Tanzanite Flasher!
sazza, I think it was a bit of a shock when none of us have ever been told off before is all.
I think anyone who has been with rocks since the beginning will be smiling at this thread simply because its a subject that crops up from time to time, most of us oldies on here know that the chat has had its problems from the start, of course chat goes off topic from time to time and when we are reminded by the rocks staff usually we just say sorry and move on because we are very aware of the chat rules and on occasion we all natter about other stuff the reminder is never personal so no one should feel offended .I was more upset that one of the people who took exception and said they would leave had a go at another chatter just for saying that Adrianna was in her rights to pull the chat back to gems.I dont think just because someone spends a lot of money with rocks should ever feel the have the upper hand as the rules are the rules and we need to try and stick to them otherwise the chatbox will go and rocks did set up the chit chat for people to go and chat about other things if they wish to .
You are always very helpfull Mira, very often providing information that is missing from descriptions. More that once your info has led me to make a purchase - Thank you and I hope you continue to provide the fantastic service!
I AGREE with you all.Where have you been Mirabelle i have missed you. I always watch Rocks with sound off and you always provide me the details which i find very usefull. Hope you ok. X
:hi: Mand,
Thank you for your compliment too, as I said to spindrift... I enjoy helping out where I can...and will continue to do so.
Awe thanks for missing me lol.....
In answer to your question Mand, I've been a bit poorly this last month,
I picked up the dreaded swine flu and the winter vomiting/diahorreah Norovirus bug together, It well knocked me for six...I thought my number was up lol....
Don't worry though I'm just about coming through the other end, although I still look like death warmed up and a bit weak I'm ok!
thanks again to you and spindrift for your kind words...
Lots of love
Mirabelle xxx:40:
I hardly ever participate in Chat, but I do sometimes read it. I happened to be reading it the other night and was surprised that some people were so upset about being reminded about the Chat rules by Adrienna (although I missed the actual telling off and the banter that had gone before it).
As an outsider coming in late, I must say that the chatters seemed to take it awfully personally and their reactions were consequently rather ott. I'm sure Adrienna would be really upset at people's response as she was only doing her job and would never have wanted to cause any offence.
If you'v been with Rockstv from the start, you'll be aware of the various problems that the Chat has thrown up and all the reasons the Bennetts feel they need to moderate it when it goes too far off topic. They are really very lenient with their own rules and allow a lot of banter, but as with any similar situation (and this is the teacher in me coming out) you do occasionally need to remind and rein in, otherwise it would just get more and more out of hand.
I know we all say things we shouldn't when we are upset, but just because as a customer you spend a lot of money somewhere, it doesn't mean you can make up your own rules. You just need to be treated with respect and given the best customer service possible. And surely this is what Rockstv delivers in abundance and far and away above virtually any other company?
Well said Jacqualina. I think it's perhaps easier for us to understand who have been there from the start and witnessed the, errrrrrr, tensions.
Mirabelle - I think your contribution is great. From the little I've seen you're incredibly helpful and welcoming. It's people like you that make chat work.
As an outsider coming in late, I must say that the chatters seemed to take it awfully personally and their reactions were consequently rather ott. ?
I read this whole thread with incredulity this morning, I can't believe that some people had such a childish, petulant reaction to simply being asked to stick to the site rules.I don't visit Rocks site very often and this has reminded me why, that whenever I do, I always turn chat off. If I watch it's to see what's on offer and all the irrelevant chitchat that goes on about everything under the sun bores the arse off me and I can see why the presenters are instructed to try and keep it to a minimum.