Alison Young At It Again!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Then instead of keep going on & on about it on here, why don`t you or the other shocked peeps start a new thread about who has complained about this issue to qvc..... Instead, this issue is just going round in circles.... COMPLAIN ABOUT HER FGS! That should give some sort of satisfaction.... :bandit:

Er look back. I have already said that I have ! When I get a response I will share it.
Why would a new thread need to be started? There's a perfectly good thread already in which people have been expressing their opinions.

Why do people need to state that they've complained to QVC in order to express their opinions on this issue?

When did you become the site owner or a moderator? If you explain why all and sundry should ask "How high" when you say "Jump", I'm sure things will become much clearer.

Whats the point of complaining about what AY has done on air, if you`re not going to do anything about it? Who said I was the site owner or moderator? Don`t continue to moan about it, if you don`t intend to do something about it? I only suggested a new thread about what action people were taking, if so `shocked & offended` by it.... Im not telling anyone what to do..... And people DO NOT need to state that they`ve complained to qvc, in order to express their opinions on this issue.....
If you were so distraught, then the CEO`s office should be very busy indeed!
I fail to see how this constitutes an opinion on AY's actions and the thread topic? This is an overtly personal comment with no relevance to the subject.
A few lines made by a person on a forum about shopping television channels does not give anyone either the information, the knowledge or the right to make judgements about another forum member's mood, demeanour or personality, and I am extremely offended by this inference.
If individuals' opinions about a thread differ that is one thing, and the discussion of these opinions is what makes this forum interesting, making personal comments like this is another thing entirely.

My apologies for having offended you. I'm only sorry I decided to express my opinion in the first place. It seems that if you dare to have an opinion that differs from the majority then it's best kept to oneself or you risk the wrath of being hit with 'the offence card'.
Why would a new thread need to be started? There's a perfectly good thread already in which people have been expressing their opinions.

Why do people need to state that they've complained to QVC in order to express their opinions on this issue?

When did you become the site owner or a moderator? If you explain why all and sundry should ask "How high" when you say "Jump", I'm sure things will become much clearer.


At the same time just typed a very same response opps going round in circles again dear me :giggle:
I fail to see how this constitutes an opinion on AY's actions and the thread topic? This is an overtly personal comment with no relevance to the subject.
A few lines made by a person on a forum about shopping television channels does not give anyone either the information, the knowledge or the right to make judgements about another forum member's mood, demeanour or personality, and I am extremely offended by this inference.
If individuals' opinions about a thread differ that is one thing, and the discussion of these opinions is what makes this forum interesting, making personal comments like this is another thing entirely.
Oh please, you were extremely offended? I find that very difficult to believe that you were offended by another poster asking you to `lighten up`........ Absolutely ridiculous!
Whats the point of complaining about what AY has done on air, if you`re not going to do anything about it? Who said I was the site owner or moderator? Don`t continue to moan about it, if you don`t intend to do something about it? I only suggested a new thread about what action people were taking, if so `shocked & offended` by it.... Im not telling anyone what to do..... And people DO NOT need to state that they`ve complained to qvc, in order to express their opinions on this issue.....
If you were so distraught, then the CEO`s office should be very busy indeed!

Who says I haven't complained? I'm sorry Daisy love, but when I joined this site I don't remember reading anything that said I have to share everything I do with you.

I'm sorry if you feel that I should: I mean, I don't really know you, and I'm flattered that you want to know what I do on any given subject...

But it's my decision to post whatever information I choose. You'll just have to learn to live with it I'm afraid.
Yes, I know you had Lilian, well done.....

You don't think THAT's not patronising?

Are we now expected to obtain your approval before we express an opinion on here?

Wow: I need to re-read the forum rules! :tongue:
Peri menopausal ..... taking thyroxine?

Well guess what I am both, I have no thyroid at all, and have been peri menopausal for about 2 years, but haven't felt the need to slap anyone - funnily enough...... however if QVC would like to avail themselves of my services I could make an exception to sort out Ms Young for them!
Who says I haven't complained? I'm sorry Daisy love, but when I joined this site I don't remember reading anything that said I have to share everything I do with you.

