Film reviews (no spoilers)


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My cousin said I should watch Joy.

It is really supposed to be about Jean Purdy, who is the forgotten member of the team.
Documentaries will focus on the men, Jean only got her name on the plaque in 2015.
I know what you’re saying and I did recognise that this was what was good about the film. In this day and she however I can’t see that a documentary couldn’t be made with the focus upon her as much as it is upon the men.
But this is Netflix.

Will a documentary go into her unable to have children, the church banning her, her own mother cutting her off. The women who took part?
.....and I guess the fact that Jean died a long time ago and no doubt so have the women who took part in the initial trials have done too ,a film using actresses is the only way to do it, only just thought of that. I'd imagine there's plenty of footage of the guys involved in all this knocking around in the archives.
How'dya fancy a 2017 / 18 offering. With a rambling intro?

On Youtube, I saw a suggestion of a 5 min video from 2017, of a child on Ukraine's got talent. Quite the powerful performance, (with subs.) So, when I'd finished seeing it and another of him in the same show, a film appeared 'at the side'. So, I clicked on it out of curiosity. Same kid, film being 'Tum Pabi Tum'. (Belarusian) I found it with English subtitles. I presume it is a kid's film, but I'm a child so I don't care ;) But that aside, it's about an orphan who is fed up of being ignored because he's too 'old'. So he decides to make a video 'advertising' himself so 'he' can choose the family instead of waiting, all whilst trying to get a small girl adopted because she was 'sent back' because (I think) she was ill.
The Holiday! Now this is a film I've never heard of until a few weeks ago when it was mentioned on Corrie, then a FB acquaintance posted that she was having a cosy afternoon watching the can't beat it! I noticed that it came up on Netflix as I decided to see what was on as there was nothing on telly last an aside BBC Antiques roadshow should be on at 2 o'clock in the afternoon not prime time. Anyway, I watched the Holiday and it was flaming dreadful syrup with an extra serving of syrup and so cliched it was unbelieveable. Has anyone else seen this smaltzfest and what's more do you love it?!
The Holiday! Now this is a film I've never heard of until a few weeks ago when it was mentioned on Corrie, then a FB acquaintance posted that she was having a cosy afternoon watching the can't beat it! I noticed that it came up on Netflix as I decided to see what was on as there was nothing on telly last an aside BBC Antiques roadshow should be on at 2 o'clock in the afternoon not prime time. Anyway, I watched the Holiday and it was flaming dreadful syrup with an extra serving of syrup and so cliched it was unbelieveable. Has anyone else seen this smaltzfest and what's more do you love it?!
Is that the one with Winslet and Diaz swapping US/UK holiday locations?
Saw it years ago. Once. Not really aimed at us blokes.
Is that the one with Winslet and Diaz swapping US/UK holiday locations?
Saw it years ago. Once. Not really aimed at us blokes.
Yep that’s the one. I guess rom coms are more geared towards females but as a female I was not impressed and could work out exactly what was going to happen in the first half hour . I really can’t see how it got such a following !
I’m watching The Holiday at the moment. I recorded it when it was on over Christmas. I’m enjoying it.
Yep that’s the one. I guess rom coms are more geared towards females but as a female I was not impressed and could work out exactly what was going to happen in the first half hour . I really can’t see how it got such a following !

I’m watching The Holiday at the moment. I recorded it when it was on over Christmas. I’m enjoying it.
Well, admittedly, I'd watch it for the easy-on-the-eye lead characters; Diaz was 'hot' in Bad Teacher, and she's not a bad actress either and Winslet is more fanciable the older she gets, imho! Or is that too un-PC. Despite it being what makes the world go round...
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.

One of the worst films I've ever seen.

Not just worst sci-fi, or worst film to ever win an Oscar. Worrying PC politics and 'woke' trends for that to win the MPIAA academy vote.

Nope, just one of the worst films. Ever. Period.

Thanks, I feel better now.
We recently watched Gladiator 2, Conclave and The 6888. The Gladiator 2 was just Gladiator 1 but with a newer model, the Conclave needs to be watched until the very last moment, won`t say any more than that but it won`t be an ending you expect, and The 6888 is based on a real Army battalion of all black women during WW2 and well worth a watch.
The Conclave needs to be watched until the very last moment, won`t say any more than that but it won`t be an ending you expect, and The 6888 is based on a real Army battalion of all black women during WW2 and well worth a watch.

I didn't know how good or not The 6888 would be, but I did enjoy it and would recommend it.

The Conclave was interesting and not what I expected.

If you want something a little different, look out for A Different Man. If you like real life drama The Order.
I didn't know how good or not The 6888 would be, but I did enjoy it and would recommend it.

The Conclave was interesting and not what I expected.

If you want something a little different, look out for A Different Man. If you like real life drama The Order.
Yes we watched The Order but I must admit it was a film I found a tad boring, it just didn`t hold my attention. Having said that, I loved Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead series. I surprised myself by becoming a big fan of the series, not my usual cuppa tea by a long chalk. I`m waiting to see The Brutalist when it hits one of our streaming channels, it`s a very long film (over 3 hours long ) but the beauty of watching from home is you can pause when you wish and go back to it as and when. I`ll have a look at the other film you suggest A Different Man, I`m always ready for recommendations so many thanks.

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