Well, we all have to meet our makers in the end, and he is no different. If you have any sense of spirituality about you, then there is a belief that at the end of your life you will at least, even if that’s all there is, look back at the good and the bad you did and ponder. If you go beyond that, and believe how you live your life alters your ultimate destiny beyond this one, then you should have a moral code along the way over how you treat people – least, you should have. Perhaps if you treat people with respect, don’t lie to them, and don’t bully them, then if there is something else after this, it might make the difference between coming back as a bluebottle, or somebody with a life to enjoy. George Harrison had a very interesting philosophy about life, and he very much espoused that his current life was a skin that he wore and that beyond that there was a new set of skin to put on. He believed in good and bad karma and lived his life to that effect. Incidentally, he was far and away my favourite Beatle – both as a person and as a musician. For me, he spoke a lot of sense about this area of thinking.
A lot of us remember that very telling of studio microphone left on moment some months back now, when he was caught when ads were meant to be playing, sounding deflated, and asking about the sales of a certain item. It appeared to be that the item hadn’t sold at all well, or in fact it sold anything at all. It was during this illuminating moment when he said words to the effect of: “I’ll go to Hell, Me.” Of course, we can’t be sure of the exact context he was speaking in; but if it was about his selling techniques perhaps not being as transparent as they should be, then maybe he’s right - he will go to Hell.