I'm near enough your age with skin as you describe and it did absolutely nothing for me. It's pleasant enough to use, very light but don't listen to all the claims. We all know how she looks so good for her age and it ain't due to anything she rubs onto her face.
Simon1966 is entitled to come on here and make any comments he likes. That's the whole point of the ST forum isn't it? We women bitch about the female presenters all the time. Leave him alone.
I won a John Lewis shopping experience and got a 'goody bag' with lots of BB and Decleor trial sizes. I didn't get a shimmer brick but I have one of those anyway and it's way too glittery for me so it's in the back of the drawer. It had loads more in it than that and it was complimentary.
I've never heard Alison Young talk as much b*llocks. She's pulling out all the stops in an effort to brain wash us. Not working on me though, not in a million years. If what she's claiming were true, surely she'd look 25 herself.
Maybe the reason for all the stretch polyester fashion, particularly TSVs is that they are less likely to get loads of returns because they don't fit. Anything more fitted and not stretchy needs to be tried on.
A bit of info for anyone thinking of ordering - the sizing of Casual & Co is huge.
The shampoo is ok, no better than anything else to be honest. I got one from TK Maxx having finished the detox from Le Q. I now actually think it's the conditioner that leaves the hair feeling so nice. My hair is very fine. I got the shampoo from TK ages ago. Not seen it since.
The guest on with elasticizer has just made a totally untrue comment. She said Philip Kingsley is to hair what a dermatologist is to skin. No he isn't you stupid woman. A dermatologist is a Consultant Physician who has first of all trained as a doctor before doing years of further exams and...
I thought Pippa looked like a fish out of water wearing the TSV dress. It had so much static in it that it was trapped between her legs! I hate stretchy nylon clothes, not to mention the hideous pattern. Yuk.
Sixteen quid to get some slug pellets home. No wonder RJ's laugh is getting more and more irritating, he must be laughing all the way to the bank. Are they really any different to the ones from the pound shop?
Will from Charlie Bears had a blue shirt on that was so tight it looked like the buttons could pop at any minute. Hope he puts something on a bit bigger for the later show. She looks like she could do with a good meal. Don't think they've got the marital diet quite right.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I've always been under the impression that the ST forum is for people to get things off their chest about shopping telly. Whether its been said before is irrelevant. The title of this thread is 'Yong Kim - am I missing something?'. The content of it is obvious so...
I had to laugh at JR yesterday. She was presenting the Yong Kim show and they had a shirt on for £115. She said "this looks like a really expensive high end piece". £115 for a shirt?? I don't know about anyone else but I'd call that expensive.