A few things I noticed whilst watching last night


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Registered Shopper
Oct 20, 2009
Umbria, Italy
1) That Charlie Broook says "look at this 'ere" more often than he should.
2) That Beth (the model) looks as if she has lost quite a bit of weight over the last few months. Not that she needed to!
3) How pretty Claire Sutton's hair is lately.

I noticed all of the above whilst watching the "Quacker Factory Christmas"

I hasten to add that I didn't not buy anything.

Nor Have I ever bought anything from Quacker.
Charlie is so soporific. Repetitive and dull. So bored with him.
I was admiring Beth's slenger legs the other day when she was wearing leggings . Her face is more angular now but I don't think she should lose any more.
Claire's hair is gorgeous. The new longer length really suits her, it is so thick and in wonderful condition. Wish mine was like that.
Quacker Factory stuff is really embarassing. I think the presenters should be on double pay to have to deal with it.
Claire's hair is beeeyyyyooootiful. In fact I'm attempting to grow mine out and into that style atm (although I'm very dark brunette rather than blonde) mins is fairly naturally curly too, so hopefully will get the right amount of bounce in it with all the layering it has at the moment.

I thought Beth had lost a lot of weight also - I hope she's ok and isn't going to lose any more, she looks great whatever, but hope she stays as she is...
Claire's hair is beeeyyyyooootiful. In fact I'm attempting to grow mine out and into that style atm (although I'm very dark brunette rather than blonde) mins is fairly naturally curly too, so hopefully will get the right amount of bounce in it with all the layering it has at the moment.

I thought Beth had lost a lot of weight also - I hope she's ok and isn't going to lose any more, she looks great whatever, but hope she stays as she is...

Good luck with the hair Cavegirl!
Are you sure its not one of those wigs from Ideal World. Mrs Love is very persuasive during those hours.
I too, think Claire Sutton has the most beautiful hair and is generally pretty stunning in my humble opinion. I'm not in any way jealous or envious in any way at all at all. :cheeky:

BTW, did anyone see Ginetta's (sp?) wedding phots on the Veronese hour? Also pretty fine! Why did she find such a good looking hubbie and where can you get one?!

I also think that Beth is a bit thin - and they say the telly adds pounds.

And Quacker Factory. One word (or rather three): Why would anyone....?

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