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  1. Greg

    Chow down Chuntley

    "Chunky" Chuntley.
  2. Greg

    Vibrapower with Sally Jacks

    Wrrrall, Ideal World is exactly now like Bid TV was and we all know what happened to them!
  3. Greg

    The Jane plan. Anybody tried it?

    I'm surprised any of you still watch this crap. I stopped watching ages ago and now my medication is at a lower and more managable level. I can't stand Sal and the nasty, former Bid TV lot. Hang the lot of them.
  4. Greg

    Such a load of rubbish!

    It's easy to write any old shite on Linkedin....
  5. Greg

    Fantastic customer service.

    Clearly John Lewis care about their customers. QVC frankly don't give a toss...
  6. Greg

    Social Media - That was an eyeopener

    The QVC social media types do cme across a bit like obsessive retards. I'm glad they havea voice on the internet. It's amusing to read.
  7. Greg

    Denis Basso

    You sound like a QVC arsebook devotee apologist...
  8. Greg

    Denis Basso

    That would mean his blubber would be infecting mankind...:mysmilie_11:
  9. Greg

    Denis Basso

    Nasty animal abusing individual.
  10. Greg

    How have Green Seasons done this Xmas?

    The 'artisan' mince pies were £24. A ridiculous price clearly attracting idiots.
  11. Greg

    £41 for a pepper mill

    People are mentally retarded spending this sort of money on crap like this on QVC.
  12. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Makes me want to smash my telly in when fake mockney Mike is on.
  13. Greg

    The Charlie Bear Collection TSV 25/12/16

  14. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    I agree. They are just seling sh*t!
  15. Greg

    Gawd, Andi Peters is awful

    Sorry, but I can't stand his superior attitude. Puts me offf buying anything from him.
  16. Greg

    Peter Simon

    He just slips baxk into his coffin.
  17. Greg

    The Charlie Bear Collection TSV 25/12/16

    It's retarded imho. The presenters would probably lick them if it meant increased sales.
  18. Greg

    The Charlie Bear Collection TSV 25/12/16

    Will the presenters start slobbering over the 'cuteness' of these toys?
  19. Greg

    Rename Ideal world TV The Sally Jacks Channel

    Sally should be on a MILF version of Babestation.
  20. Greg

    Random musings and general banter.

    Imagine being a filling for a Brodders/Remblance sandwich :mysmilie_5: