Recent content by LionLady


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  1. L

    Lulu Guinness Handbags TSV 29/08/18

    I'm clearly in the minority on this forum as I like the bag! It looks a good size to be practical and I'm something of a cataholic so Kooky cat has been ordered. If it doesn't live up to my expetations though, it will be going back.
  2. L

    Joules TSV 10/08/18

    Have a look on Amazon - search Joules Golightly. I've seen the dog one somewhere online and think it was on there. Good luck!
  3. L

    Bundleberry by Amanda Holden TSV 15/11/17

    I did wonder how this range is doing - most of it seems to be in clearance now.
  4. L

    Kirks Folly One Time Only's

    Better make the most of the prices. Though I guess most of it will end up in clearance soon.
  5. L

    Remembrence Poppies

    Likewise Toril. Really looking forward to receiving mine although, of course, it means the display at the Tower will be dismantled. I hope to get up there to see them soon.
  6. L

    Voice overs

    That's always amused me. The voice is so clearly hers, it makes the accent ridiculous.
  7. L

    ingrid on sizing!

    In the past I've refrained from making personal comments about guests and presenters but I do find it hard to take someone trying to flog a t-shirt costing £100 seriously when they look like they don't spend a penny on their hair.
  8. L

    I had to double take!!

    Don't forget it also comes with 150 bin liners! So that's alright then. For that price, I'd expect it to deal with the cats' litter tray, self-empty and take itself out on bin day!
  9. L

    Joan Rivers

    I hope so - I have tickets and hotel bookings!
  10. L

    I miss Lenny...

    No Lenny again but Butcher Basso is back :(
  11. L

    Nina Leonard

    Come back Lenny! Totally agree that the shows are not the same without him. Hope all is well.
  12. L

    Very Expensive New Bedding Range Frette at Home 09/05/14 8pm

    Oh well, something for all the spare bedrooms, caravans or second homes we all have. Alternatively we could take a set on a cruise holiday or gift a set to a teacher.
  13. L

    How much !

    Have to agree. I like some of Kim and Co pieces and have found them useful for work in the past. I don't mind paying a little extra for items that are not made in China but some of Kim's prices just don't stack up against better quality garments found on the high street as others have noted.
  14. L

    Very Expensive New Bedding Range Frette at Home 09/05/14 8pm

    As if they don't flog enough bedding ranges anyway! Give it a few months and this lot will be in clearance - but still expensive.
  15. L

    Liz earle shock.

    Thanks for this. I did check out both versions in Superdrug over the weekend but, unfortunately, the packaging on both says to avoid using on or around the eyes. The search continues!....