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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I've put this on QVC as it's the biggest shopping site, but this is for all of you who've ever bought off shopping telly to come clean and admit there embarrasing purchases...don't be shy, I'll go first. I was clearing out an old clothes cupboard the other day and this inspired me.

Michele Hope......set of floral stretchy skirt, with top and bag set..all acyrlic....I thought at the time it had a kind of "boho" look to it...I guess it did 'cause it made me look like a tramp, and sweat like one too. Also floral blouse with skinny sleeves and "handkerchief" cuffs...actually very pretty, but I threw it out because it made me sweat buckets!

Flyflots.....yes, I have a pair of flyflots. I went though a phase of wearing them all the time because they're comfortable, they look a bit naff, but I kept them because they are really comfortable!

Thomas Kinkade tote bag, purse and umbrella won't believe the compliments I've had when toting these beauties about...I've kept them. (wouldn't have him on my wall though!)

The "Infinite dress"......I wore it once, and never again! utterly ridiculous,sweaty garment, that felt as though it was going to fall off at any given moment....why did I buy cost a blinking fortune too!

Emilia....yes Emelia stretchy trousers and black and white top...looks fabulous really!

Tova perfume....smells like flyspray!

Stylees....fantastic thankfully a lot of other places have copied the design and have made them a lot more trendy using beads and metal combs instead of hideous strips of fabric attached to coloured plastic.

Bought an enormous plastic camera from pricecrash....don't know why, it looked like a child's toy, it had this flash attachment and some kind of measuring device, when I took it out with me, my mate fell about laughing, and so did I tbh, and I think I managed to damage the film whilst trying to remove it.

Air o dry....took 1 hour to dry a few tshirts, and they still needed ironing after!..I did get a refund on that one

H20 vac....awful product, took longer to clean the machine after you'd used it than it did to clean the carpets.

Come on folks...admit what you've got in the depths of your you love it? Or did it get sent back and never mentioned again?!
mine defo has to be the slimming break bars things that they sold years ago, totally disgusting, I did send them back.
pro-collagen marine cream. i have not one single wrinkle but thought prevention was better than cure and used it. gave me terrible acne and a heap of scars to boot.
yoghurt maker pre easiyo have had it 13 years never ever used it but think i will some day.
a carol smith craft kit i still have a lot yet even though i did all my windows with the stained glass kit and made the bow.
Titanic jewellery from QVC (about 10 years ago, never wore it, sold it on ebay for about 99p per piece).
Joan Rivers egg pendants.
The yoghurt maker I bet Boffy has (was it the one with the glass jars in a round thing that you plug in?).

I don't think there was anything else too awful, most of my purchases have been beauty products and craft stuff. I had a lot of the Gallery Glass stuff and quite liked it (mind you, I hardly ever used it and sent a massive box of it to a scout group).

Is anyone going to own up to having bought one of those hideous jackets with wolves or bears or whatever on them???

Oh no, just remembered my most embarassing purchase - polopanchos!!!!! Not just one, but one each for my children. They have now forgiven me!!
Not tooo many mistakes...

Tova Signature Fragrance that smelled like a combination of cat pee and old women's cardigans.
Elemis Cleanser that brought me out in a rash.

From Price-Drop-
Satin Bed Set that was so cheap looking and so slippery that myself and Mr Birdie almost fell out of bed!
White Gold bangle - with a dodgy clasp. I lost it the first week I had it.
Just remembered another one - the Atkins diet kit from a channel I can't remember the name of it but was an American one presented by Kevin Trudeau or something like that. We sent it back btw!

And from HSE I bought the Bharti Vyas skincare system which I never used as it was far too much faffing about.
Not tooo many mistakes...

Tova Signature Fragrance that smelled like a combination of cat pee and old women's cardigans.
Elemis Cleanser that brought me out in a rash.

From Price-Drop-
Satin Bed Set that was so cheap looking and so slippery that myself and Mr Birdie almost fell out of bed!
White Gold bangle - with a dodgy clasp. I lost it the first week I had it.

Your description of Tova Signature is spot on! ..but you did miss out the base notes of fly killer!

Yes, I bought not one, but 3 of those goddam satin bedsets from pricedrop. The pillows slid around like lord knows what, my toenails snagged the fabric, and there not long, and before long they all ripped at the seams, and they made your bedroom look like a backstreet brothel!