I'm sorry if you feel that I should: I mean, I don't really know you, and I'm flattered that you want to know what I do on any given subject...

But it's my decision to post whatever information I choose. You'll just have to learn to live with it I'm afraid.
Oh I see Klarion love, well good for you if you have..... So, complaints made (by whoever) & still moaning about it...... When did I say that I want to know what you do on any given subject? You do what you want mate, im not interested..... Who said you had to share everything with me? To be honest, I think some here just enjoy ganging up on a few & shout them down if they`re not in your clique! No wonder I don`t come on here much anymore :bandit:
My apologies for having offended you. I'm only sorry I decided to express my opinion in the first place. It seems that if you dare to have an opinion that differs from the majority then it's best kept to oneself or you risk the wrath of being hit with 'the offence card'.

As my post quite clearly stated, I was offended by your personal comments, not your opinion on the thread subject.
And have you done anything about it Bags?

That I wish to keep private.

Have you emailed or phoned QVC, to make a complaint about Alison Young`s behaviour? :bandit:

My communications with QVC are my private business.

Thank you

Oh I see Klarion love, well good for you if you have..... So, complaints made (by whoever) & still moaning about it...... When did I say that I want to know what you do on any given subject? You do what you want mate, im not interested..... Who said you had to share everything with me? To be honest, I think some here just enjoy ganging up on a few & shout them down if they`re not in your clique! No wonder I don`t come on here much anymore :bandit:

The only people who seem to be shouting are those who are so distraught at AY being criticised that they're attacking anyone who expresses an opinion that disagrees with them.

I've not told anyone to go start another thread, or to go do something because I don't like the way a thread is going: "Go complain if you don't like it etc".

I've not accused anyone of going round in circles.

I've not told anyone they're petty for expressing how they feel.

I've not told anyone "Well done" for doing something I agree with.

Does any of this sound familiar? You are now saying that a "clique" is ganging up on you? Hardly - I don't know any of the people on here personally. I could have accused you and a few of the other people who disagreed with me of "ganging up" on me: yet I haven't.

I'm mature enough to know that my opinion may differ from other people's. I'm also mature enough to know that everyone has the right to express their opinion.

If you're not interested in what I do, why are you posting asking people to start threads to discuss whether they've made complaints about AY to QVC?

You're confusing me now.

Also, you don't find your comment "Complaints made (by whoever) and still moaning about it" to be insulting? You say you're being ganged up on, but you state anyone expressing an opinion you don't like to be "moaning".

WHY do you post on a forum that's renowned for having posters who aren't afraid to express their opinions if you don't like reading anything that conflicts with your thoughts?
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As my post quite clearly stated, I was offended by your personal comments, not your opinion on the thread subject.

And I was offended (terribly!) by your comment With the abbreviated swearing and head tapping icon re my initial opinion!
I've apologised for my offending you so I expect an apology in return. :sun:
To be honest, I think some here just enjoy ganging up on a few & shout them down if they`re not in your clique! No wonder I don`t come on here much anymore :bandit:

You've hit the nail on the head Daisy. Along with the lovely people on this forum there are some very unpleasant people who enjoy ganging up on people who dare to have an opinion that differs from theirs. In a word ~ Bullies!

Now and would just like to say I don't agree with anyone being hit in the face in order to sell a product.
You've hit the nail on the head Daisy. Along with the lovely people on this forum there are some very unpleasant people who enjoy ganging up on people who dare to have an opinion that differs from theirs. In a word ~ Bullies!

Like who? Casually slinging the word "Bullies" around is a tad unfair, don't you think?

Unless you feel you HAVE been bullied, then I would suggest making a complaint to a mod or the site owner rather than just banging on about it on here... Sazza and co. would be able to go through all the posts made and determine whether anyone's been bullied.

Oh sorry: that sounds familiar... :wink:

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