Denis Basso


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Seems this is the second store of his robbed within so many months. The other was in Colorado earlier this year.

Sniggers, his insurance will be through the roof.

Old Dennis won't suffer much. He's been around a long time and is probably richer than all of us put together. He'll likely up the ante on the production side. It will probably mean more cruelty to creatures, more suffering to stoats, more misery to mink as they are kept in those little shoebox-sized cages until their inevitable untimely demise.
Old Dennis won't suffer much. He's been around a long time and is probably richer than all of us put together. He'll likely up the ante on the production side. It will probably mean more cruelty to creatures, more suffering to stoats, more misery to mink as they are kept in those little shoebox-sized cages until their inevitable untimely demise.

He may be "richer than all of us put together" buf that's only in money, he can't buy class, respect or compassion with it and in that respect, he's nowhere near as rich as all of us put together.

I know, as you've often stated in the past that anyone with an ounce of compassion for an animal that's skinned alive is an animal activist, which in itself I find hilarious that you don't think the average person with a heart can just simply care.
He may be "richer than all of us put together" buf that's only in money, he can't buy class, respect or compassion with it and in that respect, he's nowhere near as rich as all of us put together.

I know, as you've often stated in the past that anyone with an ounce of compassion for an animal that's skinned alive is an animal activist, which in itself I find hilarious that you don't think the average person with a heart can just simply care.

I never said I don't think anyone can care. I'm sure many do and do so sincerely. I said some people care with dubious motivations and often with blind hypocrisy. So many among the people who would decry the activities of Basso consume all manner of products sourced and reared in abhorrent conditions. Some products (such as Primark clothes) are produced using human suffering which is arguably worse than animal suffering since humans are higher up the pecking order! And what about halal meat? That causes animal suffering, does it not?

Just because you care very strongly about animal welfare please don't think I'm belittling your views or your integrity. I am sure you think about the issues more than most. It's the hypocrisy of some I can't stand. I'm not ever going to have respect for someone that says they care about animal welfare and then consumes battery eggs / value chicken etc. I think they are plain stupid for behaving in that way and I do not apologise for saying so.

I wouldn't have thought Basso sees the animals as anything much more than dollar bills. I don't think he connects with them emotionally as living creatures.

I put some nuts out on my window sill for the squirrels today.
I never said I don't think anyone can care. I'm sure many do and do so sincerely. I said some people care with dubious motivations and often with blind hypocrisy. So many among the people who would decry the activities of Basso consume all manner of products sourced and reared in abhorrent conditions. Some products (such as Primark clothes) are produced using human suffering which is arguably worse than animal suffering since humans are higher up the pecking order! And what about halal meat? That causes animal suffering, does it not?

Just because you care very strongly about animal welfare please don't think I'm belittling your views or your integrity. I am sure you think about the issues more than most. It's the hypocrisy of some I can't stand. I'm not ever going to have respect for someone that says they care about animal welfare and then consumes battery eggs / value chicken etc. I think they are plain stupid for behaving in that way and I do not apologise for saying so.

I wouldn't have thought Basso sees the animals as anything much more than dollar bills. I don't think he connects with them emotionally as living creatures.

I put some nuts out on my window sill for the squirrels today.

You sound like a QVC arsebook devotee apologist...
In reality its very difficult to boycott everything we feel angry about ,because of globalism and cheap goods. We may think we have choice but we really don't.

The very people who could do it ,the very wealthy,don't because they are insulated from having to take the consequences.They don't care and they are not going to force Basso out of business.Fur is status to them .God knows why.

With Basso its easy to boycott,except he's been sneaky in producing the faux fur range ,as though that exempts him.

I would like to boycott Chinese goods because of their dog meat festival which is taking place again at this time of year.Appalling ,but try to buy non Chineses made goods and its practically impossible.
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I have just posted a question about this animal on the Q facebook page, it won't get an answer and will get deleted and sanitised but with luck a few people who had no idea about his barbaric trade will read it and make them think.
I have just posted a question about this animal on the Q facebook page, it won't get an answer and will get deleted and sanitised but with luck a few people who had no idea about his barbaric trade will read it and make them think.

Well done for highlighting it there, it's not as if QVC are exactly open and honest about what he does on air, but be prepared for those die hard QVCers to pitchfork you out of town, they don't like their beloved QVC being criticised. :mysmilie_17:
Well done for highlighting it there, it's not as if QVC are exactly open and honest about what he does on air, but be prepared for those die hard QVCers to pitchfork you out of town, they don't like their beloved QVC being criticised. :mysmilie_17:
One has already tried, I have a thick skin and people like that just don't worry me.
I have heard them many times say he sells real fur in in his stores.

Must've been watching at different times then, because I've never once in all these years heard him come out and say it (but then again I don't watch him all the time, just car crash telly when I do) I've heard him say "couture" range but not everyone is aware what he's referring to. When I rang years ago to register my disgust when I found out, must be about ten years ago, the CS woman I spoke to said he's not allowed to mention "real" fur on air, when I asked why because people should be made aware, she just said and I quote "I don't know"
I've never heard them mention his real fur either and I've been watching for a good while.I only found out by reading this site.
They talk about what a great designer he is and he has big stores in USA.
Be careful Talisker. It was dissing Basso which got me blocked from posting on Q`s facebook page. They don`t tell you, they just block you without warning.

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