Ali Young's hair..


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Nice 'n Easy...
Jun 24, 2008
looks like it has died.
For a resident beauty expert with 25 years experience, I would have thought she might have picked up a hint or two about hair's truly awful.
looks like it has died.
For a resident beauty expert with 25 years experience, I would have thought she might have picked up a hint or two about hair's truly awful.

I completely agree, every show I have seen featuring AY today she has looked well ropey - as well as her hair she looks so deathly white, I know she is anti-tanning but surely she could use a gentle facial fake tan or one of the gazillion bronzers that QVC sell, she looks positively ill at the moment.

And don't start me on her clothes, the outfit she wore for the LD launch last night was a most bizarre mish mash of clothing and today's offerings haven't been much better.

Don't get me wrong, I frequently look like a bag of spanners myself but I do make an effort when called for - and I think for someone who is a 'beauty expert' and can afford a decent stylist AY should be ashamed of some of the states she appears in, she is not a good advert for QVC or any of the ranges she is flogging - someone should have a word IMO.
She can't seem to decide whether she wants to wear dresses or trousers so seems to be wearing both ! She wore a black dress with white piping on a few times last week and said it was about 10 years old and she couldn't fit into her other clothes !
It looks like she has been to some iffy salon and they have messed up big time. It looks badly cut and dried out. Saying that, mine's not looking too good at the moment:sad:, but she is the resident BEAUTY EXPERT WITH OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE isn't she:cheeky:. So perhaps she should know better.
JUst remembered that she said that a number of people were stuck abroad because of the volcano so maybe the person who knows her hairstyle best is away. She also said that she was staying in a hotel so maybe she was a bit frazzled...she seemed to be in good form though!
I didn't like the cut at all, much preferred the simple bob she had when she first had it restyled.
I liked the warm blond colour on her didn't wash her out as much.

The cut was bad, you could clearly see this layer just half way down one side wasn't blended into the hair at all. She has always said she has the one mobile hairdresser been with her for years and refused to let anyone else touch her hair. So not sure we should blame Michael. Actually looked more like her husband had a go at it.

The black eyeliner was not a good look for her at all. The black just popped out and everything else was just washed out looking.
Her hair looked like straw, her skin was pasty and her eye bags looked particularly bad last night. Even my husband commented on how rough she looked and said her hair looked like Rod Stewart's did in the 1970's!
It's a bit mean of me to post this, but if she has access to all these supposedly amazing and prestigious products, you'd expect her to look a bit better.
I agree. Its like I've said before if she is employed by QVC to flog beauty products then surely she has an obligation to look as good as she can as part of her job. Some days she looks like she's made no effort at all.

She may know her stuff but to look at her you wouldn't think so.
(mum writes)

It looks as though it has been over-bleached and badly cut. I've had plenty of bad experiences with hair salons in the past and the signs are there to me! I won't let anyone other then myself or my son touch it now and people compliment me that my hair looks nice now - even the experts at the Beauty Bash said so. I suspect she may have been coerced into seeing Lulu's personal stylist. The other Alison did the same and her hair looked awful afterwards. She's had it all cut short again now.

As for the rest of her, to me she didn't look well as she doesn't normally look that bad. Maybe she had a migraine or she's been overdoing the diet she's on and feels lacking as a result.
I liked the warm blond colour on her didn't wash her out as much.

The cut was bad, you could clearly see this layer just half way down one side wasn't blended into the hair at all. She has always said she has the one mobile hairdresser been with her for years and refused to let anyone else touch her hair. So not sure we should blame Michael. Actually looked more like her husband had a go at it.

The black eyeliner was not a good look for her at all. The black just popped out and everything else was just washed out looking.

Michael probably didn't cut her hair just styled it, she often lets guests style here hair, guys from Ojon, Simon from Hairfix etc....
Her hair looked like straw, her skin was pasty and her eye bags looked particularly bad last night. Even my husband commented on how rough she looked and said her hair looked like Rod Stewart's did in the 1970's!
It's a bit mean of me to post this, but if she has access to all these supposedly amazing and prestigious products, you'd expect her to look a bit better.

Her hair used to look so healthy and glossy. She could do with using some ghds on it!
I liked the warm blond colour on her didn't wash her out as much.

The black eyeliner was not a good look for her at all. The black just popped out and everything else was just washed out looking.

My son quite innocently asked me if the lady on TV was going to a Hallowe'en party.
I'm really not a fan of AY nor a skincare junkie - so I'm not really sure how I came to be watching when AY announced years ago,thats shes very proud of her hair.Very proud to say that she doesn't use any hairsprays or finishing products - and despite having her career giving her the access to the best in the buisness - her friend from school still does her cut and colour - and has done for like 30 yrs.

time to get a new hairdresser and use all those products luv
I'm really not a fan of AY nor a skincare junkie - so I'm not really sure how I came to be watching when AY announced years ago,thats shes very proud of her hair.Very proud to say that she doesn't use any hairsprays or finishing products - and despite having her career giving her the access to the best in the buisness - her friend from school still does her cut and colour - and has done for like 30 yrs.

time to get a new hairdresser and use all those products luv

Yes, her hair is, what's known in the business as 'a right knife and fork job'... :wink:
Well, I happened to actually literally just catch a few moments of the show, and she'd literally just come back from the actual award show. I too thought that her choice of outfit was literally bizarre, and actually said so to Mr BB, who was literally sitting next to me. He actually thought so too!

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