And the Missing Meat has started.


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This year is going to be even more problematic than usual.
For once I have some sympathy for Q, the supplier and the customers.
At the point this was a TSV the postal strikes weren't on the radar. The knock-on impact of the strikes on the courier services has been pronounced... even more so that so many companies are struggling to recruit additional drivers, and the fact that there is also something of a shortage of vans.
Where Q and possibly the supplier are at fault is in not communicating quicker to customers that this year they wouldn't be able to meet all the demand and close their order book sooner. Now it's very close to D day and even if you buy frozen you're going to need to start defrosting the bird almost at once! It's only 6 days away!!!
I would be in a complete panic if my Christmas food was coming by anything other than a supermarket delivery, given that the mail service has been so badly affected and that has had a knock-on effect on courier services. I bought the basics on Monday (main criterion was the use by date!) and the rest is coming by Ocado today. If anything is missing from the order I shall go to the DHS. Fortunately it’s just for me so the pressure is off!
My OH spent 2 hours yesterday by bus to collect the chicken from her high-street butcher, having being assured last week that it would be ready.

But it was not, she was told it had not come in yet, should be in tomorrow. So she will have to go in again on Friday (the bus only runs Tue and Fri).

If it had been me, I would have told them to "stuff it" (no pun intended ;)

So even the DHS is not reliable for buying things.
Another one today.

My mother has been waiting for her food order and the only message we're getting from DHL is that the delivery due date was the 14/12, then it changed to the 19/12 and now it is saying the 20/12!
I've tried contacting the courier to no avail. Your phone lines are constantly busy and you cannot email or message!
Please advise!
Hopefully her family will rally round and ensure that she gets food for Christmas or they could invite her to their houses for a meal if they live close enough.

To be honest, I wouldn‘t want to risk eating anything that’s been floating around in transit for goodness knows how long anyway.
Christmas is stressful enough without this. Personally I wouldn't order food this way but that's just me being worried about delivery. I'm still waiting for a couple of Christmas cards that haven't arrived due to the post strike (or maybe those family members don't like me😳🤣).
My mum ordered her turkey from M&S ages ago and it was all on schedule. Then last week they sent her an email (85 year old lady who invited lots of family for christmas) that there weren't enough turkeys to go round and she MIGHT not get one. Mum hugely in a flap but yesterday it was picked up no problem and apparently tons of turkeys still available via M&S. Not nice to scare old folks IMO.

Because of the bird flu, which is back again, turkeys had to be pulled inside in case they caught it from wild birds. The news the past few weeks saying they would be a shortage. Last year I bought good quality steak and have done the same this year, M&S aged fillet. I used to buy the turkey stuffed breast, but even that was too much, and the cats got most of it.
Because of the bird flu, which is back again, turkeys had to be pulled inside in case they caught it from wild birds. The news the past few weeks saying they would be a shortage. Last year I bought good quality steak and have done the same this year, M&S aged fillet. I used to buy the turkey stuffed breast, but even that was too much, and the cats got most of it.
They also said that FRESH turkeys, which normally cost more than frozen ones, can now be killed early and FROZEN, and then sold as FRESH turkeys even though they had been frozen, and the customer may now know. Diabolical!
Because of the bird flu, which is back again, turkeys had to be pulled inside in case they caught it from wild birds. The news the past few weeks saying they would be a shortage. Last year I bought good quality steak and have done the same this year, M&S aged fillet. I used to buy the turkey stuffed breast, but even that was too much, and the cats got most of it.
We ordered and picked up Thursday a small crown from the local butcher,£17.
Someone on the moneysaving site have a major rant about M&S turkey and food they ordered for delivery and courier saying they could not deliver to them until the 28th.
Maybe mum was quite lucky then but she did pick hers up and not rely on delivery. We're at the posh hotel, had a lovely meal tonight and if that's the standard then I'm sure tomorrow's will be the same. Hope everyone has a lovely dinner tomorrow. Eat up and drink up!

Maybe mum was quite lucky then but she did pick hers up and not rely on delivery. We're at the posh hotel, had a lovely meal tonight and if that's the standard then I'm sure tomorrow's will be the same. Hope everyone has a lovely dinner tomorrow. Eat up and drink up!

Hope you're enjoying the posh hotel, sounds amazing (it always is when someone else does the cooking😊)
Sounds amazing. CC

I can't be 'arsed' to cook a huge roast dinner for one, so its haddock fish fingers, chips and curry sauce for me.
I'm on my own as well so it was M&S sliced turkey, Aunt Bessie's roast spuds in the air fryer, frozen veg and Bisto gravy. Minimal effort but it tasted nice😋

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