Aha! Jackie's hair growth = extensions


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Mar 21, 2015
From her own mouth... During the OTO presentation on the Liz Earle hour, Jackie said she has hair extensions. I hope, if it's buying her "grow time" that her natural hair behaves like natural hair. I also hope she didn't fork out a high price for her extensions. If she did, in my opinion she was robbed!
She has stated before they are extensions but it is obvious as the colour match is shocking!!
Why in gods name would anyone pay to have foreign bits put in you hair to achieve 2 spaniel ears 6inches longer than the rest of your own hair.
I think it looks ok when she has it blow dried straight and the extensions arent so obvious but most of the time its the spaniel look.
She seems to have gone quite bonkers in this eek show, giving ring sizes in animal names and screeching away as the guest tries to get back on track. I think she is trying for "personality"!

When the hair has been straightened I can never spot how she has had these extensions put in as you do not see any layers. Today you can see the possibilities. But her hair used to be white blonde didn't it and the length is now quite a yellow blonde. I think the style of a long bob cut shorter at the back was quite an "in" style but when it is straightened it makes her face look very thin, I think.
Isn't this the style the doctor, Connie, has recently had done in Casualty? She is supposed to be all sophisticated and modern. I think the elongated bob was definitely in some years ago but it was shorter all round than Jackie's effort.
Let's face it, there seems to be an obsession with long hair on women of all ages at QVC. Tiff has been growing her bob out, as has Sharon. Pipa now has long hair. Gill Gauntlet has grown her hair. In none of these cases is the look an improvement! One top tip to look younger is a change of hairstyle... But it has to be right for your face shape, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Jackie may have felt like a change, which is fair enough, but to get extensions which didn't match was not a smart move... And her features are actually quite delicate, so were, in my view, better served by her short and precise short bob.
She seems to have gone quite bonkers in this eek show, giving ring sizes in animal names and screeching away as the guest tries to get back on track. I think she is trying for "personality"!

When the hair has been straightened I can never spot how she has had these extensions put in as you do not see any layers. Today you can see the possibilities. But her hair used to be white blonde didn't it and the length is now quite a yellow blonde. I think the style of a long bob cut shorter at the back was quite an "in" style but when it is straightened it makes her face look very thin, I think.

She's morphed into Marv then.
Each their own I suppose but I must admit I did prefer to see Jackie with short hair. She is an attractive woman who can carry off shorter styles like Pippa. I think she looks older with long hair but hubby prefers it! Everyone has their own opinion I suppose, a bit like the love/hate we have with have with the QVC presenters!
I must agree that I prefer JK with short hair and think she suits it best!
Also like her shows as she brings some humour to an otherwise rather boring fashions, tat and the likes! :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14:
Her hair is shocking, there is not one thing i can say that is positive about it. The colour is ghastly and the length just looks wrong. It was so nice when it was short and in that white blonde colour. Now it just looks dirty.
I like Jackie. Her hair's always been the least attractive thing about her. Short or long it's over-processed, yellow and straw-like. Needs to lay off the dye for a while or go brunette or something.
She has stated before they are extensions but it is obvious as the colour match is shocking!!

I've noticed that the QVC studio lighting is the most unforgiving for hair colour. If there is ANY unwanted tones in hair, the lighting will pick it out. Along with grey strands, scalp shine etc

Worst of all are blondes. If the tone has any orange in it or brassiness, the lights will grab it. At first I thought Jackie's extensions were 'reverse ombre' because they are yellower than her natural hair, I truly think in jackies case, the quality of hair is better condition than her own therefore light reflection would be different, hence the reason for obvious blonde bassett hound ears look
I also think the Studio Lights are awful on the make up front! The other week I thought two Presenters had black baggy eyes and couldn't stop staring! When they moved about it seemed better, so must have been the lights and/or the makeup! It looked awful!

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