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  1. C

    Anothe 3 Easy Pay Voucher Anyone Else

    I got the voucher too but it arrived this morning after I'd ordered the TSV at midnight! Tried to order other things later but the site crashed and had to order via the red button and there wasn't anywhere to put a voucher code!
  2. C

    Miche Bag, any good?

    I love my Miche bags - I've got the brown and black ones with a few shells and different handles. I saw them on Ideal World but got a better deal when I bought the base bag, 2 shells, and 3 sets of handles at a craft show. Also the shells are only £12.99 at shows. IW don't have a huge selection...
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    Hot hair

    I ordered one of the wigs that was a POTD recently. Whilst it was a great colour it was a little too full for me as my hair is fine and it didn't look quite right. I returned it within the 14 days, which is OK as long as you don't take the tags off, and got my refund within a week! How's that...
  4. C

    POD 4 easy pays turn into 2 easy pays on line

    Hi I've asked Graham if he can look into this problem but thought I'd try and find out if anyone else on here had the same problem. On Wednesday there was a Craft POD with 4 easy pays and flexi basket. I went on line and ordered the POD and another item and clicked the easy pay box on the...
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    Arrived in about three days

    Hi Graham I am seriously annoyed with Ideal World at the moment! On Wednesday the POD was a craft one with 4 easy pays which was amazing so I went on line, order the POD and clicked the easy pay box. When the order went through it was only on 2 easy pays! I emailed customer services and said...
  6. C

    Miche bag

    Although you can get them on Ideal World, I bought mine last week at the Stitch & Craft show. However there is a UK Miche bag website, if you google Miche bag you'll find it, also they are sold on Ebay.
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    Leonie Pujol leaves QVC

    Leoni will be a real asset to Create & Craft but will be missed by QVC viewers. Reading between the lines I wonder if it was QVC pushed her out? I hope not, as she says in her blog she's been with Dawn for such a long time and they were a good team. Dawn is bound to miss her. I follow Leonie on...
  8. C

    IW still blatantly lying

    I had a problem with IW earlier this year. I kept being given the run around. The Call centre staff though trying to be helpful kept to their script and couldn't get what my problem was. Then I resorted to emailing, again they didn't seem to read my emails and just came up with stock answers...
  9. C

    For Mommabear

    Marcus thinks far too much of himself and for no reason at all! He said that the girls were there because they are pieces of meat like him!??? If that's the case then they are rump steak and he's a bit of scrag end! I've really not taken to any of them on BB this year. Half wit sounds like he...
  10. C

    Diabolical customer service

    When I had a problem earlier this year I emailed mike hancox direct and he responded within hours and my complaint was finally sorted by John Ackroyd. If I were you I'd email Mike direct. I also made a complaint via Consumer Direct and my local trading standards office, didn't get very far with...
  11. C

    "The Apprentice" does Shopping Telly. Is it IW for a second time?

    I think I caught the end of the live showing of the "Apprentices" doing their bit about 3 or 4 months ago! They were so unprofessional and obviously hadn't a clue about anything they were selling. Can't wait to see the show.
  12. C

    Fly flots - never again!

    I emailed where I'd got a pair of Flyflot shoes from because the insole had come away and the anti-bacterial effect didn't seem to be working either in them or a pair I'd bought from a Pavers outlet. I said I wondered if they had any insoles that I could buy to replace them. I was...
  13. C

    bareMineral SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen

    Mine's fine. Wish I'd ordered the medium but the light isn't too bad. Will see how well it does and if its OK will order the medium for next time. Will put my usual once a day (Piz Buin or P20) on in the mornings when I'm away and just use this to top up at odd times - especially when I'm...
  14. C

    That FlyFlot POD

    That's OK. I know that they aren't everyone's thing and I'm not upset at people making comments about them really, its just that sometimes it seems that people knock them because they aren't their style of shoe and haven't even tried them. I have got shoes and sandals and they are all really...
  15. C

    That FlyFlot POD

    Those of you who find Fly Flots funny (and yes they aren't high fashion) obviously don't have problem feet. I have bought Fly Flots and they are comfortable and fit well. I have EEE-EEEE feet! It is almost impossible to get decent, comfortable shoes to fit and although I wouldn't wear my Fly...
  16. C

    The eye gougers on

    I love it when he says something like "Don't her eyes look great, the lashes are amazing!" Then you look at the way he applies it and its all clogged and still looks short and stubby, just all stuck together!
  17. C

    A Huge Thank You Mike Hancox.

    I got a result from contacting Mike Hancox direct by email rather than letter. He responded very quickly and passed me on to John Ackroyd the Strategic Project Manager who called me and sorted out my problem very quickly. I now have the camisole that I wanted and am pleased to have sorted it all...
  18. C

    Flyflot Ad

    Pavers are part of They sell Fly Flots, Pavers, Padders and loads of other shoes - some designer type ones to. I've bought shoes from them, they charge a flat £3.99 postage and if you pay an additional 99p you don't have to pay anything else to return them.
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    Waterfall Jacket & Camisole or not as the case may be!

    This morning the postman came with my camisole! Hurrah!!! Its great to have at last got a result. Chris
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    Never thought I'd say this....

    Didn't see the show but it isn't it a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Loen looks as if she's put on quite a bit of extra weight recently and some of her choices of outfit have been less than flattering. However, I do usually like her sense of humour and the way she presents but its not...