General Banter and Random Musings


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It's odd, because in some ways I thought Simon et al were on to a bit of a winner. When asked in the past on here what I thought the future of shopping TV was, I guessed that it would be online streamed on a platform that allowed for direct interaction between the studio and the viewers.

I can't remember if TikTok shop was around when I made that comment, but even if it was, I wasn't aware of it. I just know that as a millennial, my purchasing habits are most heavily influenced by products or services that are featured in the YouTube videos I watch or on Reddit. I know other people my age and younger would say the same for TikTok and Instagram. So when they started making stuff for various social media platforms, I thought it was actually a pretty shrewd move.

If you're being shown a product and can complete the buying journey with just a few taps, there's no/low barrier to purchase and it makes the experience a smooth one... it's what most online retailers are aiming for; to get you through the funnel as quickly as possible so you're not tempted to go price comparing or abandon your basket.

There simply wasn't a way to replicate that with the TV broadcasts.
Shame,now where am I going to get my fix of Shona? least ideal world's entered the 21st century on freesat and gone HD...every cloud etc etc.
I'm looking for investors in my new shopping channel, called:


It'll be streamed live from a fleet (2) of RMD Drones (720p HD 🤩 with electronic gimbal for blogging shots). No need to worry about equipment.

It won't have a call center (as I can't take calls while my phone is being used for the RMD Drone to live stream).

It will mainly sell new products ('new' as 'in original packaging', the products will be the same tat the other channels sell).

It will have a social media presence on hip sites like Friends Reunited to engage a younger (70+ years) demographic.

Big names are interested and I hope to poach a 4 star Michelin chef from IW (the guy who apparently inspired a well-known #1 1996 hit by anarchic dance band The Prodigy).

Any backers?

Even just a first flexi?
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I'm looking for investors in my new shopping channel, called:


It'll be streamed live from a fleet (2) of RMD Drones (720p HD 🤩 with electronic gimbal for blogging shots). No need to worry about equipment.

It won't have a call center (as I can't take calls while my phone is being used for the RMD Drone to live stream).

It will mainly sell new products ('new' as 'in original packaging', the products will be the same tat the other channels sell).

It will have a social media presence on hip sites like Friends Reunited to engage a younger (70+ years) demographic.

Big names are interested and I hope to poach a 4 star Michelin chef from IW (the guy who apparently inspired a well-known #1 1996 hit by anarchic dance band The Prodigy).

Any backers?

Even just a first flexi?
you should check out my spoof venture (which has outlasted Seen On TV sadly)
I'm looking for investors in my new shopping channel, called:


It'll be streamed live from a fleet (2) of RMD Drones (720p HD 🤩 with electronic gimbal for blogging shots). No need to worry about equipment.

It won't have a call center (as I can't take calls while my phone is being used for the RMD Drone to live stream).

It will mainly sell new products ('new' as 'in original packaging', the products will be the same tat the other channels sell).

It will have a social media presence on hip sites like Friends Reunited to engage a younger (70+ years) demographic.

Big names are interested and I hope to poach a 4 star Michelin chef from IW (the guy who apparently inspired a well-known #1 1996 hit by anarchic dance band The Prodigy).

Any backers?

Even just a first flexi?
Put it on MySpace and I'm in.

"I'll buy that for a dollar!"
Just been scrolling the facebook page after Dr Quincy MK2 mentioned there was a new message there

I'm genuinely shocked to see how many products there are video presentations for on there!

From the broadcasts I've seen so far I've seen glue, air fryer, fan, waterless wash n wax, smelly toilet roll and an iron

The new take on the spinmop looks interesting - Lets just hope (assuming it makes it back on air) that they show products beyond what we're all already sick to death seeing on QVC/IW
A new message on Facebook states the channel is NOT dead

Why has Simon been looking for an exit stratergy then by offering the assets for sale?

It's dead.

Don't trust any information by their freelancers. After all, the repeats were initially just a "technical issue" which was an effort to hide the truth, and now we have another more serious "technical issue".

