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  1. Lottie

    That letter again!

    Just tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine, where flower power doesn't reach, where wash balls don't wash and where kimmunco crimplene lights up the night skies.
  2. Lottie

    Peony TSV 1 March

    What I found disconcerting about the presentation I saw for a few minutes last night was the way she was arranging REAL flowers....ooops sorry FLAAAAARS in the white jug with the peony sticker on! She was saying you could put your fake flaaaaars in it, but if you had real ones your jar would be...
  3. Lottie

    My Ears!!!!!

    Regarding the "wet patch" I found this: And there was also this: Classy Bloke eh? Caught about 10 mins of that program on the Hoff once and it was just so dreadfully about a desperate ageing single male trying to recreate his youth (and failing miserably).
  4. Lottie

    My Ears!!!!!

    There's nothing worse than being in a room with a load of people who are in on the joke is there? :confused: So I found it, because I hadn't got a clue either! :wave: <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
  5. Lottie

    More Desperate Sales Techniques by Flint

    Are you sure it wasn't Aspirin tablets she was recommending for Grannies? :giggle:
  6. Lottie


    I get things off Amazon regularly and never have a problem. I also ordered an ipad last week from Littlewoods (I won a prize!) and it came the next day via Yodel. Haven't had a problem with Yodel to date, nor Hermes as I know my courier. Thing is, it's becoming more common to use people on a...
  7. Lottie

    £250 LG Bag for mothers day?

    Quite right Craftybel - there's nothing better than a lovely home-made card and breakfast in bed on mother's day.
  8. Lottie

    Gardening TSV

    I did, I did :giggle: Now Flamenco, get it right, she's a Carolyn isn't she? Not any ole common-or-garden Carole! (Sorry Busymum!)
  9. Lottie

    £250 LG Bag for mothers day?

    I refuse to spend that much money on something which has taken peanuts to make - quality or otherwise. I'm not lining someone else's greedy pockets who is taking advantage of badly paid workers/conditions for their own ends. If they were getting them made in the far east and selling at...
  10. Lottie

    I've seen it all now

    EHHHHHH????? Surely this contravenes trade descriptions? "Here we have a lovely Rolex for you, you're loving them they are only £10,000. However, here's a fake one for you to look at as the real ones haven't arrived from the suppliers yet...." YEAH...... :wonder:
  11. Lottie


    QVC are still using Hermes and their "self-employed" couriers are still losing money hand over fist each time the petrol prices go up. I don't know why many of them stay in the job. Lots are disillusioned and have been getting other jobs, I know that much. Can't blame them, when I did it 3...
  12. Lottie

    Do you think Richard Jackson does that growling noise when he is.......

    Playing with his tools?
  13. Lottie

    john Barrowman

    Ah well, we all make mistakes.... Said the Dalek, getting off the dustbin.
  14. Lottie

    john Barrowman

    Awwwww I loved him in Aladdin!
  15. Lottie

    JR's diffucult year???

    Awwwwww Hyster Sisters I feel for you :hi: I had mine a year ago to the day. I also get broody when I see babies...but then I was having loads of problems too so I'm glad to be over them. Make sure you're getting minerals in your diets. Zinc and Magnesium supplements will help bones, nails...
  16. Lottie

    Another 24 hours of being patronised by Margarine Burgervan

    LOL Carol! :hi: Yes Sax is the same technique as a Clarinet. They are only reed instruments, so easy to blow....not as hard as playing a trumpet imho. Although my son plays trumpet and I can't make a sound with it, yet he sounds awful when he plays my clarinet :clapping:
  17. Lottie

    Garden gnomes

    Hmmmmm....:mysmilie_502: If he has perfect nails, he's never got them into the soil! The soil wrecks my nails completely and I can't be doing with wearing gardening gloves for planting, I like to get a good grip on my root balls :flower::mysmilie_499::flower:
  18. Lottie

    Another 24 hours of being patronised by Margarine Burgervan

    Carol - I have a clarinet which I blow on sometimes - yes it's a bit noisy, but what the heck, I'm sure it's good exercise :giggle: By the end of the evening though, I'm usually going up the stairs like Audrey Chawner (on all fours) but I do go faster and I don't ermmmm to...
  19. Lottie

    Another 24 hours of being patronised by Margarine Burgervan

    This nordic you don't need snow then? (sorry if this is a silly question) Do you do it on a machine?
  20. Lottie

    Garden gnomes

    ooh do they look like Richard Jackson??? I'm waiting for another set of these to appear for all my friends, family and schoolteachers who have admired my front garden: