£60 stocking filler anyone?


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Dec 8, 2010
The Revitalash guest has just said the stuff would make "a great little stocking filler". The cost is £57.11 inc P&P!!

Is that not the cost of a special present for someone? It is in this house that's for sure. It's just encouraging people to get into debt at Christmas and then worrying about paying it off when the present is already at the back of the drawer. Irresponsible broadcasting in my opinion.
I have just posted something similar on the Cashmeresoft thread. Obviously money is no object for that lady.
Such statements are getting really silly now.
Even the use of "stocking filler" is being abused.
When I was small, stocking fillers were tangerines, nuts and chocolate!
Was I deprived? :biggrin:
Minim if you were deprived then so was I ,we had similar to what you said nuts tangerines a bit of cocolate and maybe a pencil and rubber or crayons nothing more than a few coppers worth and we so looked forward to opening the stocking which was actually one of dads long wool socks and the main present was under the tree we were very lucky if we had more than a couple of presents each from mum and dad and we had some gifts from other relatives etc but we are talking a colouring book or game of some kind or a jigsaw puzzle nothing like what the kids have today but we were very happy with our lot and no-one else had much different to us when we were growing up I guess most families were in the same situation and money was spent on rent and food etc.When I see the kids whinging and moaning I think are they happy with all the extravigence that is christmas now.I dont think so
I used to love my stocking when I was a kid, a comic, chocolate coins, colouring book, a satsuma, and a few daft plastic toys. It was my favourite bit of Christmas. We had them early on Christmas morning and my sister would get into my bed with me so we could open them together. Then we had breakfast followed by a few presents under the tree from parents and close family. It is crazy mad these days with items such as laptops being seen as must have gifts and some kids whose Chrismas morning is a conveyor belt of unwrapping gift after gift.
You beat me to it Bensmum! I saw that this morning and was gobsmacked when she said it would make a brilliant stocking filler, then going on to say she would have loved this as a teenager, what? These people need to get real.
I went shopping for stocking fillers today for my (young adult) nieces and nephews, and bought each of them a net bag of those "gold" chocolate coins for £1 each. I'll also get them a £1 lottery scratch card and one of those £2 mini bottles of wine from Mark's. Shove £30 into cards, put everything into 5 gift bags and bobs your uncle. I'm not mean but I can't bring myself to spend money for the sake of it on things that will be forgotten within a week. Anyway, I'd be happy to receive such a present

Linda xx
My DD was out shopping in town yesterday and witnessed a huge argument going on between a daughter and her mum, the mum saying how hard she has worked this year on a gift for the daughter but the daughter wanted more. The daughter was about 18 and ended up storming off down the road and the mum coming to a standstill. What a very sorry state of affairs.
I went shopping for stocking fillers today for my (young adult) nieces and nephews, and bought each of them a net bag of those "gold" chocolate coins for £1 each. I'll also get them a £1 lottery scratch card and one of those £2 mini bottles of wine from Mark's. Shove £30 into cards, put everything into 5 gift bags and bobs your uncle. I'm not mean but I can't bring myself to spend money for the sake of it on things that will be forgotten within a week. Anyway, I'd be happy to receive such a present

Linda xx

that's a lovely present. i think it's generous. the going rate for gifts has got completely out of hand imo.
I'd be devastated if either of my daughters reacted like that yesilkedi

Thank god, I know they wouldn't
I only have one child and I must admit that I spend quite a lot on him for birthdays and Christmas because I can. But I won't waste money on things he doesn't want or need. You can waste a lot of money on so called stocking fillers. The joke is that I always buy him very brightly coloured socks and pants. Boring I know but essential. He also always has his favourite "sweets" ... after eights.

He doesn't need revitalash though. He has eyelashes to die for and beautiful green eyes. Yes. I am biased!
I've got a 9 yr old son & 2 yr old daughter and as a wee stocking filler I've got them each a dvd, selection box and a wee toy for them. (I've already spent a blooming fortune on them this year despite saying I was sticking to a budget lol).

I hate it when presenters start babbling on about stocking fillers or spending a fortune on gift sets that can be split up and used a thank you/xmas presents for teachers....I'm sorry but I bought my son's teacher a gift set from M&S and I'm sure that if she didn't like she will give to someone else :cheeky:
Well, I confess I do spend a lot on my girls.
It gives me great joy. They are always so loving and enthusiastic when they open their presents even though I suspect that I sometimes miss the mark a bit. They would never confirm that however.

Being as I'm in the confessional, I admit that the biggest kid in the house is me. I adore Christmas and wring out every drop of the festive season. As far as I am concerned it begins on December 1st & runs all the way to 5th January.
Sellers don't seem to understand the meaning of the phrase stocking filler - it doesn't relate to size! I am still in shock about seeing a spread in RED magazine saying, give the men in your family what they really want, and need, this Christmas.....apparently a Smythson leather covered tape measure....for £90. But it's small, you see, they'd probably class it as a stocking filler. It also had a page for 'your best friend' which suggested things costing £145. A catalogue the other daily highlighted something for £45 as a teacher present. I don't think anyone takes any notice, but it probably raises general pressure on the public to spend more. Conspiracy!!!

If I was selling Revitalash (and yes, that woman is somehow annoying), I'd say here is a really special expensive present for someone close that you want to treat, who you know would appreciate its function. Personally, I used to love getting chocolate coins and satsumas and things in my stocking, its part of the Christmas charm and tradition, and one I value more than all this pressure to spend. But my family won't let me have a stocking anymore, which is a bit sad because I've heard David Cameron still has one!
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I still do a stocking for my grown up son, these days I fill it with things like toiletries, some socks and a few daft little bits from the Poundshop plus the regulation chocolate coins and satsuma!. He is my only one and I still like to spoil him and have bought him quite a lot of other presents too but I started early (Oct) so I could budget and also so that I had the choice in the shops before all the Christmas tat flooded in. He is always so appreciative of all I give him, he never was a demanding child and we have survived very hard times together due to his dad leaving when he was a baby and thinking that making any sort of financial contribution was unecessary. Christmas does churn me up emotionally as I have had some grim ones as a young broke single mum but I love many aspects of it. I am lucky to have a loving family even tho it is small and some amazing friends and will be spending time with these fab people.
I too spend a fair bit on my kids, but only because I can afford it AT THE MOMENT. When I can't, I won't go into debt for Christmas presents.
However, there is a definite distinction between stocking fillers and presents. Stocking fillers are small, inexpensive presents to open up first thing on Christmas morning. £50+ is not a stocking filler, unless you live on a different planet to me, in which case please stay there - you wouldn't like it in my house!!!!!!!!!!

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