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  1. D

    Butler & Wilson Offerings

    I find his clothes hilarious...complete and utter garish garbage. I could think of nothing worse than going to a posh do dressed in a top that was emblazened with an oversized dog or cat covered in sparkly crystals. People would definitely stare, but not because they thought you looked in...
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    Catherine's hair.

    She is actually appearing in a play in November (according to her Twitter account)...maybe that's why she has gone a little longer......
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    If you were to write the QVC's Presenter Manual, what golden rules would you include?

    Don't pretend you are amazed at how cheap the product is when the P & P is so extortionate and it would probably be cheaper to go out and buy it from a *dare I say it* high street.
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    RIP Julia's flip flops!

    Sorry ladies but she was sporting the said toe posts and leggings yesterday afternoon...she was just trying to get you all excited in thinking they'd gone for good.
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    Ali Keenan Speech at BCC Event

    She is truly amazing...I take my hat off to her. It can't have been easy standing there and giving that speech. She looked stunning too. I wish her everything she wishes for herself. Well done Alison.
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    I love Loen...she makes me laugh:grin: As for Ellis, she gets right on my nerves...the insincerity shines through. Plus, she's gone down the same path now as everyone else who loses too much weight...why didn't she stop while she still looked good. She just looks like a lollipop head now:wonder:
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    Lulu - pillow face!

    It's not the way Lulu looks for me, she can inject whatever she likes into her's her prerogative and her money. It's just that I can't stand the silly woman...her accent grates on me to be honest, why can't she she just celebrate the fact that she is from Glasgow...why does she have...
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    Julia Roberts You Are Brilliant

    I've said stuff about Julia in the past on here as regards the *toe posts and leggings*. However, she does tell it like it is, and her presenting skills are much much better than others I can mention....when she isn't in Miss Piggy pose (ie, flicking and pouting). Go Julia:up:
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    Marjerine Burgervan

    Yes but Julia is appearing with her at 11.00 pm tonight, so that means we will have to watch Julia with her legs a splaying again:sad: I do hope I sleep tight and don't have nightmares:tongue:
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    Alison has just posted her blog, and says her chemo is now finished......

    She is one brave lady and still manages to raise a smile........
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    Ronnie Nicole dress..when will I ever learn?

    I'll never buy another RN dress either....the one I bought rides up when you move and practically ends up round your neck:blush: The material is very cheap and nasty too:devil:
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    Yankee Candle Lady

    I loved her too, a lovely breath of fresh air...and quite funny aswell. Makes a change from Michaela, who in my opinion takes herself far far too seriously.
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    Fashion rubbish

    I have to admit too that I just watch the fashion shows on QVC for a good old laugh...well it puts a smile on my face anyhow:cheeky: It is a well known fact that America is way behind most of the World when it comes to fashion. Obviously because QVC is an American based company they...
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    I am done with Yankee jars..

    Yes they do burn with a horrible black soot...I trim my wick regularly (aahem), and the jar gets very black and sooty, I am always having to wipe it down. I've gone right off Yankee to be honest...bored with the same old smells.
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    Leighton Denny crystal file ... any good?

    I absolutely love my LD file...would not be without it. 10/10 in my opinion.
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    Q box jury:a hit & a miss

    Mmmmm let me see....... HIT - My Acer Netbook....loving it:) MISS - A Kelly Hoppen Duvet Set...after a couple of washes it was like some sort of wash rag (bobbling and pilling). I could get better from my local market.
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    Jill Franks' Desert Island Beauty

    It will obviously be like the Harry Potter movies and will go on and on and on.............*yawn*.
  18. D

    Butler and wilson tsv?????????????

    Most of B & W is fairground tat in my opinion...not worth the extortionate prices and P & P. Every piece looks so big and bulky, I think it should come with some sort of health warning:down:
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    Sick of qvc abd presenters

    Yes, but just think...if we all absolutely loved QVC then we wouldn't need this lovely Forum to post our rants, annoyances and occasionally our compliments *few and far between* on ;)
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    Rio TSV... hold on a minute please dont buy!

    I purchased the one from QVC a while ago (a mad moment)...and I am allergic to the damned thing. it brings me out in an itchy eczema type rash all over my neck. I'm sure it says it is hypo-allergenic, one of the reasons I bought it as I can't wear cheap jewellery (metal allergy). I tried using...