Alison Young At It Again!


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I'm not in the least bit surprised you find it acceptable behaviour. :rolleyes:

AY as no room to talk about another person's appearance, in that show she looked like a sack of spuds. :rolleyes: Sadly I am sure QVC will stand by her over this because she's done it before and it's obvious they turn a blind eye to her obnoxious behaviour, and also to her poor presenting. They have allowed this awful woman to have a stranglehold on the beauty shows and imho are afraid to replace her because of the sales figures the shows produce although I bet many of the brand guest presenters could do just as well, and probably better. QVC would be wise not to get too complacent as there are more and more online retailers appearing all the time who offer better value.

I do hope Gobby has been reprimanded over this incident (and all the others) and it will be interesting to see if she keeps her hands to herself in future :emo:

i am petrified of you not alison.
I'm not in the least bit surprised you find it acceptable behaviour. :rolleyes:

AY as no room to talk about another person's appearance, in that show she looked like a sack of spuds. :rolleyes: Sadly I am sure QVC will stand by her over this because she's done it before and it's obvious they turn a blind eye to her obnoxious behaviour, and also to her poor presenting. They have allowed this awful woman to have a stranglehold on the beauty shows and imho are afraid to replace her because of the sales figures the shows produce although I bet many of the brand guest presenters could do just as well, and probably better. QVC would be wise not to get too complacent as there are more and more online retailers appearing all the time who offer better value.

I do hope Gobby has been reprimanded over this incident (and all the others) and it will be interesting to see if she keeps her hands to herself in future :emo:

Sadly I doubt it PPC. But then we will never know. Agree with all you have said. Its time for change QVC. We are sick of AY.
Don't you know the difference?? What do you think question marks signify??
I don't think QVC have consciously put the slapping video back on the website; it's just happened because that clip was repeated overnight. It's possibly reading too much into its return to think it shows they condone the incident.

I agree PPC, I'm sure there would have been more of a reaction from the victims in all 3 instances had it happened off-camera. Whether or not QVC have a "talk", she's a loose cannon and for her own personal safety someone should advise her to reign it in before she gets a retaliatory slap or worse.

Jude xx
Keep going with the pathetic sarcasm Boffy and hopefully your gob will run away with you and you'll get banned again, but this time permanantly. :sun:
Good. Stick around, it's always entertaining to have an idiot on board. :hi:
I've just seen the clip and was quite shocked. It seems to me that AY voices her put-downs and slaps and jeers under the guise of humour so she can't be held to account. I've known a few women like this who will make digs at you and say "oh it's only a joke" so that if you question them about what they've said, YOU are seen as the one with the problem. JR's put-down to the Kipling bag lady about the name of her friend's new baby is another example of bitchiness disguised as humour.

Working with someone who used to do this was horrendous, you can laugh off a few remarks but the cumulative effect is that you feel got at. It's really hard to know how to tackle it, do you make bitchy "jokes" back, do you continue to ignore it, do you try to talk about it seriously only to be told they were "joking" and you shouldn't take it personally? I am tired of seeing AY goading fellow guests and presenters, it's horrible.
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye!

I know I am probably starting to sound like a broken record but the personal attacks need to stop. We are happy for the discussion to continue but there is no need to attack other forum members.

Thanks for that Sazza; I was beginning to doubt my sanity with getting rather insulting responses to my posts, but being accused of "creating" myself.

Now, I don't want to make people (who think AY giving anyone a smack round the face live on TV while presenting beauty shows is perfectly fine, and a valued part of the telly shopping process) any more annoyed than they already are. I know that this forum has members covering a wide rage of ages, so I don't want to be responsible for any heart failures, embolisms or raised blood pressure problems.

So I hereby officially retire from this thread. What was an interesting conversation has just become a circular argument with blatant written abuse included for good measure, and I have enough of that to deal with in work. I really don't need it here as well, and I do think I said all I needed to say about 50 or so posts ago.

