AY: Anyone else wonder...


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alter ego

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Jul 6, 2008
What the brand experts really think when they hear AY describe herself as a "beauty expert"?

I'm just sitting here, watching the Alpha H show and have been quite (pleasantly) surprised that she's not talked over Michelle and Tom quite as loudly and stridently as she usually does with other guests. I did wonder what they thought when she started on her self-proclaimed expert routine, though. Wish she'd shut up and learn from the real experts instead of spouting bollocks in the hope of more sales!

As an aside, I'm a recent convert to Alpha H and have loved everything I've tried so far. I'm enjoying listening to M & T explain how the items work and some of the technology behind them. I'd read a paper a while back on why antioxidents should be used under spf products and heard Michelle recommend this in the form of their Vitamin C serum on the morning show. This is the first time I've seen it explained mainstream and was quite impressed - I know some people would probably roll their eyes and think it yet another product to add to their regime, but Michelle explained rather than hard sold.

Realising now why Alpha H has such a devoted following and extremely happy to have discovered the range directly through members here. Thank you :happy:.
I agree about the Alpha H shows, I come away understanding a little more about the products from every show, whereas the other "experts" like Fiona, Keeley and Alexis rely heavily on their loyal following and buzz words and phrases.
On the Anniversary show Michelle mentioned that she goes to dermatological conferences that are cutting edge and that the last one was in February in Italy that she went to (it was said in March). I'm very impressed that Alpha H have the niacinamide in their skincare at high 5% that I first discovered in Strivectin at 8% and was blown away by the results but Strivectin is not affordable unless I find it in TKMaxx.
We never hear of Alison attending conferences or retraining courses. Maybe she does, but I think we'd hear about it if she did.
AY has got a lot better with Michelle Alpha H, or maybe the other way round! AY used to do her normal thing over talking over Michelle with useless small talk about how you could split a set into presents or whatever, and on one particular show you could see Michelle getting almost upset by it.

Anyway, as time has gone on Michelle has just adopted the approach of interrupting AY (and other offenders such as Jill Franks) after they've interrupted her to get back onto the useful points she was making about the products. Go Michelle!

I'm probably biased as I'm an Alpha H junkie but I do believe that Michelle and Tom are two of the best beauty guests. They know their products absolutely inside out, don't use any stupid buzzwords like Keeley Elemis or Fiona Decleor bang on about, they just talk abo the products, the ingredients, who they're suitable for, they're a joy to listen to.
Alison Young is a beauty show presenter, not a beauty "expert". If she's constantly referring to her career thirty years ago, I'm pretty sure if she'd attended any refresher coursers recently, we'd be the first to hear about it, constantly.
I notice in the "Vaseline" trailer (as it has become known in our house) she is not only an expert but WORKS WITH BRANDS TO DEVELOP PRODUCTS. - not that really is stretching it - imagine if you went into H of F etc and the girl behind the counter came out with that?
I always enjoy the Alpha H shows even though l am yet to try the products. I really like both Michelle and Tom, both are informative and above all else do not patronise the viewer. I find their shows very relaxing and calming. Both of them have really nice gentle voices. They are a pleasure to watch.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but about a week ago, AY was on with Fiona from Decléor and she took over at the head of the treatment bed. She poured getting on for a teaspoonful of Aromessence oil into her hand area to apply to the model area and Fiona was quite taken aback. Fiona stresses you only need 3 small drops (dabs, in fact) on your fingertips to apply to the face and surely if anyone was going to encourage people to use more of the product (at over £40 a bottle) so they buy more, she would. OK, there can be different ways to use a product but AY just had to go too far. Surely, Fiona knows more about Decléor products and their use than Alison?
Qualified in googling.

Honestly, what does she know that anyone couldn't google? The tips she just gave about applying fake tan were laughably basic.
Urgh! She's just taken over Tom's presentation of Liquid Gold. AY took a cotton pad with liquid gold on and rubbed it over her own hand, and then used the very same cotton pad all over Courtney's face. Poor Courtney!

Qualifications? I don't think so! Hygiene is one of the most basic things a therapist should know. Dear oh dear.
I could scream at Alison Young, for what she says. I got diagnosed with Vitamin D Deficiency last week, I don't like sitting in the sun anyway, but Alison banging on at people to stay out of the evil sun. The doctor told me I need to get 20 minutes of sun on my skin between 12 and 5pm. So her and Abbi Cleeves preaching the fear into people not to go in the sun unprotected, the doctor said that Vit D deficiency is getting more and more common in this country because of sun care. Obviously she said not to burn and protect yourself the rest of the time, but you do need sun on your skin at some time during summer so your body can make the Vit D, I'm just letting people know what the doctor said and what has happened to me. It makes you tired all the time and your bones and muscles ache, just because I lack Vit D. I'm on tablets now but I just wanted to let you know, that protecting yourself all day, every day is just as bad as getting some sun on your arms.
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I started off with a kit containing Liquid Gold, but the first Alpha H product I actually used was the Balancing Cleanser - which is lovely... really soothing but refreshing. Much lighter than either Liz Earle C&P or Elemis Pro-Radiance Cream cleanser. If you are nervous about trying this brand, I would say that the Balancing Cleanser would be a great place to start.

