Account closing.


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having had "the letter" a year or two back - I'd really love to know where I stand today,and what my return rate is and whether its "acceptable".Do you think QVC would give people this information if they rang and asked? I hope that they would - as it seems so unacceptable just to close peoples accounts.

I feel so sorry for those who have had their accounts closed.Its just not nice is it? On one hand,I read a comment on one thread the other day,about if QVC closed that person's account,it would actually help them manage their finances better.I can really relate to that statement - all my debt and over spending is down to QVC and if it wasn't there - well,how much more avaialble money I would have.

However (not trying to rub salts in the wounds PPc and concordia:confused:) I really would not like QVC taking away from me.I watch QVC quite a lot - and it would be agony to watch and not be able to buy should you want to - or even not to watch - I stuggle to find things to watch on tV and regualrly just come in and have QVC on in the background.I just can't imagine not doing that.

What really annoys me about QVC - and I'm sure thats why their 30 day MBG is abused so much - is you never know whats round the corner.If I go to my local debenhams for example once a week for a month - within reason its all the same stock.It may be moved around,dressed up a bit or on a promotion - but generally the stock is the same.All the products are there for me to see - and rarely change from week to week.

With QvC - you may have some money in your pocket at the end of the week and treat yourself.You may be very pleased with what you've bought for say your £40.However you could be watching the next week and something far better for your £40 pops up.Or even the week after a TSV pops up that you had no idea of its contents and its even better value for your £40.

Why shouldn't you send those previous items back? You can and you do because QVC says you can within 30 days - and at the end of the day - don't you want the best value your £40 can buy you?

Thats the problem with QvC - you never know whats round the corner.Sometimes it does feel as though QVc is broken with all items on a loop - but IMO thay have a lot of new stock compared to a department store and they have a quick turnaround on some items.

QVc are getting better at telling you what products they have coming up and what some upcoming TSV are going to be - but I find this the biggest problem with QvC.
My Letter to Mr Boyd CEO - Update!!

Just had a call from a very polite guy called Chris in the CEO's office in Liverpool, even though my letter was sent to Marco Polo House. Apparently Mr Boyd works between the two locations but all customer operations are dealt with up there because this is where all customer records are held, so that makes sense. I was told that all the points raised in my letter will be carefully considered and investigated and Mr Boyd will make the final decision about my account and I should hear from his office again early next week. So we shall see.......
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I'm so sorry PPC to hear that your QVC account has been closed. The way QVC have treated both you and Concordia is nothing short of outrageous and certainly not worthy of "the best TV shopping channel".

I watch QVC a lot and like rainbowdottie I would be devastated if I could no longer buy from them but I now no longer trust them as they seem to be underhand and unjust in the way they treat their customers.

I can't see QVC using any type of disclaimer on screen when the 30 day MBG is mentioned as without this particular selling tool they are just like any other shopping channel.
I just had a call from a lady called Jackie from the CEO's office in Liverpool to tell me that I haven't been forgotten and she is having a meeting with the finance team to find out why my account was closed. WTF!!?? I said you know why it was closed, because of my returns, but then she said there were some other points in my letter that she wanted to discuss with them but the meeting couldn't take place until towards the end of this month and then she will respond to my letter. So they are going through the motions but I'm not expecting a different outcome.
I don't have any easy pays on the go Moth but I received the confirmation letter today about my account closure and it said that if I have any orders yet to be delivered I can still return them within the 30 day mbg period and refunds would be issued back to my card as normal so I assume oustanding easy pay payments would still be collected as per the order.

How good of them! Cheek.
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Update - Still awaiting further contact from the CEO's office.
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If I were you PPC Id wait till they graciously say Oh go on then, you can have your account back and then say "no thanks, Id rather not" and suggest they shove it up their jacksies.
Update - Still awaiting further contact from the CEO's office.
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He's too busy booking guests to tout their "luminous" face cream to do the decent thing and deal with a very pressing issue.

Or he may be on a buying visit to Mars along with the Prai lady(Judith Williams couldn't go as she had shows today). Seriously though, QVC's conduct here is absolutely unprofessional (closing an account without discussing it with the customer) and from the many posts this is not the first time. I sincerely hope you get the outcome you want PPC:sun:Best Wishes
Pleased they have seen sense & re-instated your account Pinkpussycat.Although I think if this happened to me I would never use my 'new' account having just made the point & got them to re-consider their actions and 'back down'.
My QVC spending is a fraction of what it used to be I really consider what I am ordering these days but that is because I now have more time to hit the High St. & use other internet sites.
Anyway, HAPPY SHOPPING! wherever it is!
Great news PPC. Have they slapped any provisos on you though ? :mysmilie_480::mysmilie_378::mysmilie_47::mysmilie_8::mysmilie_848::mysmilie_852:
Great PPC but Have they given you any conditions, can you send anything back?

Great news PPC. Have they slapped any provisos on you though ? :mysmilie_480::mysmilie_378::mysmilie_47::mysmilie_8::mysmilie_848::mysmilie_852:
My account status was confirmed via a call from the CEO's office yesterday so I'm not aware of any conditions atm, I'm waiting for a possible different version of THE LETTER to arrive lol. Will let you know.
Hurrah! Now you can enjoy hours of Kim and Co, DIY and cameras and have huge credit card bills to look forward to ;)

Good for you for standing up to them!
My account has been reinstated!! :cool:

Very pleased for you Ppc. It will be interesting to know if they have done a radical overhaul of their policies. If nothing has changed and new Q members figures drop, will they then be so willing to guillotine existing accounts according to their potty conditions? With this in mind, I haven't heard them say lately we have x amount of new members this evening, but I have drastically reduced my viewing and buying habits. If I am uninspired by their wares then I would think new viewers would be too!
Hurrah! Now you can enjoy hours of Kim and Co,
I'm already literally perusing the actual cyber fashion rails for a nice clingy sparkly number for the actual literal Xmas party season. :mysmilie_852:Ooh :wait: perhaps Michelle NoHope would be a better bet?? :mysmilie_506:

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