I also bought a bangle, it was supposed to be snakelike, they said the gold was really fluid..was it f*ck! It was so stiff it wore like a bangle, and the clasp wouldn't close properly!

And a message to the person who sold their Titanic jewellery on Ebay, I think I bought it!

And I stupidly bought a set of silver jewellery from qvc, sterling silver bracelets, pendants and earrings set all with separate gift boxes, thought they'd make fab gifts..well apart from one pair of earrings, I decided to keep for myself, I wouldn't have given the rest of it to a dog, it was so flimsy, the boxes were worth more than the contents!

And I've just remembered another "camera" I bought from one of the infomerical channels. It was called a tv sharecam. To the untrained eye, it looked like a proper digital camera, BUT it only had room for about 15 photographs, and I soon realised that unless you activated the flash, the picture wouldn't come out, even it it was outdoors on a hot sunny day. When you took a picture, you had to wait about 5 minutes for the flash to work, then if you wanted to take another photo straight afterwards, you were out of luck, because you had to wait again! Had it been decent it would have been brilliant, you could plug it straight into the tv and watch the pics as a slideshow,and that was fine, but when you downloaded them to the computer, the results were really grainy and poor quality..I don't arf buy some rubbish don't I?
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...Oooh I keep remembering stuff, sorry. A mobile phone that was completely voice activated, but the problem was that it wasn't that good at recognising commands, I'd say home, and it would hear "Mum" instead, Undeterred I changed home to "house" and that seemed to work, but then I got caught in a rainstorm, and as it was one you wore hanging round your neck like a medic call, it got soaked through and stopped working altogether!
This is embarrassing as it was only last year...gulp

gem magic :8: not one but 2 :54:

and my breast care purchase arrived today....the pink sparkly cardi

Its the menopause I swear.
This is embarrassing as it was only last year...gulp

gem magic :8: not one but 2 :54:

and my breast care purchase arrived today....the pink sparkly cardi

Its the menopause I swear.

I got gemagic...only the one though, the designs were so complicated, I didn't bother, and there was always at least one claw that didn't go through the fabric properly. The only thing I sucessfully gemmed up was a plain bag, and it looked blinking awful when I'd finished with it, and I don't recommend treading on the beads that inevitably fall off when you've got no shoes on....they hurt!!!!
Those Slim n Lift do dar's.

I am seriously not joking when I say that my knuckle cracked when I pulled those suffocators up - a noise that haunts me to this day......
I've always wanted to know what the Tova purrrrrrfume smelled like :26:

My worst (IMO) was Butler & Wilson necklaces (can't really call them pendants) one in the lips design and one with the eye and teardrop. They just looked really, really cheap. The "eye" was for me and the "lips" one was for my daughter-she liked it-but was very disappointed that nobody noticed it when she wore it.

Why I thought I could get away with wearing the "eye" in the first place I don't know-I rememember I wanted the "eye" belt at the time but it had sold out.

I plead menopause too :30::32::17::6:

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I got gemagic...only the one though, the designs were so complicated, I didn't bother, and there was always at least one claw that didn't go through the fabric properly. The only thing I sucessfully gemmed up was a plain bag, and it looked blinking awful when I'd finished with it, and I don't recommend treading on the beads that inevitably fall off when you've got no shoes on....they hurt!!!!

Know what you mean I ruined a perfectly good pair of leather gloves....not going to stop wearing them but I will have to keep my hands in my pockets no matter what!
(It was buy one get one free...lucky eh)
I think I've got half of the same tat that Merryone has bought. I also have the B&W eye Biddie. I later spotted Davina McCall wearing it whilst presenting the BB show. I knew it reminded me of something!
Slimming pants, use them very very occasionally.

Microtek computer scanner and negative light lid which we have never used- what a waste of money!

I bought one of those! it never even came out the box stayed in comp room for about ten yrs then got thrown out!
also we bought the 1st mobile fone from there it was a phillips house brick style as i recall on BT mobile pay as you go.
and remember those drinks things with the blue ice pack thing that you put in the freezer and then put in the cup to keep your drinks cold?
I could go on for days about the embarrassing trash i've been gullible enough to buy over the years.

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