A shocking discovery


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I've just received a list of all my Q purchases, after 3 requests for it.

Now I almost wish I hadn't.

Since 2004 I've bought 272 items.

I've spent £1,118 on PP !!!!!

Total cost was just under £20,000.

Many of the items have hardly been used, they are "just in case" or "may come in handy one day" gadgets and tools.

And this is on top of IW spending as well, I don't know if they will provide a list.

I haven't examined the items list in detail yet.

When I do, I will report on the items that were useless, unused, and worth buying.

£20,000 ! Is there a crying icon on here?
Wow.. That's a lot of money when you see it like that.Especially if its things you don't use. I don't think I've spent that much but I don't think I want to find out. I've cut my spending right down so this encourages me to stick to it.

Do you think you'll change your telly shopping habits now ?
Crikey! I think you need to lie down in a darkened room Strato. You have quite expensive taste, though, with an average item cost of £73.50. Average P&P was £4.11, but as we all know Q's P&P is ridiculous. It's a rude awakening when you see it like this though isn't it?!
Wow.. That's a lot of money when you see it like that.Especially if its things you don't use. I don't think I've spent that much but I don't think I want to find out. I've cut my spending right down so this encourages me to stick to it.

Do you think you'll change your telly shopping habits now ?

Yes, I've cut right back.

My last purchase was 2 sets of the TSV L&Ls, very good value and useful, but I didn't actually NEED them, I've got loads of other sizes.

EDIT - but I did get free PP otherwise I wouldn't have bought them.
I dread to think how much I have spent in the past! :mysmilie_13:
I think my most expensive purchase was a HP all singing and dancing touch screen PC.

It is now an all-moaning, all-stopping PC, with dreadful performance. If I want to do anything useful I have to go onto my old iPad.
its very sobering isn't it. i had a printout and it was about the same :sad:but over 20 years from day one at qvc..still a lot of money. i feel better if i think its under £1,000 a year:mysmilie_468:
I think I might equal you on that but only because 99% is jewellery. Saving grace is I still have it all and most of it is the sort of thing I am currently wearing.

In fact I'm off today so after cleaning the oven (halo is sparkling) I decided to go through it all and clean where necessary. It is amazing how much you push to the back and the only reason you don't wear it is because something else is near to hand. I could be ashamed to say how much I bought but I wear something (mostly different) every day and really get pleasure out of it and my spending on beauty and such like is very very little.

The one thing it has taught me (well for this weekend anyway) is that I don't need the bits and pieces I have been looking at on the web!!
Strato, what happened to your plan to sign up as a Q presenter? You'd then get a discount on all your purchases, and be able to ask DF for tips on how to write your first book as well. I seem to recall you were going to be the one and only "tell it like it is" presenter.
Yes, I've cut right back.

My last purchase was 2 sets of the TSV L&Ls, very good value and useful, but I didn't actually NEED them, I've got loads of other sizes.

EDIT - but I did get free PP otherwise I wouldn't have bought them.
That is a horrifying discovery Stratobuddy. I started totting up mine but I have chickened out of find out the total reckoning.

My worst "crime" is that I often lose track of the last day to get something back to QVC so end up with stuff I would have sent back.

Mind you, I have high hopes for the Shark 2 in 1 gadget which arrived today (it was the TSV earlier this week)... it will be put through it's paces this bank holiday weekend... let's face it, actually watching QVC is not an option with wall-to-wall Richard Jackson all weekend long, so there's no risk of spotting any bargains.

I also need to have a play with my Babyliss Big Hair Petite... I was going to use it this morning but ran out of time - left the house with wet hair!
Strato, what happened to your plan to sign up as a Q presenter? You'd then get a discount on all your purchases, and be able to ask DF for tips on how to write your first book as well. I seem to recall you were going to be the one and only "tell it like it is" presenter.

I failed the audition when I said I'd bought DF's book in the remainder bin for 10P, but it wasn't worth the money to read past the first few pages. So I said I took it to a charity shop, but they refused to take it.
Crikey! I think you need to lie down in a darkened room Strato. You have quite expensive taste, though, with an average item cost of £73.50. Average P&P was £4.11, but as we all know Q's P&P is ridiculous. It's a rude awakening when you see it like this though isn't it?!

The period was almost exactly 12 years since my first purchase, so that's an average of £1,667 per year. Even that figure is higher than I thought.

My very first item was a 13 piece decorating set. It had one paint brush handle with various size clip-on brush heads.

For the life of me, I can't think why this was supposed to be an advantage.

I've never used it, and it is lost in the depths of Strato Towers.

It cost £9-98 + £3-95 PP.

So the PP was 40% of the cost of the item. They were just as bad then for their PP.
:mysmilie_61::mysmilie_847: The idea of honesty obviously came as a total shock to them!

I failed the audition when I said I'd bought DF's book in the remainder bin for 10P, but it wasn't worth the money to read past the first few pages. So I said I took it to a charity shop, but they refused to take it.
Wow, you are a star customer. Have you ever been invited to any special events? Remember when they had loyal diamonique customers guesting on shows? You should be asked to appear as a keen techie or diy fan. At the very least, anyone spending over £1000 per year should get free p&p and be asked to trial new products. A bit of loyalty recognition wouldn't hurt.
Don't beat yourself up about it strato, unless you couldn't afford to spend that much. It equates to £147 a month on products and £8.22 a month on p&p (bus fare or parking a month would be more). (Hope my sums are right :mysmilie_50:). I am not defending Q spending. If this is a major part of your recreational spending is it a bad thing if frugal in other areas? If it pulls you up like a short shock to reevaluate your spending then all to the good. I hope you find enjoyment and usefulness in your purchases and any not so sell on. After doing an inventory and evaluation and find things doubled, or trebled, up it may put things into better perspective for you. Especially, as you have said in the past, some things are still boxed and unopened!
I don't mind at all about the things I bought that were good and are in regular use eg my Ninja, camera etc.

But it is all the items that turned out to be useless and unused that annoy me.

BTW anything that was faulty or not as described was returned for a full refund (with my PP) and a return label. I'm not sure whether these are included on the list or not, as I haven't had time to examine it in detail. I've never actually returned anything under the 30 day MBG because of having to pay PP both ways.

But on top of all the things actually bought from Q, there are probably half as many again that were introduced to me by Q but bought cheaper elsewhere eg Samsung Smart TV, digital recorder, video recorder, memory stick for my ipad, etc etc, all of which are in regular use.

I am a self-confessed gadget and technology fan, so am grateful to Q for introducing me to new stuff which I wouldn't have otherwise known about, such as my scanning mouse.

When I get time, I'll go through the list and mention some of the items and whether they were good, bad, or unused.

EDIT - and not forgetting BOSE of course! I like my TSV Bose SOUNDTOUCH Wave system, even though it doesn't blow out my candles. But I'm glad I didn't buy a NON-Soundtouch version. It was a good buy from Q, and they've only ever had it once to my knowledge. I've got about 8 other Bose items, introduced to me by Q but bought elsewhere.

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