At the same time, I think it'll be a good idea to take a break away from this site. After considering some of the rabid responses I've received lately, I think spending some time in the real world would be both refreshing and good for my sanity, and it gives certain people the chance to calm down before they spontaneously combust.

I'm not disappearing for good, so don't worry moynah and Burlz (ta for the pms)! Hopefully by then certain people would have learned to post messages without having to resort to abuse. I won't hold my breath though: maybe psychological therapy would help? :wink:

TTFN! :wave:

PS: Love Akin and Re Cycle - you're a pair of terrible FLIRTS, you are! :devil:
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Thanks for that Sazza; I was beginning to doubt my sanity with getting rather insulting responses to my posts, but being accused of "creating" myself.

Now, I don't want to make people (who think AY giving anyone a smack round the face live on TV while presenting beauty shows is perfectly fine, and a valued part of the telly shopping process) any more annoyed than they already are. I know that this forum has members covering a wide rage of ages, so I don't want to be responsible for any heart failures, embolisms or raised blood pressure problems.

So I hereby officially retire from this thread. What was an interesting conversation has just become a circular argument with blatant written abuse included for good measure, and I have enough of that to deal with in work. I really don't need it here as well, and I do think I said all I needed to say about 50 or so posts ago.

At the same time, I think it'll be a good idea to take a break away from this site. After considering some of the rabid responses I've received lately, I think spending some time in the real world would be both refreshing and good for my sanity, and it gives certain people the chance to calm down before they spontaneously combust.

I'm not disappearing for good, so don't worry moynah and Burlz (ta for the pms)! Hopefully by then certain people would have learned to post messages without having to resort to abuse. I won't hold my breath though: maybe psychological therapy would help? :wink:

TTFN! :wave:

PS: Love Akin and Re Cycle - you're a pair of terrible FLIRTS, you are! :devil:

It just goes to show that we all interpret things differently my lovely. I haven't seen any posts responding to you that I would characterise as "rabid" or "abuse" at all. :sad: I think it's certainly possible that you're reading stuff into people's posts that just isn't there.
Thanks for that Sazza; I was beginning to doubt my sanity with getting rather insulting responses to my posts, but being accused of "creating" myself.

Now, I don't want to make people (who think AY giving anyone a smack round the face live on TV while presenting beauty shows is perfectly fine, and a valued part of the telly shopping process) any more annoyed than they already are. I know that this forum has members covering a wide rage of ages, so I don't want to be responsible for any heart failures, embolisms or raised blood pressure problems.

So I hereby officially retire from this thread. What was an interesting conversation has just become a circular argument with blatant written abuse included for good measure, and I have enough of that to deal with in work. I really don't need it here as well, and I do think I said all I needed to say about 50 or so posts ago.

At the same time, I think it'll be a good idea to take a break away from this site. After considering some of the rabid responses I've received lately, I think spending some time in the real world would be both refreshing and good for my sanity, and it gives certain people the chance to calm down before they spontaneously combust.

I'm not disappearing for good, so don't worry moynah and Burlz (ta for the pms)! Hopefully by then certain people would have learned to post messages without having to resort to abuse. I won't hold my breath though: maybe psychological therapy would help? :wink:

TTFN! :wave:

PS: Love Akin and Re Cycle - you're a pair of terrible FLIRTS, you are! :devil:

come back soon Klarion! :wink:
You are the main culprit here, yes. People keep telling you that you're being aggressive and rude and you're taking no notice or perhaps you don't even realise you're doing it. Every disagreement voiced towards you results in another immediate confrontational post - are you simply not aware of this? It makes for uncomfortable reading. You seem very angry indeed. I think you're rather spoiling things here.

Yes, we can see you feel very strongly about this subject and for good reason. To be honest, I agree with you. I was up v. early this morning and QVC repeated the "slapping" incident: it made me wince.

Some, however, don't agree with your point of view. No doubt I'll get an immediate rude response from you but there you go.

you left 3 important words out there ReCycle

"in my opinion"

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