Anne Dawson


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As a fellow Scot, Anne is a very nice lady but "you know" is very much a Scottish thing in and around the west coast, it does not offend me in the slightest, but there are many English expressions that do, so I would urge the English on here to priceed with caution. Look to yourselves first before saying these things. you often behave as if you are in some way superior, trust me you are not.

I wish Anne would change her hair colour though. What always surprises me is that Anne has been a very successful business woman, highly intelligent yet she works on QVC. I love watching her, she does not talk down to people, she has far more grace and brains than many fellow presenters.
As a fellow Scot, Anne is a very nice lady but "you know" is very much a Scottish thing in and around the west coast, it does not offend me in the slightest, but there are many English expressions that do, so I would urge the English on here to priceed with caution. Look to yourselves first before saying these things. you often behave as if you are in some way superior, trust me you are not.

I wish Anne would change her hair colour though. What always surprises me is that Anne has been a very successful business woman, highly intelligent yet she works on QVC. I love watching her, she does not talk down to people, she has far more grace and brains than many fellow presenters.
This is so true, I don't even notice 'you know' as it is said so much up here!!!
As a fellow Scot, Anne is a very nice lady but "you know" is very much a Scottish thing in and around the west coast, it does not offend me in the slightest, but there are many English expressions that do, so I would urge the English on here to priceed with caution. Look to yourselves first before saying these things. you often behave as if you are in some way superior, trust me you are not.

I wish Anne would change her hair colour though. What always surprises me is that Anne has been a very successful business woman, highly intelligent yet she works on QVC. I love watching her, she does not talk down to people, she has far more grace and brains than many fellow presenters.
Jackie Kabler gets on my nerves saying "Em" all the time.
The expression 'You know' is said all over the English speaking world. There's nothing really wrong with it, unless someone keeps saying it, time after time. Anne Dawson, being a seasoned presenter should have the verbal skills to cut back her 'You know's'. Also her 'absolutely gorgeous' which she says about everything.
As a fellow Scot, Anne is a very nice lady but "you know" is very much a Scottish thing in and around the west coast, it does not offend me in the slightest, but there are many English expressions that do, so I would urge the English on here to priceed with caution. Look to yourselves first before saying these things. you often behave as if you are in some way superior, trust me you are not.

I wish Anne would change her hair colour though. What always surprises me is that Anne has been a very successful business woman, highly intelligent yet she works on QVC. I love watching her, she does not talk down to people, she has far more grace and brains than many fellow presenters.
Thank you for your advice. However, I have worked very hard to improve my diction and soften my accent. Your advice does not change how very aggravating I find Anne Dawson's (who is supposed to be a professional speaker as a presenter) constant lack of awareness of her use of "you know". I am ambivalent to her nationality as a Scot.
I will continue to switch her off. I will continue to switch off any presenter who annoys me: Charlie, Simon, Ophelia.
I think the red colour on Anne's hair is a bit harsh on her skin tone. I liked that honey blonde she had a while back. Saying that, my hair is reddish brown and I dye it and I wouldn't take any notice if other folk didn't like it. Anne's about my size and if something looks good on her then I'm always tempted to try it.

This is so true, I don't even notice 'you know' as it is said so much up here!!!
Me too!
I know (as well as ‘you know’ 😉) that we all have annoying habits when speaking but, without being too critical, Alison Young seems to say ‘also’ and ‘as well’ in the same sentence which irritates me for some reason (since it’s not exactly a huge issue) but falls into the grammatical error recollection of my school days when my English teacher used to bellow ‘it’s either unique or it’s not….it can’t be quite unique’ 🙄
Thank you for your advice. However, I have worked very hard to improve my diction and soften my accent. Your advice does not change how very aggravating I find Anne Dawson's (who is supposed to be a professional speaker as a presenter) constant lack of awareness of her use of "you know". I am ambivalent to her nationality as a Scot.
I will continue to switch her off. I will continue to switch off any presenter who annoys me: Charlie, Simon, Ophelia.
I was expressing my opinion, I was not giving you or anyone else "advice".

I think she should go back to her original colour.
Maybe a shade lighter, that’s what they suggest as you get older.
I’m lucky , 53, hardly any grey so I don’t colour it.
As you age your colour changes my mother had no grey hair when she died at 65 I am 75 and only recently saw a few grey hairs that don't bother me, when it dies I will colour it. Anne would look better with a brown shade I feel. I had not a single grey hair when I was 53.
My mum is 86 and she still hasn't gone fully grey. More dark brown than there are greys. I'm 60 and just a few starting to show at the roots whereas two friends of mine went white in their 40's. Must be genes.

It's pot luck which genes you inherit. My mother in her eighties was mainly brunette, I'm grey and white well before my eighties and my daughter has silver streaks. My aunts were white before they turned thirty.
Having just returned from a week near Glenuig, I remember from my time up in Skye about 20 years ago, being advised not to use the term Teuchter in those parts. Least, I think I was…I always thought it actually sounded quite sweet. But refreshing my memory on its meaning this morning, it is described as a derogatory term used for someone from the Highlands, uttered by people from further south of the country.
I guess I’m lucky because I’m still blonde and have never coloured my hair. Mum and Gran had the same colour hair as me so I guess it’s a family trait. My uncle was still fair haired when he died aged 90. Gran went pure white in her late 80s while mum only had a few white hairs when she died aged 87. I’m 72 😳 so hopefully I’ll follow suit. I personally couldn’t be bothered to faff about with hair dye because I know I’d end up with a disaster on my hands (a bit like my faux tanning experience with Tan Luxe drops when I looked like an Ooompah Loompah. 😂)
My mum is 86 and she still hasn't gone fully grey. More dark brown than there are greys. I'm 60 and just a few starting to show at the roots whereas two friends of mine went white in their 40's. Must be genes.

Yep my mum kept her colour long after her friends went grey.
Even my daughter was surprised I don’t dye mine, she thought I did.
My colour just isn’t as strong as it used to be.
When I was a kid i was practically a Kardashian. 😆
We say, you know, here in N.I. But the only time I notice it is if someone is being stopped in the street to be interviewed by the local news. Then it is you know, you know etc.

A thing here with women in their 60s plus is this habit of dying their hair black! Oh, and then the white roots grow out, so you have like an inch of white at the roots. The black dye washes them for a start, and they would look so much better with the white hair.

I am a natural blond, of course it darkened to a dark natural blond. For some reason at both sides of my head at the front I had two strips which stayed the light blond. I do dye my hair and just use a natural blond shade, I even had people surprised I colour my hair. So I must be using the right shade. I remember once saying to my hairdresser I fancied going red. She said no, I would not suit it.
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