A missing return


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Jun 27, 2008
I sent back some fit-over sunglasses 17 days ago, special delivery and I have the proof from RM that QVC received it the day after I posted it.

The Q are now sending me a letter to fill in to claim off RM as they say they have no record of receiving it. One of them must be lying !

I don't really care as long as I get my money back, but I am annoyed if the Q lost it/someone stole it their end, but they get the money back off RM who 'did their job' so to speak.
Bizarre because QVC can view the tracking ref on Royalmail.com and see that it's been accepted at their depo. You should get a response from RM to the same effect, as SD is a fully trackable service (better than just "signed for") and so they'll come back to you and say the package was delivered and they aren't responsible if QVC have subsequently lost it. You could be going around in circles for a while.

If you have the Special Delivery receipt you could email QVC a scanned copy. If you claim against RM they'll ask you to send it to them so make sure you keep a copy of it.
Akimbo's right. You can't submit a claim if you have proof of delivery. You say you have proof from RM that Q received it, so just send a copy of that proof to Q. They won't be able to deny it and will have to bear the loss.
I sent back some fit-over sunglasses 17 days ago, special delivery and I have the proof from RM that QVC received it the day after I posted it.

The Q are now sending me a letter to fill in to claim off RM as they say they have no record of receiving it. One of them must be lying !

I don't really care as long as I get my money back, but I am annoyed if the Q lost it/someone stole it their end, but they get the money back off RM who 'did their job' so to speak.

I have lost count of the times this has happened to me! You cannot enter into a claim against RM as you have proof of delivery you should have a signature, which normally only a couple of Q staff that sign, just tell Q you are not entering or bring part of an illegal claim on RM, email them a copy of the proof of posting and a screen shot of the delivery details and Q signature and tell them you require an immediate refund!!

Sadly some of their staff don't know their arse from there ...... They just read off a screen, or send off a standard email rather than actually listen and use their common sense!

A recent example of Q staff stupidity! I requested my DSR return P&P and was asked ah but did you open the parcel, the tone was that of someone who thought they had bettered me, I said yes as I had to in order to return the item DOHHHHHHHH the answer was oh um ok!!

Soon I'm going to require counselling as I'll start dreaming about dealing with all their rubbish, I'll have to sue them for emotional damage!:mysmilie_10:
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Today I received a letter thanking me for sending back a non-receipt declaration and asking to phone about how to proceed as they cannot contact me...... I have not yet received a declaration to send back AND on Saturday got an automated call saying my card had been recredited with the full amount......

This was for an item Hermes never even scanned in from Q so I reckon they lost it themselves anyway,

As you say JW2, arse and elbow!!!!,
Ahh Q set their best, how the hell they stay in business is beyond me :mysmilie_15:

5 days ago they drew money from my account, they can't find any reason why, neither can I, the amount has still not been returned! They are beyond incompetent, I just hope people check their accounts etc and keep check of this untrustworthy company, they do my head in man!!

Why can't I stop shopping with them why!!! I'm beginning to think I'm a masochist :thinking:
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Sadly some of their staff don't know their arse from there ...... They just read off a screen, or send off a standard email rather than actually listen and use their common sense!

Whatever happened to common sense? Few of the young people I work with seem to have any at all, no logical thought processes. I spend my life saying to them "But what about XXXX? Couldn't you do YYYYY?". They look at me as if I'm an alien before the penny drops and they go "Oh yeah, I never thought of that". And in my head I'm screaming "You never thought at all, that's the problem!"
Whatever happened to common sense? Few of the young people I work with seem to have any at all, no logical thought processes. I spend my life saying to them "But what about XXXX? Couldn't you do YYYYY?". They look at me as if I'm an alien before the penny drops and they go "Oh yeah, I never thought of that". And in my head I'm screaming "You never thought at all, that's the problem!"

OMG so true!! Education in this country needs to change they need to teach them to think for themselves rather than look it up online or say I can't do it, god that annoys me when staff whine I can't do it! Well if you can't I have to and if I can so can you! They just can't be bothered nowadays, I'm sure there are some that are good but I haven't met many of late.
Give them the Special Delivery info again, point out it can be viewed online and ask for your refund to be actioned immediately!!

No reason for you to be sending stuff in the post.....they will only lose it and deny all knowledge.


I just did my very 1st Hermes return today......already feeling like I made a bad mistake!!

The only email option I can find is a standard form and I can't see how I can email the proof I have? I agree that they are likely to lose anything I return in the post and that they seem to just send a standard reply each time.

I made the mistake of ordering from the final JK collection show. I had admired the tank watch for ages and finally caved due to the easy pay option *blush*.

It arrived yesterday and was clearly a return. The plastic face cover was dirty and hanging off. The gold
Plated casing has marks and scratches on it like it has been worn. The leather strap has a deep groove in it, where it has clearly been worn by someone with a smaller wrist than mine for a considerable amount of time, given the dent in the leather. It is a pretty watch and sold out now, but I will be *amned if I am going to pay full price for a return. I told them that and I just got the standard 'return label is in the post' , no apology. If this was a DSR return then don't they check that they are indeed unused?

