Quartzite Jade REALLY!


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Jun 2, 2024
Hi, often read the forum discussions, just thought I would check out Mr troff again. Why oh why is he pushing quartzite as Jade. The Internet is available for the uneducated and it clearly states quartzite is NOT Jade. There is yet another long winded spiel about how lucky he was to get this parcel and comparing it to high end Jade and not one mention of the fact it's not real. Used to watch a lot but now can't bear these 'presentations' getting people to part with their hard earned cash on blatant false claims. Glad I only read the forums now.
Hi, often read the forum discussions, just thought I would check out Mr troff again. Why oh why is he pushing quartzite as Jade. The Internet is available for the uneducated and it clearly states quartzite is NOT Jade. There is yet another long winded spiel about how lucky he was to get this parcel and comparing it to high end Jade and not one mention of the fact it's not real. Used to watch a lot but now can't bear these 'presentations' getting people to part with their hard earned cash on blatant false claims. Glad I only read the forums now.
I was always under the impression, and this is very basic and up for correction, that quartz was quartz and quartzite was quartz with sand in it's makeup. Aka, sandstone of sorts.
Hi, often read the forum discussions, just thought I would check out Mr troff again. Why oh why is he pushing quartzite as Jade. The Internet is available for the uneducated and it clearly states quartzite is NOT Jade. There is yet another long winded spiel about how lucky he was to get this parcel and comparing it to high end Jade and not one mention of the fact it's not real. Used to watch a lot but now can't bear these 'presentations' getting people to part with their hard earned cash on blatant false claims. Glad I only read the forums now.

He's been reported to the Advertising Standards Authority numerous times for this very claim - but as of yet, they've failed to take action on this one.

I strongly urge you to also report it to the ASA too then multiple reports might get something done about it.

It's misleading and, potentially, fraud too because its obtaining money by deception.
You know what they had on today on JM? Golden Silk Quartzite Jade. Excited to know that, aren't you? No, I didn't buy any ;)
Today gems had pariaba quartz??? Angelina and Jess were very adamant that people check out their baskets immediately. Angline was absolutely blatant about it. To me Angeline is is hard faced when selling
He's been reported to the Advertising Standards Authority numerous times for this very claim - but as of yet, they've failed to take action on this one.

I strongly urge you to also report it to the ASA too then multiple reports might get something done about it.

It's misleading and, potentially, fraud too because its obtaining money by deception.
Hi. I'm a gemmologist, qualified with the Gemmological Association of Great Britain over twenty years ago. I stumbled across this thread while searching for something else.

It's unlikely that the Advertising Standards Authority will do anything about any such complaints, for two reasons: firstly, jade is not at all well understood in the west, and secondly, the very term 'jade' is an umbrella term for a number of materials.

It used to be (broadly speaking) just jadeite and nephrite, but recently other materials have been deemed to have characteristics that qualify them for a place under that umbrella, too. Dulong jade is one of these 'new jade' materials (a quartz-based material formerly called Du Long Yu) not always considered a jade. but now it is. Similarly with quartzite, and specifically that from Burma - which, since 2013, laboratories in the East have begun to certify as a jade.

Now, challenging that will be difficult as the East understands jade far better than ANY laboratory in the west. I'm aware on at least one Gemporia customer who (like you) was suspicious, and took her purchases for independent testing at a very well-respected Western laboratory, where they were independently confirmed as jade (at considerable cost to that customer).

It helps if you understand that gemmology is not a science that can always give answers in absolute terms, and traditional gemstone definitions are changing as the ability to test becomes more advanced.
Great to read an expert's take on this subject. Too many others on here are just sour grapes and nit pickers so thank you for setting the record straight. I love every piece I have bought over several years on Gemporia.
Great to read an expert's take on this subject. Too many others on here are just sour grapes and nit pickers so thank you for setting the record straight. I love every piece I have bought over several years on Gemporia.
Are you on commission for this? Or do you truly believe the hype? If it’s the latter then you have my sympathy. I too was taken in by them and unfortunately saw the light oo late. There’s still time though.
Great to read an expert's take on this subject. Too many others on here are just sour grapes and nit pickers so thank you for setting the record straight. I love every piece I have bought over several years on Gemporia.
Er...you still haven't answered my reply to your previous thread comment about the jewellery you've purchased from Gemporia being "worth more than I paid for it". Would you like to answer that, please..(or maybe not)?
I wish. I do my research before I buy and as already stated I am happy with every piece I've bought
Great to read an expert's take on this subject. Too many others on here are just sour grapes and nit pickers so thank you for setting the record straight. I love every piece I have bought over several years on Gemporia.
Great to read an expert's take on this subject. Too many others on here are just sour grapes and nit pickers so thank you for setting the record straight. I love every piece I have bought over several years on Gemporia.
Why on earth would anyone here be ‘sour grapes’ . It’s not as if buying from Gemporia is a privilege that is denied to us. We are all very welcome to buy from them if we want to. If you are happy that’s great but not everyone is and some feel cheated when they see pieces sold at auction for a fraction of what they paid.
I wish. I do my research before I buy and as already stated I am happy with every piece I've bought
Er...you still haven't answered my reply to your previous thread comment about the jewellery you've purchased from Gemporia being "worth more than I paid for it" (your own words). Would you like to answer that, please..(or maybe there isn't an answer)?

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