Random musings and general banter.


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Bald headed Mike...really grating now (I only started watching recently) the combination of his speech impediment, coupled with a pet peeve of mine - pronouncing words like something as "somethink" is so ruddy annoying.

But what took the biscuit the other day during a Hoover segment, was him explaining (shouting) why you would want a cordless Hoover, and working in the sentence "we are dedicated followers of fashion.....they even wrote a song about it" sigh...

I remember someone on TV once musing if Richard and Judy communicate at home like they do on TV :) Can't help wondering the same with this guy. What a nightmare that would be!
In what must be something of a world record for repeat sell outs, the Mathey Tisot Edmund watch is (once again) no more. Gone. Finished. End of the line. That's all folks. Never to be seen again.

On his last show, Kevinski claimed that he had the last four in the world (his personal stock) and once they were gone that was it. Ignoring the fact that the watch will almost certainly reappear, it turns out that this 'last four in the world' claim was utter baloney. You can still pick up the same watch for just £544.00 on this site https://www.swiss-made-watches.com/en/men-watche/7931-mathey-tissot-men-watch-edmond-h1886ps.html Not only was he peddling a fiction about their limited availability, he was actually charging over £600 more!

Would you pay £544 with free delivery, or shell out £1150, delivery extra, knowing that you will get the personal service and unparalleled expertise of one of the UK's finest horologists? It' a close call :mysmilie_59:
In what must be something of a world record for repeat sell outs, the Mathey Tisot Edmund watch is (once again) no more. Gone. Finished. End of the line. That's all folks. Never to be seen again.

On his last show, Kevinski claimed that he had the last four in the world (his personal stock) and once they were gone that was it. Ignoring the fact that the watch will almost certainly reappear, it turns out that this 'last four in the world' claim was utter baloney. You can still pick up the same watch for just £544.00 on this site https://www.swiss-made-watches.com/en/men-watche/7931-mathey-tissot-men-watch-edmond-h1886ps.html Not only was he peddling a fiction about their limited availability, he was actually charging over £600 more!

Would you pay £544 with free delivery, or shell out £1150, delivery extra, knowing that you will get the personal service and unparalleled expertise of one of the UK's finest horologists? It' a close call :mysmilie_59:
To be fair I think the watch in the link is the quartz version which is a lot cheaper with different innards to the limited edition ver
sion that Kevin was flogging.
To be fair I think the watch in the link is the quartz version which is a lot cheaper with different innards to the limited edition ver
sion that Kevin was flogging.

Both Edmond watches are horrendously overpriced, especially the £1000+ automatic version that keeps coming back like a haunted boomerang to Ideal World when its buyer(s) return their watch(es) after seeing them in the cold light of day.
Ellie May Clampett Sally Jacks is selling quack, quack Protocol. I say selling, it's more like hysterical spewing of complete schlockery.

Honestly, this is far, far worse than her banshee like screeching at Bid. The screaming, the screwed up face then the demonic stare, the gesturing claws, the gurning, she is very unpleasant isn't she?

But it's the crap she utters which is worst, 'think about what it could be possibly doing inside'. I want better than 'could be possibly doing inside' for £156. She said she's seen a difference in everything, including her hair, she screams 'think about your hair'. Well it doesn't seem to have helped that baldy little creeps hair who owns Protocol does it?

How has this channel ended up like this? :mysmilie_13:

I too watched this hour Wirral. As people have probably guessed, I do like pointing out the individuals that don't get as much attention on this forum.... Mr Protocol man, come on down!!!

I would not be surprised if he was cut open and discovered that he runs on protocol and not blood/oxygen.

Though conversely he is clearly in good nick, but I doubt it's purely down to his product.
The thing that I find frightening about this channel is that they are pretty much selling the same items as when I first started watching in 2009.

Though it probably says more about myself as I'm still watching from time to time.
To be fair I think the watch in the link is the quartz version which is a lot cheaper with different innards to the limited edition ver
sion that Kevin was flogging.

I stand corrected. I guess it's easy to jump to the wrong conclusion in the midst of so much shysterism, but I was wrong on this occasion: they are different watches.
it's all "darlin'", "you at 'ome", "sumfink" - yes, that's Barra Boy for you, thinking the "mockney" accent adds something to his image. It's the Jamie Oliver syndrome, and all it tells you is that he's as false as most celebs teeth.

Bald headed Mike...really grating now (I only started watching recently) the combination of his speech impediment, coupled with a pet peeve of mine - pronouncing words like something as "somethink" is so ruddy annoying.

But what took the biscuit the other day during a Hoover segment, was him explaining (shouting) why you would want a cordless Hoover, and working in the sentence "we are dedicated followers of fashion.....they even wrote a song about it" sigh...

I remember someone on TV once musing if Richard and Judy communicate at home like they do on TV :) Can't help wondering the same with this guy. What a nightmare that would be!
I also suspect this is the case. They don't look anything much on screen, so I dread to think what they look like when you get them home. "Collectors coming in for them" - don't make me laugh. Argos have better looking watches in their catalogue.

