QVC sex talk 😬


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Here we are used to riots. So the batten rounds also known as plastic bullets have been used already. Next few days, if it continues, the water cannon will be used. UK mainland police are just too soft.

It was quite funny on the local news last night. Three people up in court and refused bail.

One out with his children attacking a PSNI officer with his stick, seen on CC TV. He said he was just walking past and stopped to ask the police if his house would be okay?

Two was just out walking his dog but shown on CC TV attacking the police.

Three was a teenager and no excuse given.
You're right, the police are often like sitting ducks here. If Boris had bought some water cannons that actually worked properly (nice one, Boris, well up to your usual standards of ability) then that might have been a start.

When the new PM said that the rioters caught would feel the full force of the law, I was tempted to laugh at the usual old rhetoric. And yesterday one was given two months imprisonment - oh boy, how scary is that (not).:rolleyes:
The good old days had some very nasty aspects. Children abused and never believed. We are still reaping that harvest.
Overt isms of all sorts.
Women unable to enter into financial agreements without the authority/ countersignature of a male authority figure (hubby, father, brother etc). Women blindly prescribed valium or similar when they went to the GP.
There was a period, relatively recently when we aeemed to have turned a corner and consolidated the many hard-won gains.
Then the western world lost its collective mind.
Rampant misogyny 'disguised' by transgender agenda.
Reverse apartheid promoted under the guise of identity politics.
Bullying amplified by social media.
We are circling the drain right now as a society.
All gives the morons who are using the tragic stabbings of 3 little girls a perfect excuse to be violent and dangerous.
What a time to be alive!

QVC should be a refuge from this nonsense instead of which they smelling the filthy lucre and jumping on the bandwagon.

Better yet we could get the army in on a tank and roll over them if they didn't move.
Hubby was telling me about a 30 year old who said he was just watching but they had video of him attacking a Police Officer. In court he was crying and when he was remanded he started crying for his mum.

The good old days had some very nasty aspects. Children abused and never believed. We are still reaping that harvest.
Overt isms of all sorts.
Women unable to enter into financial agreements without the authority/ countersignature of a male authority figure (hubby, father, brother etc). Women blindly prescribed valium or similar when they went to the GP.
There was a period, relatively recently when we aeemed to have turned a corner and consolidated the many hard-won gains.
Then the western world lost its collective mind.
Rampant misogyny 'disguised' by transgender agenda.
Reverse apartheid promoted under the guise of identity politics.
Bullying amplified by social media.
We are circling the drain right now as a society.
All gives the morons who are using the tragic stabbings of 3 little girls a perfect excuse to be violent and dangerous.
What a time to be alive!

QVC should be a refuge from this nonsense instead of which they smelling the filthy lucre and jumping on the bandwagon.
I'm glad that I'm of a more 'mature' age - wouldn't want to be young today, the world's not a good place and nothing seems to be getting any better. Looking back over only the news items from earlier this year - say April onwards - it's just totally depressing and you despair of the human race. I think we all tell ourselves that there are still good and kind people out there, but it gets harder and harder to cling to this belief when you see what some people are capable of.
I'm glad that I'm of a more 'mature' age - wouldn't want to be young today, the world's not a good place and nothing seems to be getting any better. Looking back over only the news items from earlier this year - say April onwards - it's just totally depressing and you despair of the human race. I think we all tell ourselves that there are still good and kind people out there, but it gets harder and harder to cling to this belief when you see what some people are capable of.
Agreed. Growing up in the 70s/80s was hard enough in the without social media pressures and online bullying.

Social media stirs up hatred. Its so easy - encourage people to blame someone else for their problems. You might be short and overweight but just blame 'someone' for your inability to be a fashion model. No education? Bone idle? No skills? Just blame the newcomers, if they weren't there you'd obviously be earning loads as a nuclear physicist. I'm exaggerating but you get the picture. And as people have posted here, some people arrested for rioting don't come from the area.

My brother is a classic example. He despises immigrants who work very hard at school, end up at university and get a good job, believing that they got chances he didn't. Yet my brother walked out of school aged 14, wouldn't do any school work or take exams. Yet he had the same opportunity of free comprehensive education and could have done fairly well as he's not stupid (just lazy). Needless to say his life has been unemployment and unskilled, minimum wage jobs.
Agreed. Growing up in the 70s/80s was hard enough in the without social media pressures and online bullying.

Social media stirs up hatred. Its so easy - encourage people to blame someone else for their problems. You might be short and overweight but just blame 'someone' for your inability to be a fashion model. No education? Bone idle? No skills? Just blame the newcomers, if they weren't there you'd obviously be earning loads as a nuclear physicist. I'm exaggerating but you get the picture. And as people have posted here, some people arrested for rioting don't come from the area.

My brother is a classic example. He despises immigrants who work very hard at school, end up at university and get a good job, believing that they got chances he didn't. Yet my brother walked out of school aged 14, wouldn't do any school work or take exams. Yet he had the same opportunity of free comprehensive education and could have done fairly well as he's not stupid (just lazy). Needless to say his life has been unemployment and unskilled, minimum wage jobs.
One company I worked for didn't allow women to be paid monthly or join the pension scheme. I also worked at a company who,until legislation was passed,didn't allow part timers to join the pension scheme.
Today quite a lot of women don't get equal pay with men doing the same or equivalent job.
One company I worked for didn't allow women to be paid monthly or join the pension scheme. I also worked at a company who,until legislation was passed,didn't allow part timers to join the pension scheme.
Today quite a lot of women don't get equal pay with men doing the same or equivalent job.
We've come a long way but there is still a lot to be done. Women have always suffered in employment as many need to work part time, and you get issues like you have given.
a few years ago during our lunch break, myself and some female colleagues were discussing equal pay. I was astounded by a couple of ladies in their 40s said they thought it was wrong that women got equal pay.

As neither of them had been working when the equality pay act was introduced, they were very politely told of what it was like. Much of what as Patsy specified above. My salary literally doubled overnight such was the difference in pay. My dad have to sign a form allowing me to open a bank account 😳

I know even today it’s not perfect, but it’s better than it was.
I remember in 1969, after the birth of my daughter I had to produce a consent form, signed by husband , before I could have a contraceptive coil fitted!
To this day, medical professionals in some places will actively deter women from needed medical treatment like hysterectomy in case their other half (present or future) might want children!
I have been thinking about what I could do to supplement my income and finally came up with a viable plan. SALES!

I am pleased to announce that I will be selling or hiring "Adult toys".

I hope no one is embarrassed to ask about them.

I have all kinds, sizes & styles according to your needs.
Discretion is guaranteed!!

I have walkers, wheelchairs, MoBILLYty Scooters, oxygen tanks, canes, disposable nappies, support stockings etc etc....

What was your dirty mind thinking?....
I have been thinking about what I could do to supplement my income and finally came up with a viable plan. SALES!

I am pleased to announce that I will be selling or hiring "Adult toys".

I hope no one is embarrassed to ask about them.

I have all kinds, sizes & styles according to your needs.
Discretion is guaranteed!!

I have walkers, wheelchairs, MoBILLYty Scooters, oxygen tanks, canes, disposable nappies, support stockings etc etc....

What was your dirty mind thinking?....
Will you get the canes from ideal world? 🤣🤣
I have been thinking about what I could do to supplement my income and finally came up with a viable plan. SALES!

I am pleased to announce that I will be selling or hiring "Adult toys".

I hope no one is embarrassed to ask about them.

I have all kinds, sizes & styles according to your needs.
Discretion is guaranteed!!

I have walkers, wheelchairs, MoBILLYty Scooters, oxygen tanks, canes, disposable nappies, support stockings etc etc....

What was your dirty mind thinking?....
Oooh, you are awful. But we like you!

I was thinking you were going to fit little motors in your torches to give them a bit of a buzz but then I remembered the size of some of them you have posted pictures of.
I have been thinking about what I could do to supplement my income and finally came up with a viable plan. SALES!

I am pleased to announce that I will be selling or hiring "Adult toys".

I hope no one is embarrassed to ask about them.

I have all kinds, sizes & styles according to your needs.
Discretion is guaranteed!!

