Am I going mad?


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Jul 2, 2008
Put QVC on this morning to catch the TSV at 7am and saw a presentation of some TV or other with Anthony and was sure that the TSV must have sold out [which normally if sold out they go to a repeat show]
I was sure that it was a Kim and co and didn't think anymore about it. [If it's Kim, I like to read the comments later on in the forum so like to know what it is they're all laughing about]
About 20 mins later I put it back on only to find Kim in full babble missing the TSV!
What happened, did they put the wrong recording on or what?
I was watching at 4am and they had Ant with yesterdays TSV too. Someone must have put the wrong 'tape' in. I wonder if anyone ordered from seeing these shows will they honour the TSV price?
I caught that too, wondered what happened

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Put QVC on this morning to catch the TSV at 7am and saw a presentation of some TV or other with Anthony and was sure that the TSV must have sold out [which normally if sold out they go to a repeat show]
I was sure that it was a Kim and co and didn't think anymore about it. [If it's Kim, I like to read the comments later on in the forum so like to know what it is they're all laughing about]
About 20 mins later I put it back on only to find Kim in full babble missing the TSV!
What happened, did they put the wrong recording on or what?

I thought exactly the same and wondered if I was in a time warp. It said Kim & Co on the Sky programming guide but there was Ant selling a TV!!
I noticed that this morning, it was really odd that it seemed to change in the middle of an hour.
I saw it and thought they'd a cheek because the TSV price was on the tv, but on the internet it was full price so woe betide whoever bought it - there's a couple of hundred quid difference in the 2 prices. As SCW said, they've changed it all and seem to cobble together all bits of shows. The 'QVC nightime' thing that pops up after every single product is in fact rather annoying........

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