How come some people get told off for using too much of a beauty product for instance before returning, but an expensive item like this is accepted back and sent out again without being checked?!

With the fact I have had an 8 month old iron that broke refunded, Birkenstocks that I had to return as they were almost an inch smaller than an identical pair of them I bought two years ago ( according to all my other shoes my feet haven't grown in that time!)the glasses I returned as they were hideous and now this, I fully expect to be getting 'the letter' regarding percentage returns very shortly.

I have said this before, and I can go months without purchasing from the Q but I really do think I am done now in any case.The post and packaging is outrageous, and when you add it to the item I know I would NEVER pay that much for similar in the high street .
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What I do and I've done it many many times, is take a photo of the RM proof of posting, track the parcel, open the signature box take a screen shoot of the page and email both to Q. They can't argue with proof! I have also started to take photos of faulty items and the packaging so I can prove things if I need to as I am sorry to say there are many instances where you really can't trust them, the email I use is [email protected]
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I sent back some fit-over sunglasses 17 days ago, special delivery and I have the proof from RM that QVC received it the day after I posted it.

The Q are now sending me a letter to fill in to claim off RM as they say they have no record of receiving it. One of them must be lying !

I don't really care as long as I get my money back, but I am annoyed if the Q lost it/someone stole it their end, but they get the money back off RM who 'did their job' so to speak.

SuziQ, don't waste any more time with customer services: go to the top - email address of the CEO is

[email protected]

Give him your special delivery reference number, and he will be able to see for himself that the 'return' has been delivered to QVC. Life's too short to waste time running around for Qvc: you are the customer. Good Luck, Jay

PS don't forget to describe to DB the state of your 'new' item.
I hope you get your refund. Doubt the CEO will even see the email, he probably has another email address and this published one actually goes to an admin person.
Doubt the CEO will even see the email, he probably has another email address and this published one actually goes to an admin person.

A little dismissive, Spartacus?

I have no idea whether Dermot Boyd (DB) has more than one email address; the published email address is not only for disgruntled customers.

Whether he delegates emails is, to my mind, immaterial: the objective is that any issue – the subject of the email - be resolved. In this case, the objective is that SuziQ receives her money without having to go through unnecessary hoops.

On several occasions I have had need to contact DB because of QVC’s persistent failure to credit p&p when items were returned under DSRs, or because products were sold after sell-by dates. Each time my complaint has been handled efficiently - and to my satisfaction - by staff within the CEO’s office.

If I raise a query with QVC’s call centre operators and do not receive the service which I expect, I am not willing to bash my head against a brick wall: I ask to be put through to a team leader/ manager. If I still receive no joy, then I take it further - a missive to DB.

In short, I am not willing to waste my time trying to resolve issues not of my making with call centre staff who appear unwilling or unable to help.

If I have returned items via Special Delivery (SD), I expect to receive a refund within eight to ten days after receipt at QVC. Should there be no refund, I contact QVC via email and provide the relevant SD reference number and the name of the recipient (Royal Mail provide a copy of the signature on its website), and leave QVC staff to do the rest. An email informing me of my refund usually follows within a day or so.

SuziQ reports problems with other QVC purchases, not least the JK watch. Were I she, I should bring them to the attention of the person paid to ensure that customers remain satisfied. That person is the CEO, who is best placed to pass on a particular complaint to the relevant head of department.
As I said, I hope the issue gets resolved, i just think its naive to think a CEO will see these type of correspondence. I've worked in places where email addresses have been set up in the name of fictional employees as it makes people feel better contacting a na,med individual rather than a generic contact. Made up names are used for the email address to avoid a real person being badgered by phone/email.
I think emailing the CEO will help. I had a similar problem over a DB coat last year. It was returned because of the shocking state it was delivered in, clearly a used item, but it got lost somewhere in the warehouse. The courier and QVC were all denying responsibility for it. I ended having to wait their statutory 21 day period. In the end, I emailed Mr Boyd with my refund receipt number, said that I wasn't happy with the service I'd received and that I wanted a refund as I had proof I'd passed it on to the courier. By some miracle, the next day the coat had been located in the warehouse and I was refunded right away. I don't think it was the CEO who actually handled it himself but just heading in his general direction definitely got things done. Good luck!
I agree with Moth. It can't hurt your cause to go the CEO route and even if it is the office of the CEO rather than the man himself I imagine they do not want to see this type of complaint coming their way.
I hope you get your refund. Doubt the CEO will even see the email, he probably has another email address and this published one actually goes to an admin person.

I had cause to email the CEO a couple of weeks ago and got an emailed acknowledgement that they had received it within two hours of my sending it. The next afternoon someone in the CEO's office rang me ......... so of one his staff should respond to an email if SuziQ sends one. I also emailed the webmaster address at the same time and got a written response a couple of days later.

I hope you soon get the issue resolved, Suzi.
I've had this soo many times and I've never had to email the CEO it's really is not that difficult to sort it as I've posted earlier!

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