I have walkers, wheelchairs, MoBILLYty Scooters, oxygen tanks, canes, disposable nappies, support stockings etc etc....

What was your dirty mind thinking?....
Many women, only able to pay the small stamp back in the day. When it came to retire, screwed them over the state pension. My mum made sure she paid the big stamp.
You're right. My sister often talks about how she opted to pay the small stamp, as many other women did then, and all of them were well and truly stitched up at pension time.
To this day, medical professionals in some places will actively deter women from needed medical treatment like hysterectomy in case their other half (present or future) might want children!

I was told by a locum 20-odd years ago that to have multiple miscarriages investigated I would need to be married.

Yet unmarried women without problems could have multiple children with an absent father(s). I was met with a shrug when I said that.
The good old days had some very nasty aspects. Children abused and never believed. We are still reaping that harvest.
Overt isms of all sorts.
Women unable to enter into financial agreements without the authority/ countersignature of a male authority figure (hubby, father, brother etc). Women blindly prescribed valium or similar when they went to the GP.
There was a period, relatively recently when we aeemed to have turned a corner and consolidated the many hard-won gains.
Then the western world lost its collective mind.
Rampant misogyny 'disguised' by transgender agenda.
Reverse apartheid promoted under the guise of identity politics.
Bullying amplified by social media.
We are circling the drain right now as a society.
All gives the morons who are using the tragic stabbings of 3 little girls a perfect excuse to be violent and dangerous.
What a time to be alive!

QVC should be a refuge from this nonsense instead of which they smelling the filthy lucre and jumping on the bandwagon.

Excellent post.

I would like to rewind the world to that point. I'd also like QVC to rewind to the good old days of professional presenters doing a job well, and not behaving like unruly children shouting over the BAs. Colours and measurements correctly specified and no lies about item functions. No jumping on bandwagons for extra sales with over-hyped products like CBD or menopause wonder products that are anything but.

Then it might become a refuge, and sales might increase as so many people are reluctant to buy even with the MBG because of high P&P. I might enjoy having it on in the background all the time as I used to instead of taping the odd hour and fast-forwarding through in order to avoid the rubbish they spout now.
I have been thinking about what I could do to supplement my income and finally came up with a viable plan. SALES!

I am pleased to announce that I will be selling or hiring "Adult toys".

I hope no one is embarrassed to ask about them.

I have all kinds, sizes & styles according to your needs.
Discretion is guaranteed!!

I have walkers, wheelchairs, MoBILLYty Scooters, oxygen tanks, canes, disposable nappies, support stockings etc etc....

What was your dirty mind thinking?....
Strato, are you considering acting as a supplier to IW with this range of products? I think we should be told :D
I don't understand how people can't afford a pack of basic tampons. I went through a stage after my divorce where I was homeless and sofa surfing. I literally left with the clothes on my back and went to a refuge. Lots of people had donated toiletries and period products but even back then I'd noticed some women had refused to use opened packs. I was of the opinion that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. I continue to donate to the refuge that helped me.

Even on the 'bones of my ar$e' as my mum would say, I never failed to keep up with basic hygiene. You could and still can buy supermarket brand products for a low price. I worked with a woman who lived 400 yards from me but I refused to give her a lift because she stank to high heaven. The manager asked her what the problem was (after many of us refused to work near her - she was that bad). She said there was no hot water or bath at home. So? Boil a kettle, fill a sink, use a soap and flannel. I wanted to be as little bother to my friends/family as I could when I relied on goodwill so this is what I did. I didn't want to add cost to their utility bills by using water and heat. I'd wash my smalls in the sink and hang them on their line to dry and use a laundrette once a week.

A 32-pack of tampons in Asda is £1.70. They'd last at least 2 periods for me. A 20-pack of maxi towels is 75p. I paid a fiver for my menstrual cup in Savers. The prices have doubled in the last 4 years but they're still affordable even on basic benefits. My next door neighbour has volunteered with the local food bank since Covid began. It'd been a real eye-opener for her. She says the same people who come in for their box are found 10 minutes later in the Costa a few doors down buying expensive coffee, feeding their kids extortionately priced toasties and cakes while playing with their latest iPhone!