Once I began using Liquid Gold (I don't use it constantly, rather as a boost for a week or so), I appreciated the smoothness and softness of my skin the morning after. For some people it may be necessary to moisturise, but best to do that after giving the product some time to work. I've heard AY say this, but also Caroline Hirons the beauty blogger who is no-nonsense and tells it like it is.

Before I started listening to what Michelle and Tom had to say, my first idea was that it was just a brand for people who have specific skincare issues, particularly with oily skins. Having experienced the products on my mainly dry and quite sensitive skin, I can vouch for the fact that (provided you choose carefully) there are plenty of products in the range which are suitable for sensitive skins. There is no "fluff and puff" to quote Michelle. These are straightforward people fronting a straightforward brand. They tell you what the ingredients are there for - what kind of effect they are intended to have. They let the products and the effect on the skin and lives of their customers do the talking.

I think it's great that QVC have such a wide range of beauty product to suit all tastes, and give a platform to the brand to explain their products. Michelle and Tom are in the rare category where they actually do explain their products rather than simply talk about how to apply them.

Anyway, I've rambled on enough. I am a fan...
I could slap Alison Young, for what she says. I got diagnosed with Vitamin D Deficiency last week, I don't like sitting in the sun anyway, but Alison banging on at people to stay out of the evil sun. The doctor told me I need to get 20 minutes of sun on my skin between 12 and 5pm. So her and Abbi Cleeves preaching the fear into people not to go in the sun unprotected, the doctor said that Vit D deficiency is getting more and more common in this country because of sun care. Obviously she said not to burn and protect yourself the rest of the time, but you do need sun on your skin at some time during summer so your body can make the Vit D, I'm just letting people know what the doctor said and what has happened to me. It makes you tired all the time and your bones and muscles ache, just because I lack Vit D. I'm on tablets now but I just wanted to let you know, that protecting yourself all day, every day is just as bad as getting some sun on your arms.

I had a text from my GP just yesterday advising me to top up my vitamin D by getting out in the sunshine for 20-30 minutes a day (but be sun-safe). The exact wording: "As summer is approaching - we recommend you top up your vitamin D level. Sitting in the sun for 20-30 minutes can achieve up to 10,000 units of vitamin D. Please be careful of over-exposure to the sun if you have fair skin." I'm sure my GP surgery can't be the only one issuing such advice to patients. I think with all the advocates of higher and higher SPF making people too scared to go in the sun, there is a real risk that we all become deficient in vitamin D, with the kind of symptoms you describe, Shopperholic. Dod you experience balance problems? A friend of mine did. She does go out in the sun (and tans easily) but she was severely deficient anyway - enough to be put on mega-doses of a vitamin D supplement.

Sometimes the advice we get given is so contradictory it's no wonder we make mistakes about what's the best thing to do...
I had a text from my GP just yesterday advising me to top up my vitamin D by getting out in the sunshine for 20-30 minutes a day (but be sun-safe). The exact wording: "As summer is approaching - we recommend you top up your vitamin D level. Sitting in the sun for 20-30 minutes can achieve up to 10,000 units of vitamin D. Please be careful of over-exposure to the sun if you have fair skin." I'm sure my GP surgery can't be the only one issuing such advice to patients. I think with all the advocates of higher and higher SPF making people too scared to go in the sun, there is a real risk that we all become deficient in vitamin D, with the kind of symptoms you describe, Shopperholic. Dod you experience balance problems? A friend of mine did. She does go out in the sun (and tans easily) but she was severely deficient anyway - enough to be put on mega-doses of a vitamin D supplement.

Sometimes the advice we get given is so contradictory it's no wonder we make mistakes about what's the best thing to do...

First off I apologise, I changed slap Alison to scream as I didn't want to come across as aggressive, but it annoys me as I don't want anyone in my position that could be avoided, the resident "beauty expert" is giving bad advice. Yes I did feel very light headed but thought it was my ears, I seen the doctor because I was tired all the time, she wanted blood tests and that's what came back, I don't go out in the sun because I hate the heat, so that's how I've got it but people will get it by not letting the natural rays touch their skin for twenty minutes, something Alison Young doesn't want you to know whilst hard selling Ultrasun, I'm on tablets but Vit D deficiency can lead to other complications too, does your friend wear an SPF? Maybe that's how she got it, the suns not getting through.

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