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  1. I

    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Thats brilliant Minim. I don't know how you find them. Are you going to be training Meg? he he
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Janie, I am so sorry to hear Louis is sick again. You must be worried sick. They are so helpless. I really hope he improves soon, the poor little fella must be really fed up of it all. The daft sheep was put back in this morning. We were out all day at my Mother's and when we got home an...
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Me and my big mouth! I opened the curtains this morning and there was a big woolly sheep nibbling the grass in our front garden. I asked 22 to try and get him back through the wall, but he is going paintballing! (My son is so obliging). OH is useless, so I will have to phone the farmer...
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    You poor thing Janie. They sound terrible. Our next door neighbours are sheep and the only time they give us grief, is when they break through the wall into our garden! Before we left UK, we had neighbours from hell, 2 doors down. I lived on my nerves for 2 years. I hope Louis is in good...
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    I hope things go ok for you tomorrow, you have had such a difficult time lately. Good Luck x
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    OMG Janie, I would have lost the plot! In the early days, the furries managed to get the odd live mouse in which was bad enough. Everyone would be shouting at youngest son to get rid of them! We soon learnt to check them carefully before letting them in. No cat flaps in this house.
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Rats! Yikes! My biggest fear/phobia/nightmare. We are surrounded by farms and fields and there is obviously cattle and sheep feed left out by the farmers. You quite often see a rat around. When Itchy and Scratchy were alive they would tackle anything and had a mighty time terrorising the...
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    Do you remember your "first time"?

    This is my first (and only) forum, so everything was new to me. Its got me thinking now - are they some on here under different names. I know there are a couple of FMs on here that I do not like, for certain reasons, but I don't think they are trolls.
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    Do you remember your "first time"?

    Who is the King, Queen, Prince and Princess I wonder?
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    Cringey charlie

    I find Charlie really creepy. The slow voice and hand movements grate on me. I watched a little of his show last night and usually I would switch off, but I feel so ill at the moment, I just let him drone on! Lots of ladies like him though - many fancy him! yikes.
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    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Thats great news Louis. Next door's cat is in for it, once you get out!!
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    So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?

    Janie - have pm you
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    So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?

    It sounds like we are all in the wars, even this side of the Irish Sea! I am on day 6 of the flu (I think). I still ache like hell and my head is splitting. I also have a cough which nearly takes the roof off. The doctors over here cost big bucks. €50 just to see her and any medication...
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    Happy Belated Birthday Vienna

    Late birthday wishes from me too! I hope you had a good one x
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    So what's the plan for New Year's Eve?

    Good luck with that Flamenco and have a tipple while you are doing it!! Its the sofa for me, the flu has knocked me for six.
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    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Meg - you are a cool puss. Are you planning a holiday to the Costa Del Kitty by any chance? Bexi, your friends are so cute too. I have had the flu since Boxing Day and I am a right miserable old bat at the moment, but the photos make me laugh.
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    CH - here we go again........

    I had my second son 18 months after my first. I phoned my mother shortly after to tell her the good news. Her exact words were "Oh God, are you disappointed?"
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    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Enjoy yourself Meg Be careful that your Mammy doesn't cook Mr Fish instead of the turkey. xx
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    Morning everyone

    Morning Campers! A Merry Christmas to all of you from the house of Itchy. Vienna - We have just spoken and seen my oldest son on skype from Thailand. I have not seen his face for 14 months. Best present for me too.
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    Bucket kittens update

    Oh they are gorgeous FP. I love them at that age, so full of mischief. Have a good day tomorrow - don't leave the turkey within easy reach of them!!