Both Edmond watches are horrendously overpriced, especially the £1000+ automatic version that keeps coming back like a haunted boomerang to Ideal World when its buyer(s) return their watch(es) after seeing them in the cold light of day.
it's all "darlin'", "you at 'ome", "sumfink" - yes, that's Barra Boy for you, thinking the "mockney" accent adds something to his image. It's the Jamie Oliver syndrome, and all it tells you is that he's as false as most celebs teeth.

Makes me want to smash my telly in when fake mockney Mike is on.
Good grief it's party season and idealworld are selling fitness products like vibrapower.
Please do us a favour just stop. I'm dreading january, when it's non stop fitness.
Gear yourself up for it, Adam, I guarantee it's going to happen! If it's anything like last year, the fitness equipment promos. will start on Boxing Day and go through to about February, and we have Pope Pete in his fitness shorts to look forward to!!!:mysmilie_468::mysmilie_466:
Good grief it's party season and idealworld are selling fitness products like vibrapower.
Please do us a favour just stop. I'm dreading january, when it's non stop fitness.
Gear yourself up for it, Adam, I guarantee it's going to happen! If it's anything like last year, the fitness equipment promos. will start on Boxing Day and go through to about February, and we have Pope Pete in his fitness shorts to look forward to!!!:mysmilie_468::mysmilie_466:

Good lord pope pete in fitness shorts, that will make anyone's stomach turn. i'm not watching idealworld for 2 months, the odd flick through that's about it for watching idealworld.
I think we're getting that bit closer to learning what it is that makes Elizabeth Grant products so effective. Has the expert finally revealed it's secret? -

'Torricelumn (TM) doesn't know your age, it just knows it has a job to do'

I have to say the before and after shots were particularly impressive today :mysmilie_59:

I think we're getting that bit closer to learning what it is that makes Elizabeth Grant products so effective. Has the expert finally revealed it's secret? -

'Torricelumn (TM) doesn't know your age, it just knows it has a job to do'

I have to say the before and after shots were particularly impressive today :mysmilie_59:

View attachment 13184View attachment 13185

so they are saying that the product is a sentient being capable of thought?
Having not been on here for years and having not seen IW for even more years I've taken it on myself to catch up with them over the last week or so.
I notice Shaun who still talks far too fast and Denniece who still talks far too slooow are still knocking around after all these years.
Never fond of Denniece - she always used to send me to sleep, so imagine my surprise when all of the other females I've come across on this channel are ghastly shrieking harridans who make you make to switch off within seconds. That Sally woman- subtle she ain't, Hayley and her sandpaper vocals, in her lycra working up a sweat trying to flog some tacky gym gear was not pleasant and even worse was the appalling Irish woman who never lets a single pause for breath interrupt her constant outpouring of bilge. What a collection of unappealing women- old Dennice is a veritable queen in comparison.
And then Peter Simon and Mike Mason to add to the sticky blancmange of low rent tackiness. What an absolute train wreck of a channel. It will be at least six years until I bother watching again.

A brief mention for the two presenters Paul Beck (sp) and Howard who were the only two who didn't make me want to scratch my own eyeballs out. The only two I would even consider spending my hard earned with. The only two who didn't shout at me relentlessly like market stall bullies. I fear for their futures as they're actually likeable.

Whatever happened to Dave Bradford and Deano and Loen and Andy and for godsake even Martyn Parker? IW always was rubbish but at least they had some presenters who were watchable back in the day.
Going to have a nostalgic catch up with QVC next. Hoping the lovely Kara and Jilly and the effortlessly slick Charlie are still around. Different class.

Whatever happened to Dave Bradford and Deano and Loen and Andy and for godsake even Martyn Parker? IW always was rubbish but at least they had some presenters who were watchable back in the day.
They moved to iw sister channel create and craft.
A brief mention for the two presenters Paul Beck (sp) and Howard who were the only two who didn't make me want to scratch my own eyeballs out. The only two I would even consider spending my hard earned with. The only two who didn't shout at me relentlessly like market stall bullies. I fear for their futures as they're actually likeable.
Loen and Andy and for godsake even Martyn Parker? IW always was rubbish but at least they had some presenters who were watchable back in the day.

You've not seen Paul Becque (that's how he spells it) in shouty mode; he's really irritating when he does that. At least he doesn't go on about his family like he did on Bid TV but he still isn't watchable to me personally. As for Howard, he still occasionally likes to mention toilet habits, poo (dog poo in particular is a thing that annoys him) or divorce in his sales pitches which can make him plain weird at times.

Easy to conclude then that Ideal World is basically the home of a collection of misfits who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near humans, animals or sharp objects.
Sally jacks has said she's going to be on for a month omg, her and rick hay on a for a whole month. So it's going to be not stop fashion and fitness. I think i'm not watching for the whole of january.

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