I have this, the new incarantion, all singing all dancing, with knobs on-literally.
Anyway, I love it, I wish I could fuse the damn thing to my back and walk around with it all day.
I started at level one which I found quite comfortable because I'm fairly flexble to begin with.I have fallen asleep for hours on level one.
I recently advanced to level two, that is a PROPER stretch and I can only do that for half an hour at a time. I dont feel I could advance to level 3 for at least 6 months to a year,not until level two feels as comfortable for me as level one does.
The results??
Well, I'm definitely more conscious of correct posture in my day to day life. Any back niggles I may have are immediately alleviated after a go on this.
Also, I don't know if this is related but a few weeks back a male friend asked me if I'd gotten taller, I was wearing flat boots. At the time I didn't even connect in my mind that it might have something to do with the Back Magic, but it could be, who knows?
Anyway, this has been a really useful bit of kit for me, I wouldn't be without it.