Obviously, not everyone is like this but my neighbour says she's noticed that the few single men who use the bank are usually poorly dressed, unkempt and have an old phone. Unlike the women who are all dressed to the nines with fresh manicures and highlights (neighbour's words).

We live on a road of all private houses but the next street over is a rough estate. Two of the neighbours on our road have moved in from the estate - private houses being rented to the council. The single mother opposite has 3 kids by 2 fathers. She visits the bank every week but is a morning after school drop-off/afternoon after pick up daily visitor to Costa.

She costs the council a fortune as the fathers rarely turn up but when they do they're closely followed by the police as a visit always ends in a row where they turn up drunk t midnight, get violent and damage the house. The house owner isn't bothered as the council sorts all the damage. The single mum has been there several years but his other tenants have rarely lasted longer than 6 months at a time. Each tenant change sees the council arrive, rip out the carpets and replace and in the case of the last tenants (a seemingly single mum refugee with 6 kids but always has a load of adult males there), a new kitchen - the second in under 3 years.

None of this is any of my business nor is how people spend their money. But, seriously, stop moaning about lack of money and get your priorities straight. My opposite neighbour may be a one-off but her kids want for nothing. I doubt this has anything to do with the fathers. They would rather be the big I am and buy pointless expensive Christmas presents like drones and mini electric BMWs (that the youngest can't play with as he's too little and the oldest can't use as the mum refuses to supervise) rather than pay maintenance.

I honestly do not understand people these days. Why on earth would you wreck a kitchen or bathroom? Smash windows and break doors. Our newly-elected councillor got a little bit merry in the local pub and spouted out how much our council pays to repair deliberate damage. He also let us know how much the hanging baskets in the local town cost - let's just say I'd have done it for a tenth of the cost then gone on a Caribbean cruise with the rest! None of my business but ultimately rate-payers pay.

My food bank neighbour says the genuinely upsetting cases are the elderly people who have spent all their money helping younger relatives and are just a few quid short of getting extra benefits. They turn up thinking they'll get help but can't. It took me straight back to my childhood where my nan would give her meals on wheels to my uncle who had moved back in with her after divorce. He'd had 'compo' after a road accident left him slightly disabled. He spent all his money on booze and fags, abused my nan, ate her food and left her on the floor to go to the pub when she suffered a stroke.

Sorry. Rant over. I'm having a bad day at the hands of stupid people!

I do so agree with you.

I get my sanitary towels from Asda - own brand - grand sum of 52 pence! Years ago I bought Always and the cost was over £2.00 back in the 1980’s!

My late mum was a nurse and she said it doesn’t cost much to keep yourself clean, a bowl of hot water a good bar of soap and a flannel. It was something I never forgot. Even though I used to like using Nivea deodorant I switched to Aldi’s own for a bit to save a little especially during the cost of living when everything was going up stupidly in price - and it was fine. I still use it for when I am around the house and garden and keep the Nivea for going out etc.

Seriously, some people need to get their priorities sorted. My generation nor my mums and older never had food banks at their disposal. I am
minded to say that I think they have created a lifestyle for certain people to abuse it!
I do so agree with you.

I get my sanitary towels from Asda - own brand - grand sum of 52 pence! Years ago I bought Always and the cost was over £2.00 back in the 1980’s!

My late mum was a nurse and she said it doesn’t cost much to keep yourself clean, a bowl of hot water a good bar of soap and a flannel. It was something I never forgot. Even though I used to like using Nivea deodorant I switched to Aldi’s own for a bit to save a little especially during the cost of living when everything was going up stupidly in price - and it was fine. I still use it for when I am around the house and garden and keep the Nivea for going out etc.

Seriously, some people need to get their priorities sorted. My generation nor my mums and older never had food banks at their disposal. I am
minded to say that I think they have created a lifestyle for certain people to abuse it!
There is a foodbank here, which makes deliveries to the recipients, who 'have anxiety' & so cannot come to collect their parcels. This is a small town & its not that far to walk to places, & minutes to cycle. Very few collect their food.

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