I think it is safe to say they are clearly a very comfortably off lot in general. They don’t exactly exude a relentless struggle for money and survival from their demeanours. Yet, so often, they use as a selling tool, the need to purchase an item that will save you money. The mob from their main rival channel are pursuing that line incessantly currently with their portable money saving ceramic radiators, though somewhat unsurprisingly, none of their presenters appear to have them and are happy enough with their money burning heating systems.
It certainly appears QVC is a front of house ‘employer’ nobody wants to leave. People like Brook, Franks, Roberts, Young etc. have been their longer than my poor old mum’s Green Shield Stamps carriage clock was on her flat’s living room mantle piece. And if they do think the grass is greener, like old Skin did years back, they will soon want to return ‘home’ again, if it will ‘ave ’em!