelle, the main thing i have noticed about your posts on chat when i've been watching rockstv is that they are helpful! You put helpful info regarding the rockstv site or jewellery being shown, they should pay you a wage! :)
Hi all

do you think it would be an appropriate time to ask a few of our regular customers who both chat and also buy jewellery, to modorate the chat? Give them a few functions that can delete posts and maybe a different colour box so that people know they are moderators.

The chat is of course there to help each other talk about jewellery and although we don't mind it going off topic a little, it is really important that the key focus is jewellery discussion. Mirabelle's posts about lengths are really appreciated and i can't thank her enough for all of her hard work (although i am working on a very special little gift for her right now, that should be ready by easter)

Any feedback is welcome


Steve hon I really admire your tact and diplomacy :mysmilie_12: when I'm sure you really just want to say 'belt up with all the tedious personal drivel'.........:mysmilie_11::mysmilie_61: Sx
Just catching up with this thread. As a once rockholic I used to love the chat and spent hours each day chatting and buying as many of you know! Recently I have been on and off but not for long as the chat is just not what it used to be. Its very sad considering how we all had a good laugh and banter on chat once!

It may be worth a go to get chatters as moderators - I believe that happens here on ST. I am sure the chat room could still have value if people stuck to the rules you set for it. I tired to draw attention to it recently when it was way off gems topics and got a very negative response as everyone went into defensive mode!! :mysmilie_81:

As most people seem to see it as a USP for RocksTv it is probably worth your while to persevere.:mysmilie_318:
Sounds good to me Steve, especially after I came in to see chat about someone's hubby sleeping with her mother, I quietly slipped away again - lol. Personally, I don't care about off topic but do want it to be humorous. Maybe, if it wouldn't be too much of a pain, trying the second room again could possibly work this time if you have moderators. That way, anyone who is shopping and also in need of offloading could shut up or move over. I expect those genuinely in need would soon get the hang of it, if there was no other option. Whilst of course it's not your job to provide counselling facilities, there are folk who clearly need this kind of chat. I suspect once they have offloaded, they can then move on to the serious task of shopping with a clearer head. :mysmilie_698:

Once again PPC, I find myself in the strange position of agreeing with you - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> :mysmilie_61:
Could the Mods have the ability to move , off topic discussions to another room ?? That might help . Personally Im a lurker I dont really join in the chat but I do very much appreciate Mirrabelle and PRs info re stone lengths and types of jewelery . A bit of off topic humour , and banter or personal news is fun to readand welcome BUT i dont like the turgid details of peoples physical love lifes or bowel functions.
Could the Mods have the ability to move , off topic discussions to another room ?? That might help . Personally Im a lurker I dont really join in the chat but I do very much appreciate Mirrabelle and PRs info re stone lengths and types of jewelery . A bit of off topic humour , and banter or personal news is fun to readand welcome BUT i dont like the turgid details of peoples physical love lifes or bowel functions.

Even worse when they intertwine! <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

:mysmilie_81: xxxxx
Even worse when they intertwine! <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>

:mysmilie_81: xxxxx

If I was a moderator you'd have been banned long ago.... :D
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