The statment is a last hope to try and demonstrate value in the business to potential "investors".
Depends how they are playing with words on the issue. They keep raising the ‘tech problems’. Alex here was stating failed cameras for the reason they stopped broadcasting live. Then when you dig a little via the people in the industry posting here, you find out the money wasn’t there to continue and funds had to be raised. It reminds me of you ringing a business that hasn’t paid you, to be continually told “The cheque will soon be in the post.” Then, when it hasn’t arrived, you ask them again, and they tell you they couldn’t afford the stamp. It is either technical issues or it isn’t. Or is it that ‘technically’ they don’t have the money?
I'll give my 2 pennies worth.

Either Alex isn't telling us the full truth, or he's been taken in with Simon's lies.

The reason they are down is because of the unexpected price increase to broadcast on Freeview?

This is likely the biggest contract Simon has signed to date, and one of the biggest in his lifetime. If that was me, I'd be going through it with a fine tooth comb. If he didn't, and he really did miss it, then that's inexcusable.

His solicitor would be savvy to these contracts and clauses, and would have highlighted this to Simon. They would have been negligent if they didn't.

As apparently it was "unexpected", they've tried finding an investor. Sorry, but if that was me, I'd be straight onto my solicitor for their negligence, and claiming back the funds/ loss of earnings through them/ their insurance.

Let's look at this from an investors perspective. Forget about no gaps in the market. Forget about a declining audience. Forget about the minimal sales. Would you invest in a company that missed a vital clause in a contract and has put the company at significant risk at day 3? I definitely wouldn't. What other "surprises" will come up?

My thoughts are that Simon DID know about this increase all along. He probably had a personal sales target, for example £2,000 per hour (£24k per day). In his head, that may not seem unreasonable (although it is in my head for days 1-3). He knew that he would have to pay hunders of thousands more. Either 1. He decided to cut his losses after seeing shows make zero and many hours making single figure sales. Or 2. He was relying on a certain amount of sales in the first few days to make this payment. That would be the reason why he needed an investor, and not going back to the solicitor....
The more you read about it, the more it seems to be a giant ego trip without the wherewithal or forward planning to support it.
Spot on Duke and add to that, a total lack of experience in setting up or running a channel. It's one thing sitting in the green room at IW thinking you can do it better, but as they have learnt the hard way, it really isn't a game for amateurs to be playing at.

I see another company has been setup by Simon in the past week - Piranha Products Limited. Could this be (along with registering Seen on TikTok Limited in recent weeks) an attempt at damage limitation for his other business interests if Seen on TV goes under?
I have strived to be as balanced as possible why taking in the information about the current situation. On one hand, some things Alex/Seen on TV says are quite believable, but on the other hand, what the industry Insiders have said can't be brushed over. One of them knows somebody working there, or how else did they get hold of rehersal-not for broadcast pictures of Alex and Den, GX Pillows in the shot, but details for the miracle shammy on the bottom left of the screen, and Den on her own with the details for the miracle shammy. Moreover, no one from Seen on TV has disputed the statements made by the Insiders. There are three sides to every story: Seen on TVs, the industry Insiders, and maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?
It's disappeared from my freesat. The listing is still there but all I get is a blue screen.

That didn't last long!
It's maybe a bit like the last days of Bid TV. I remember either Andy Hodgson or Peter Sherlock sitting atop a bar stool, faux sincere smile firmly in place, saying 'don't worry, we're not going anywhere!' At that time rumours were swirling re their demise.

A few days later they went off air ...
Pretty sure that was Peter Sherlock. And he was on when the screen went blank, my late mum was watching that. She assumed they just needed to put a shilling in the meter🤔
While I was watching SeonTV on the YT feed several days ago Simon Isles was co-presenting something with Shona. They were talking about paying with Klana, and he said he had used it for a recent purchase, and was surprised how quickly it had accepted him following a soft credit check.
He then said stuff about setting up the channel and "the haemorrhaging of money" taking place.
So I can't really say I am surprised that it appears to have gone so quickly.
Bit of a shame, but with the lack of variety and just the poor range of goods being offered, its demise was pretty much inevitable.

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