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  1. L

    Craft Shows

    Unfortunately for me its too little, too late!
  2. L

    Liz Earle Daily Mail article

    I tend to agree with her moral standpoint with regard to various things our children are now exposed to. Driving around I see lots of billboards with what I think are 'unsuitable' images. Not that long ago swear words were bleeped on tv, now they are just said without a thought given to anyone...
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    Pipa's sabbatical

    H I L A R I O U S - some more please:mysmilie_459:
  4. L

    Pipa's sabbatical

    Oh my goodness... I LOVED The Riddlers!!!:happy:
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    Pipa's sabbatical

    Presenters go off for whatever reason, (having a baby etc) and then realize there is a life outside of QVC and decide they don't want to go back. It must be a bit of a money trap working on such high earnings whilst you are there, you must have to sacrifice a lot of personal stuff to be able to...
  6. L

    I'm bored!

    I am soooo bored with the latest offerings, am gradually weaning myself off automatically switching on to see if there is anything exciting to tempt me but nahh. Revisiting my local High Street and quite enjoying the novelty of it all :happy:
  7. L

    Another Vendor gone to IW

    WOW for someone with so much distain for crafting you sure do know alot about it - glitter, vellum, pokey tools, Dawn Bibby, Anna Griffin, - I bet there's a crafter in there somewhere wanting to just burst out and be free - go on you know you want to do it:mysmilie_488: I can see why prople are...
  8. L

    Ann Dawson on the 11pm hour

    I think Ann has got stuck in time somewhere along the line. I think we all do the same ie find a style of hair and makeup in our 20's/30's and stay with it. Not being mean but all the women at QVC are going to get older and will not be the youthful, freshfaces they were back when they started...
  9. L

    Another Vendor gone to IW

    You can't really blame them. If you were a craft business which one would you choose? The channel forging ahead with what crafters want or one that seemingly couldn't care less about its past loyal crafting customers. I too don't bother to tune in as much as I did, it was really only watching...
  10. L

    Craig Rowe

    Let him have his olidays, who cares? He's a guy with no kids, why shouldn't he spend his money on things that make him happy. Maybe he has a smaller car whilst others whaft around in Mercs so that he can spend more on what he likes to do. He shouldn't feel guilty about it and he shouldn't...
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    Ingrid Tarrant

    I have to agree with alot of the comments on here. My heart goes out to those dedicated to working in the NHS (not the highly paid doctors of course who are also dedicated but the money they make more than makes up for it - oh and GPs... don't get me started...) but those who work so very...
  12. L

    Advice needed on Cleansers

    Have you ever tried Nivea cleanse and tone? It works for me, my face is clear of spots, blackheads etc and I've used it for years.
  13. L

    Christmas in July Already!!!!

    I had to do a double take, absolutely ridiculous.
  14. L

    Over staffed

    Totally have to agree. It really does my head in, reason being they all want to speak at the same time, talk over each other and think that what they have to say is the most important thing. I really can only listen to one voice at a the time and if there are 3 on air together if one is...
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    Rosemary Conley

    Yes, exercise is key and they do say walking is one of the best exercises. I don't think my life will ever settle down, there always seems to be something unexpected around the corner. :thinking:
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    Rosemary Conley

    Amazing, well done! How did you find the self-control? I think I have lost all of mine:sad:. When I was younger I could drop the pounds easily but now I just cannot stick to any diet. I've tried Diet Chef, Weight to Go, calorie counting,Weight watchers, you name it I've tried it but I cannot...
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    Rosemary Conley

    I haven't seen Rosemary Conley on screen for ages and thought she looked really well on the morning show. Her diet and fitness regime seems to work for her as she looks amazing, I think she said she was 65. I tried her 'hip and thigh diet' once and it worked, as do most things if you stick to...
  18. L

    Ingrid "TARRANT" hmmmmmm

    True but I like her, she seems to enjoy herself and have fun, she isn't ott on the selling side and I think the style of clothing does suit her. You couldn't have someone prim and proper in this type of style of clothing, I don't think. Also, who cares, she had that name for years and so what...
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    It's Fantastic

    I missed that, I hope it was in Kenny Everret style!
  20. L

    My word!!!!!!!!!!

    Don't they say you can't trust a thin chef?