Alpha-H TSV 12/5/11


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Hibiscrub is diastrous on my hands would not use on my face.

That's a fair comment. It is harsh and drying but the trouble is when you have problems with ingrown hairs it's a bacterial infection and hibiscrub or similar does calm it all down. I certainly wouldn't recommend using it regularly or on skin that didn't have the ingrown hair problem ... wish I could remember what the medical term is!! But if you have it ... folliculitis that's the term!! ... then you aren't going to shift it without either an antibiotic or an antibacterial or possibly antihistamine. And it can scar really badly if you leave it. It's horrible to live with. It's often mistaken for or comes alongside acne but it really needs treating in it's own right.
Yay thank you Sazza fab collection am excited!! Daft question can I order now or do I have to wait until the day? When we get advanced noticed before I have tried via the app and on line and it doesn't always recognise the item number. Am keen to get this one done and dusted. Thanks again for the preview:happy:
any ideas how much it will be could spit as have overspent but so need this as I have just run out of liquid gold its so brilll cant bear to be without it and that moisturiser is heavenly and so cooling.
See I'm just not sure, I've still got some liquid gold & rejuvenating cream which don't do wonders for me. But I like the cleanser & would like to try the exfoliator & eye cream so I think it will defo depend on the price!
Any idea what the price will be? Last year's TSV was (I think) £33 inc p&p. Do we think maybe £35 all in this time?

I want to try this but still have 150ml of liquid gold in stockpile and I'm not sure about the rejuvinating cream. Do you think it would be too heavy for a 30 year old (oily/combi skin)?
I got a card through the post today about the TSV it says that Alpha H is exclusive to QVC in the UK and that the TSV is the UK launch of the gentle daily exfoliant a unique micro exfoliating salon treatment that uses crushed fruit enzymes to lift away dulling debris and dead skin cells to leave the eintire complexion visibly more radiat and baby soft. How do you "crush" an enzyme???

I really wanted Alpha H to work for me but sadly it does nothing for my skin at all I am very jealous of all you out there who have seen great results
Have to agree with you there,Boffy,L'occitane has some gorgeous skincare,their Immortelle range is beautiful :sun:

I agree with both of you, Boffy and Marzy. The Immortelle instant brightening exfoliator is brilliant even on my very sensitive skin. Have always been scared to try Alpha H though because of sensitivity. Would I be able to use Liquid Gold? Any advice much appreciated .....
I agree with both of you, Boffy and Marzy. The Immortelle instant brightening exfoliator is brilliant even on my very sensitive skin. Have always been scared to try Alpha H though because of sensitivity. Would I be able to use Liquid Gold? Any advice much appreciated .....

If you're sensitive try Liquid Harmony instead.
I was looking forward to this, as I really want to try the new exfoliator but now I know the full details don't think I'll bother. I have a stockpile of liquid gold, & I'm not keen on rejuvenating cream it's a bit too rich for my oily skin. Love the balancing cleanser and the eye gel but the sizes are so small it's not worth me getting the TSV just for them and the exfoliator which is also trial sized from what I can gather?? Really hoping QVC will have a full size exfoliator as a single item, if not I'll see if I can get one on fleabay as people usually sell bits off from the TSVs.

For those with sensitive skin, I would advise caution with liquid gold. I can use it no problems on my face which as mentioned is oily, but when I tried taking it down to my neck and chest where my skin is drier I broke out in excema-like blotches.

Alpha-H is a great range for many of us, but I don't think QVC and AY in particular do enough to advise that some people can react to glycolics/AHAs and patch tests before use are essential!
Morning all, newbie here! Can I just askyou experts please 'Is AlphaH ok on drier skin or is it best for acne-prone types?'. I'm late 40's with greasy t-zone but fairly dry on rest of face, I do sometimes get spots on my chin which is rather spot-scarred now, not fair as I have lines in the dry bits!! I've been looking at the range for while but am wondering if it's too harsh? Don't want the hassle of returning things, too old & grumpy to be bothered... Thank you in anticipation of your help!
The exfoliater is full size (50g), not a trial size. It retails at about the £30 price point I think. The TSV sizes are:

FULL SIZE liquid gold (100ml)
FULL SIZE new exfoliater(50g)
HALF SIZE face cream (50ml, so full size by other brands' standards)
HALF SIZE eye gel (7.5ml)
TRAVEL SIZE cleanser (50ml)

If the kit is under £35 (inc p&p) it will be excellent value, it's just a case of whether you need/want it.

I have noticed that Alpha-H's newer retail products are getting smaller (new hydrating cream is 50ml full size wheras the old hydrating cream was 100ml, for example), putting them in line with other salon brand retail sizes.
Ooh, tempted by this! I just bought a kit with a full sized Liquid Gold in it though along with the cleanser, microcleanse and rejuvinating cream. So I don't need it in the slightest but I'm finding myself stockpiling stuff before I move as it's all way more expensive in Oz!!

Maybe if the price is reasonable I'll give it a mull and see... :tongue:

thank you White Russian, most items I have from Alpha-H are in 100ml or 200ml sizes which is why I thought the TSV sizes looked really small! Now wondering if it MAY be worth going for just to get the exfoliant, but really do not want the 100ml of liquid gold. I had an Alpha-H TSV on AD last year so have lots of it stockpiled, am in a quandary now :confused:

Hello and :mysmilie_357: to ST Netscat :handshake:, Alpha H is a bit of a hard one to call as to who it will suit, as many of us love the range but other members here have posted about terrible reactions, especially to liquid gold. From posts I have read it does seem to suit those of us with oily or problem skin better and is not for super-sensitive types. I can't use it on my neck or upper chest area where my skin is much drier than on my face, so think maybe you would be best using on your oily T-Zone only? but the only way to know for sure is to patch test for a few days.
I have an oily T-zone and normal/dry cheeks and I find liquid gold excellent at keeping my skin clear. However, you have to use it correctly. I used it for years and it was/is the only product I've found that gets rid of blackheads, especially at the side of the nose. However, a couple of years ago I was very stressed and had a bad acne outbreak. For about 4 or 5 days I used liquid gold three times a day and on the last day I woke up with weeping burns - not pleasant. However, I realise you are only supposed to use it once at night time every other day, so I learned the hard way to always follow instructions.

After said incident I took a two month break from Alpha-H (and started a course of antibiotics, which cleared the problem) and then started again on liquid harmony, which is designed for more sensitive skin types. I then moved back on to liquid gold, using it once a week to begin with and building it up slowly and I've had no problems with it since.

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