Andrew Bagley


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I reckon 47. I have no basis for this!

Can we start a sweep-stake?

I think you are about right. A couple of weeks ago, Jill Franks was on with him and I am pretty sure she said she will be turning 50 next year (48 now?) and commented she would hit the Big 5-0 before Andrew. I think they both look pretty good for their age really (unless he's only 32).
I never got the impression he is gay. Doesn't matter whether he is or not anyway - I'm not terribly interested, so I am hardly going to rush to the telephone to buy endless supplied of melatogenine! I think these days people like to speculate about the private lives of all sorts of people. Many guests and people on QVC are gay. There is nothing wrong with that. It's just like a department store like Selfridges. I remember once doing a thread and asking about the high percentage of gay guests and presenters at QVC and immediately everyone started getting all angry about it! I was only stating the truth - that the percentage of gay people at QVC was higher than a general average for the population!
I remember AY going on when he first started appearing on QVC(they had a very nice blond woman at that point. Andrew was the head of the distribution company for the brand and decided to take over. Why as he is not a beauty expert just sprouts the ad copy), anyway he was/is heavy smoker and big sun bather.
When the last TSV was on in December I think, I saw about 10 minutes of the show with Alison. She was teasing Andrew about his age and said that she had just seen his passport and that he was 46. If you compare the looks of Andrew with other 46 year olds I think he is doing pretty well.

Personally I think a lot of it is down to genetics, but a good range can prolong and improve a good skin etc., but not necessarily change it. My mother for instance has a great skin with very few wrinkles, all her own teeth with no fillings or extractions, and only has a few grey hairs at the front. OK her natural rich auburn hair has faded slighly, but she is 84 next month.
When the last TSV was on in December I think, I saw about 10 minutes of the show with Alison. She was teasing Andrew about his age and said that she had just seen his passport and that he was 46.

Now I wonder what trouble he'd have been in if it had been the other way round and he'd have been teasing a female about her age! Sexism is alive and well.
I remember AY going on when he first started appearing on QVC(they had a very nice blond woman at that point. Andrew was the head of the distribution company for the brand and decided to take over. Why as he is not a beauty expert just sprouts the ad copy), anyway he was/is heavy smoker and big sun bather.
I think she was called Amanda and was a great guest I thought, she worked at one of the michaeljohn salons. Her surname will come to me sometime next week at approx 3am!
Why would you be shocked Andrew has a son? I don't know how old he is, 50ish at a guess, maybe he uses his products and is really 95 :mysmilie_17:


Perhaps it is because we have only heard him speak of a daughter?
That's it! Thanks for saving me from a day or two of racking my brains! :mysmilie_1:
wow! some of you really over reacted!

i was just being curious, after all we know so much about so many of the Q presenters and guests, so when he said he had a son i was genuinely shocked as i've never heard him mention children before... and the way he said he's been a model parent for 2 days seemed as if it was a new thing to him. the other models, guests and presenters share with us, after all Q is like a family and we are part of it.

Whether he is gay or not, or if he likes the models or not doesn't make the slightest difference to anyone, but i still dont see the need for people to hide the fact they're gay just as they're on TV. that is stupid!

everyone is equal.
wow! some of you really over reacted!

i was just being curious, after all we know so much about so many of the Q presenters and guests, so when he said he had a son i was genuinely shocked as i've never heard him mention children before... and the way he said he's been a model parent for 2 days seemed as if it was a new thing to him. the other models, guests and presenters share with us, after all Q is like a family and we are part of it.

Whether he is gay or not, or if he likes the models or not doesn't make the slightest difference to anyone, but i still dont see the need for people to hide the fact they're gay just as they're on TV. that is stupid!

everyone is equal.

Even if he is gay, which is perfectly fine, it's his business and if he doesn't want to put on a Leighton Denny style voice, that's fine too. I do wonder why so many gay men marry though. I can't see that people can suddenly find in middle age that they are gay! It's just one of the things I don't believe in, along with women who say they didn't know they were pregnant! Rubbish! Like they are having a bath one day and..... PING! a baby appears! Nah. Don't fink so!

I heard Andrew Bagley drives an expensive sports car! I'm sure he has expensive taste. I did actually sit opposite him on the Eurostar once and he was barking into his phone when the train came out of the tunnel. He seemed a very stressed, authoritarian man.
Just remember if Andrew has teenage children they may well read this thread , which wont be easy reading for them , as far as we all know hes happily married with two kids , until its proven otherwise that's all that needs to be said
Well said Autumn. I avoided this thread until now. Teenagers are more internet savvy than me that's for sure and maybe people should consider the consequences for a child reading a thread like this about their parent. Idle tittle tattle has consequences for them on so many levels.
There is definitely something appealing about the Bagley! In a qvc world deprived of male eye candy, Andrew has garnered an impressive following amongst the lady (and I dare say few male) viewers of differing ages. His amicable cheery personality and ability to take a good ribbing from Gobby Young adding to the natural appeal of his easy on the eye face and blue eyes. His taste for expensive tailoring and smart watches only adding to this allure.

Amidst multiple presentations of lip balms or focus pens certain Viewers minds are often to be found wandering to illicit meetings in upmarket Parisian hotels, fine dining and speeding around Paris at night in a flash sports car with the QVC-007-LOVE-GOD.

During this dream-time, the last thing on any viewers mind is the fact that he may have a wife or few sprogs knocking about. Still this is all harmless fun and until a certain contingent of forum members are to be found outside the qvc towers in their best Dennis Basso fur coats, waiting for Andrew to appear, so they can fight to get their hands on his salon-sized focus pen I think we can rest easy and all allow ourselves to indulge in a little fantasy.
I think I heard him mention his family once in all the shows I have watched, which in my book is a good thing as some of the presenters bore me to tears with their family details! I like Andrew as a presenter, he is clear, polite and does not shout.
Now whenever that Gatineau focus pen is presented on QVC, my mind will be distracted as a result of your post Hype in a Jar. Thanks for making me smile after having a really c**ppy day at a hospital yesterday !
Bottom line, its a business, and Mr Andy-flash-Harry is the poster boy, As for his private life, probably very comfortable, thanks to the sucked in consumer

Gatineau does nothing any other brand might do. IMO, the best investment a person can make in the anti ageing fight are:
(i) Derma roller (micro needling)
(ii) Baby Quasar or any similar red UV light therapy wand
(iii) Organic Vit C or collagen serums.
The above as a 'home therapy' option
All used in conjunction

The amount of money women spend on creams is crazy, the same expenditure, if saved up, could be used towards ablative laser therapy (specialist consultation) which would remove all facial wrinkles in a month. (this is dermal rejuvenation, not botox or filler. short term pain, long long benefits)

The Gatineau range is not organic, choc full of chemicals and a complete scam. (Thats my opinion)
Remember the Lazer Pen? I nearly died with laughter regarding its claims. (However tube was useful one day to stir my coffee)
P.s. If I were to tempt a customer, I would not swan around in Astons with jingle jangle designer wristwatches - thats why I turn up at work in a banger, and leave the Gallardo & Patek at home :giggle:

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