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    Hold Your Hand Out Alexis

    Of all the guests on QVC, I think Alexis is the most gorgeous looking. I wouldn't mind looking like her anyway! Everything about her is so stylish IMO.
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Exactly! Having married into money (if indeed that was the case), Lulu Guiness could have been content with hooking a husband, raising a family, lunching out with friends, sitting on charitable committees etc etc (and again, there's nothing wrong with that). However, she decided to pursue a...
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    We'll have to agree to disagree. Mimi's use of the word 'resentment' sums up some people's attitude towards Lulu Guiness. Strange that, in comparison, there's very little mention of the other Lulu who was also on QVC the same day as LG. She's a singer, but has launched her own skin care range...
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    And it's a very point too! Exactly what I thought.
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Goodness me! Who would have thought that so many would display such bitterness towards those who have managed to make a success of things. Sleep well ladies. XXX
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Well said. My sentiments exactly. :35:
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Not envious then? Really? Not a teeny weeny bit?!!
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Methinks thou doth protest too much!
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Are we just a touch envious ladies?? And what would you call your 'club'? How about 'The Chip on Our Shoulder Brigade'??
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    How can it 'wrong' for QVC to promote today's TSV and other products from this range? Is it also 'wrong' to sell face cream at £60+ or cheescakes at £30+? As far as I can see, it's paid off for them because the TSV quickly sold out and now they're pushing OTO's all day. As I said before, there...
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    Don't worry! I'm not in the least bit upset. I don't mind moaning about products and commenting about them. I just thought some of the comments directed towards the customers were a bit mean - 'deluded' women etc etc!! And you can't miss some posts, if you know what I mean.
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    There will always be people with plenty of disposable income, recession or no recession. I like the TSV style wise, but also think that it's terribly overpriced. BUT, I think some comments that have been made about the customers who have bought this TSV are quite nasty.
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    She's definitely got her own unique style, which transcends 'fashion' and current trends. She's quirky and different, and I love watching her shows on that account. We tend to slate QVC for being 'samey' so I welcome this 'diversion' from real life!! So what if her bags are outragiously...
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    Lulu Guiness TSV!

    I love the style of the TSV, but wouldn't buy it at that price even if it was leather! Hope they all sell out soon, so we can have some OTOs.
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    I bought a pair of the washable trainers when they were a TSV and they were/are so good that I then ordered a second pair in another colour. I'm a Clarks 7 and the Rockport 7 fits me perfectly. I've also washed them and they're great.
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    Kipling : leather v other materials

    We could have thousands of debates on the lines of 'What if ...' but Kipling don't make bags with human skin and are extremely unlikely to start doing so. Consequently, I find the question absurd, in the same way as 'Would you eat Lime Tree Pantry Pies if they were full of human meat?' would be.
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    Kipling : leather v other materials

    What an absurd question.
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    just got a £5 voucher in post

    I'm sulking now! I haven't had one either.
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    Happy Birthday Moira C!

    When I see the word 'scarflace', I can't help reading it as 'scarface' and that's the name that sticks in my head. Can't get rid of it, and that's part of the problem for me with this brand!!
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    TSV's are boring me
