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  1. L

    Bare Minerals enquiry

    How weird that you should say that it looks better as the day goes on....I put my BM on at 10 this morning, make up didn't look anything special. Just got back from a couple of hours shopping, looked in the mirror and thought how 'well' I looked! Maybe i'll keep it with the knowledge that I'll...
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    Bare Minerals enquiry

    Thanks Tink. I tried using the brush that came with the kit but didn't seem to get even a light coverage using that. I then used a LG BnB one, with the bristles 'protector' quite low so that the bristles are tightly packed, that's the way I use it with BnB but I still couldn't get anything like...
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    Bare Minerals enquiry

    Wonder if any BM users can advise on the best way to get a fuller coverage using the foundation? I normally use LG BnB but was tempted by the recent BM and Mineral Veil combo. I have tried to build coverage by buffing more as SJ recommended, but I simply can't achieve anything more than a very...
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    Wish that Q still stocked this. I buy it from ebay now, best fake tan ever IMO.
  5. L

    Lady presenting Yankee hour

    I know she's presented Yankee hours before, but watching the first 10mins, I realised that she's a much better guest than Michaela who is the regular Yankee guest. I find Michaela a bit 'waspish' and cutting in her comments. The lady currently presenting (Rose?) seems really genuine. :up:
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    Model Frankie

    Is she the model with straight, mousey blonde shoulder length hair and slightly protruding teeth? If so, she looks better in the flesh than I've described her here!
  7. L

    Laura Geller balance and brighten....opinions please :)

    I've used he BE in medium beige and although I liked it, I got fed up with the mess. I've been using BnB in Medium (or Regular as my purchase of last week was called) for a few years now. I've bought fair, medium and tan over the last 18 months and I think that knowing the shades you have used...
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    Model Frankie

    Can anyone give a name to this model?
  9. L

    Michelle Hope and that hideous pink dress

    I agree with Spooky....MH seemed on the verge of angry when the mesh cardi couldn't be produced straight away. She must have realised that the dress was so hideous that no-one in their right mind would buy it on the strength of how it looked on Bulah.(not a good sign if a model can't make...
  10. L

    AY's hair tonight ! OMG

    If that's supposed to make us 'jump to the phones', it ain't working. Can nobody in Q Towers see what we see? That wig is the most unflattering thing I've ever seen on Alison ever. And that's saying something. I feel embarrassed for her...:sad:
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    lotus TSV colours

    Although I didn't order the TSV, I did order some Lotus sandals in pewter from Q last year and they are definitely a metalic colour (just as the pic on the Q website shows them to be) If you can't distinguish the colour from the black rosettes, I bet they've sent you the wrong colour.
  12. L

    Alison on the 4 o'clock Daniel Sandler show

    I can just about tolerate her on Mally shows as Mally can match her shouty style and gives as good as she gets! I really feel for the more reserved guests like the chap from BB, the Revitalash lady and Daniel Sandler as they just seems to accept her rude way of butting in and her 'I know better...
  13. L

    Alison on the 4 o'clock Daniel Sandler show

    Is Alison pi$$ing anyone else off today? She's asking Daniel some great and relevant questions, but when he starts to give her an answer, she cuts him off and asks another. She's done this about 5 times so far. It's so bad that i'm watching the show with the sound off. It must annoy the hell out...
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    I agree racy. I've bought a couple of tops over the years that she's modelled as i'm nearer her figure than very super slim models. It gave me a better idea of how they would look on me.
  15. L

    Neom Candles

    I wonder if it depends on the fragrances chosen? I tend to go for the cotton/linen type which seem to have a softer fragrance but a friend swears by anything fruity which is much too powerful for me. I noticed today that both Asda and B&Q sells a small range of Yankee now, so if you have access...
  16. L

    Cup Cakes Make Me Vom

    Better not add the link here janie (Graham or Sazza would come round and smash me computer in), but if you Google va*ina cupcakes, you'll get a myriad of cupcake beauties. :blush:
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    Cup Cakes Make Me Vom

    I know the one's you mean Stratobuddy. Quite anatomically correct as I recall. Not the sort to hand out at a vicars tea party.
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    Cup Cakes Make Me Vom

    And I think that grown men who use teddy bears as avatars need a good hard slap too. I'm not sorry, grow up.
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    Cup Cakes Make Me Vom

    Somebody needs a hug and a cupcake....
  20. L

    Cup Cakes Make Me Vom

    Please, no more! Just had to have another Creme Egg! (buying a box of 6 today seemed like a good idea, I could have 1 a day you see...) I'll just miss my Tuesday egg to make up for it. As long as nobody starts another foodporn thread of course :confused: