Gemporia - struggling financially?


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Lower discount for new customers? It was 20% and now it's 10%.

Do I have false memories?

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To be fair, 10% is less than 20%, so it is a "lower discount" šŸ˜‰

Seriously, so much for Gemporia wanting to pass savings on to its customers. They're definitely trying to claw as much cash as possible from their viewers these days.
12. Lack of quality control and checking of gemstone treatments for correctness:

I've seen lots of examples of people saying that stones have fallen out of rings. We've had a lot of lifestyle products that have been faulty and had to be returned. Rings with stones that have not been set straight or stones that are noticeably different in size.

Then there are the treatments. Remember that VT they had that said "Our trust and integrity is very important to us?" - well, if that's the case, check and double check that information is correct.

I once bought a rare blue Amblygonite gemstone. The certificate of authenticity said it was 'not enhanced'. The presenter also said that it was 'not enhanced'. The main selling point was based on it being 'not enhanced'. I subsequently found out that it was actually irradiated - one of the harshest treatments available.

I bought a Padparadscha Sapphire that came complete with a GIA certificate of Authenticity along with a Gemporia certificate of authenticity. It was sold on-air as 'not enhanced' (as were all of the Padparadscha sapphires sold on Gemporia at that time). The website description said "not enhanced". The Gemporia certificate of authenticity said "not enhanced". However, the GIA certificate of authenticity stated that the gemstone was 'Heat Treated'. I argued this out with Gemporia - and they were insistent that I was incorrect and they were correct - so I scanned the GIA certificate and sent them a copy. THEN they finally accepted that the stone was in fact heat-treated - and they were wrong. They then agreed to refund me my money - and they said that they were going to "notify all customers that had purchased Padparadscha Sapphires' that they were sold with the incorrect treatment listed. Whether they did or not, I'll never know - however, since that happened, every Padparadscha Sapphire that has since sold on Gemporia has been listed as heat treated.......

Just this week, they've been selling a gemstone called Ceruleite. In their jewellery, the stones have had no treatment listed at all - which is the norm when stones are untreated. However, on Gem Collector, the stones have had TWO treatments listed on the SAME item. For example, the Ceruleite with the product code SCNF36 has the treatment listed as 'I' (which means 'waxing') at the top of the product description, it says "stabilised".

So this week alone, the same stones, from the same parcel, have been listed as untreated, waxed and stabilised (with the loose stones on Gem Collector listing two different treatments on the same authenticity card). So which is it? Natural? Waxed? Stabilised? Who knows........ Do Gemporia even know?

It makes me wonder whether they're getting stones lab tested these days or whether they're just 'guessing' or simply making clumsy mistakes. Either way, us, the customer, should be 100% confident that the stone we are getting is EXACTLY what we're expecting. Untreated stones sell for more than treated stones - so we should not be paying for untreated stones, expecting untreated stones, only to find later on that they're treated.

Jewellery Maker are the worst for mistakes. I have told them numerous times over the years about their irradiated stones. The treatment code for irradiation treatment is 'IR' - however, Jewellery Maker continually keep putting 'I' - which is waxing - a totally different treatment. Despite raising it numerous times over the years, I get the usual "we'll raise it with the team" response - and that's as far as it goes.

The same applies to diffusion treated gemstones. The code for diffusion treatment is 'U' - however, Jewellery Maker keep putting 'D' at the top of the product description - which is the code for dying treatment. Again, two completely different treatments. Again, its been raised numerous times - and the response is "we'll raise it with the team" yet again.

13. Confused business model: I'm struggling to see the logic in Gemporia business model at the moment. They seem very confused - and I think it's alienating customers.

Gem Collector is the channel for loose gemstones - since, forever! But over the past year or so, we've seen strands from Jewellery Maker creeping over onto Gem Collector?

Jewellery Maker is the channel for gem strands and jewellery making products - yet they've had loose gemstones from Gem Collector creeping over to there, and even lotions and potions from Primal Living have been shown on there. I'm not quite sure what jewellery makers can make out of some vitamins and a slim-shot? That will be one weird pendant.......

Lifestyle is for lifestyle products - apart from when they do jewellery on there that could be on Gems TV.

Gems TV is for jewellery - yet they're selling Christmas decorations, candles and wellington boots that should be over on lifestyle.

It seems like they're genuinely confused as to what audience they should be aiming their products at.

Who in their right mind wakes up and thinks "I could really do with losing some weight and taking some vitamins to improve my health - where can I get those from? Ah I know - I'll go and look on a jewellery making / crafting channel - the obvious place to by healthcare products".


"I really fancy some nice coffee - some really healthy stuff made from a mushroom. I know just the place - a gemstone jewellery channel! Oh and while I'm there, I could buy some lipstick and a handbag too".

And then who thought it would be a good idea to have Jade Thompson or Jade Troth waffling to us for 40 minutes about a "rarer than rare gemstone that we'll never see again" until tomorrow and every day for the next 11 months? If I walked into a shop and someone behind the counter started waffling to me before I can see the price of something, I'd walk straight out and never go back again - yet when its raised with Gemporia, they tell us they "like to educate their viewers". Bit tough that when they got bored 30 minutes ago and switched channels...........

Anyway, whinge over. Anyone else think that Gemporia are struggling and possibly cautious about buying from them in case they suddenly go the same way as Price Drop TV (on the subject of Price Drop TV, remember when Gemporia thought that employing that idiot, Peter Simon, was a good idea?)
Very late in the day but have some news on the gems TV front. Ruth is now selling diamonique on QVC. This week Steve Bennett was promoting his weight loss, not with the use of his own products but by cutting something out, can't remember what, probably carbs but it's strange he wasn't promoting his own stuff. I'd like to know what's happened to Zena, not my fave presenter but definitely conspicuous by her absence, and her being Bennett related too. I rarely buy. I think if it's a jewellerymaking channel then it should sell products to make jewellery not already made ones. I loved it in the early days when there were lots of demos, lots of different pieces to buy and they promoted only genuine gemstones. Now it's a free for all. I have a degree in jewellery and silversmithing. It took me 3 years to get yet they're acting like it's so easy to cut out and solder blah blah, it flipping ain't. I still struggle. I hate that they have days, well mornings now, of seed beads, Czech beads and whatever ones Mark peddles, when it was so much purer, and when the other items sold that weren't gemstones were there to make up other jewellery like sculpey clay, metal clay, dyes and unusual items like friendly plastic but alas....all gone.
Looking at the line up today, my Gemporia viewing days are limited.


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Looking at the line up today, my Gemporia viewing days are limited.

There's been hardly any jewellery today.

I'm struggling to see what their USP is these days. You can buy make-up from anywhere. You can buy Primal-type stuff from elsewhere (but better quality for lower prices), you can buy Bamboo clothing and bedding from elsewhere too (and cheaper) and you can buy CBD products elsewhere too.

Their forte was Jewellery - but they're not even that good at that these days either.
There's been hardly any jewellery today.

I'm struggling to see what their USP is these days. You can buy make-up from anywhere. You can buy Primal-type stuff from elsewhere (but better quality for lower prices), you can buy Bamboo clothing and bedding from elsewhere too (and cheaper) and you can buy CBD products elsewhere too.

Their forte was Jewellery - but they're not even that good at that these days either.
And don't forget the endless candles which everybody and their mother sell! Seriously, I think that all but the most hard core fans of Gemporia now find very little to entice them to watch. I don't get why Gemporia is following this ruining path. Why would anyone watch or buy these days?
And don't forget the endless candles which everybody and their mother sell! Seriously, I think that all but the most hard core fans of Gemporia now find very little to entice them to watch. I don't get why Gemporia is following this ruining path. Why would anyone watch or buy these days?
Why indeed?
There's been hardly any jewellery today.

I'm struggling to see what their USP is these days. You can buy make-up from anywhere. You can buy Primal-type stuff from elsewhere (but better quality for lower prices), you can buy Bamboo clothing and bedding from elsewhere too (and cheaper) and you can buy CBD products elsewhere too.

Their forte was Jewellery - but they're not even that good at that these days either.
Their business model is flawed as the products they are televising live to air in Australia during 1-4pm, for what must be a significant fee, they canā€™t ship to Australia! It says so on their website. That includes health products, some Mother of Pearl and Visage. Three hours of mindless chatter about Chinese made make up would never be worth-while in sales outcomes. One hour would suffice the week.
And don't forget the endless candles which everybody and their mother sell! Seriously, I think that all but the most hard core fans of Gemporia now find very little to entice them to watch. I don't get why Gemporia is following this ruining path. Why would anyone watch or buy these days?
Why would anyone watch, indeed?
As Chris Rea sang "We're on the Road to Hell."
That should be their theme song!
Why would anyone watch, indeed?
As Chris Rea sang "We're on the Road to Hell."
That should be their theme song!
I feel like it's sinking fast, and they are throwing anything and everything at it. It's such a shambles now and it feels like they are grasping on for dear life! Did we ever think we would see the day?
Now, who is multi buying? I wonā€™t share my first thought of a good place for itšŸ˜‚šŸ‘
You never know, it might do more use 'there', especially if you need cooling down for whatever reason. šŸ‘¼
You never know, it might do more use 'there', especially if you need cooling down for whatever reason. šŸ‘¼
Ooo, when I added the smiley, it told me it was inserted. I will go and polish my halo now. Or, pick it up off the floor.

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