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    Philosophy TSV 17/10/15

    Oh for goodness sake, it looks like they've cocked up the options again. When you try to choose Pure it highlights the pink box, and the white one for Amazing. I'm scared to order in case it's wrong. Should it be ok if I order via phone? Has anyone who ordered early got theirs yet?
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    Wtf? Sounds utterly bizarre. Mind you there's loads of strange stuff that seems to be "a thing" in food terms. A friend of mine eats pasta bake with crisps and salad cream on top of it and insists that's a thing where he's from... Sounds ridiculous and disgusting to me. Edit: now I've finished...
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    Tut Tut Jill Franks.

    They're always claiming stuff's exclusive to them when it's not. Why bother to lie, do they really think no one will ever know?
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    Philosophy TSV 17/10/15

    I think I must be the only one who loves a good Grace tsv. Pure Grace is a staple for me so I usually buy the tsv every year and look forward to it really. Granted it's not very exciting to always have the same stuff and is pretty boring of them to always do it but I really like PG and am not...
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    Sarah Jagger... lol

    I find her very annoying and hate her voice, Laura is a thousand times better.
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    Jackie Kabler - lack of empathy

    Oh right, what kind of thing did she say?
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    Jackie Kabler - lack of empathy

    I like Jackie. Granted lack of preparation isn't good but most of the time she's much, much calmer and quieter than a lot of presenters and guests. She doesn't shriek her head off which is my number 1 requirement in a TV presenter as I have misophonia. So many of them are so loud, shouty and...
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    RCM One Step Gel system

    Does anyone know if there's any kind of gel system that doesn't need the acetone soak? I'm primarily interested in the strengthening/protective effects of the gel rather than colours, but the acetone soak undoes a lot of that.
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    Tarte TSV 03/10/2015

    I was interested in the TSV but have decided against it. Too much shade drama and it seems the foundation is full of shiny stuff anyway. The palette looks lovely but really the last thing I need is more eyeshadow or blusher. I really have to marvel at these people who make a living selling on...
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    Lulu Guiness Handbag in TKMaxx...

    There's an Osprey outlet shop in Portsmouth too.
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    Kathy Taylor Nexus haircare

    I think you can tell a difference with expensive styling products. Not that cheap ones are all rubbish, not at all, but I find expensive ones are definitely better. With shampoo and conditioner not so much, they seem much of a muchness.
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    Margarine on Green Seasons Food

    Marv really isn't very good. She's on the ever growing list of presenters I can't watch.
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    £34 teacher's gift - really?!

    Lovely post. I don't see anything at all wrong with getting a little present for a teacher you particularly like and who helps you/your child a lot, but Q are utterly deluded about what anyone would spend on such a thing. When I was in primary school in the 90s if you really liked a teacher...
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    Kathy Taylor Nexus haircare

    Sounds a bit odd considering it's facial cleanser but I suppose if it contains sulphates and so on there's no reason it wouldn't clean hair. Might not do as good a job as a dedicated shampoo though, a lot of things that aren't shampoo that claim to be fine for washing hair aren't really very...
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    Another Ali Young clothing disaster...

    Well I think it looks nice, just far too baggy around her middle.
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    What has been you best Q product

    Paterson Lo Emus. So, so comfy and very practical/weatherproof.
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    Overuse of the word "Literally"!!

    What does that mean? The misuse of "literally" drives me berserk. Tova is a demon for that, she says it every other sentence.
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    irritating presenter voices

    Catherine, Julia, and Jill are unlistenable for me. There aren't really any presenters who have particularly great voices, I think Jackie probably has the best.
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    How many long-term QVC-ers actually sit and watch QVC and how much do they buy?

    I used to watch loads, before I found so many of the presenters so irritating. When I first discovered it (think it was 2000) I watched for hours most days. As time's gone on more and more presenters and guests have got on my wick, as has the utterly shocking customer "service" a lot of the...
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    Should we be insulted?

    That's a thing?!