Recent content by Inspector Bubbles


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  1. I

    Christmas in July!

    I've been subjected to this for a few hours now. Someone shoot me.
  2. I

    Do Presenters choose their own outfits......always or??

    I reckon some of them get dressed in the dark, some of the outfits you see.
  3. I

    Bit of fun - Which QVC presenter would you like to lunch with......who would you not

    None of Q's own presenters, but Marie Francoise Wolff, Deborah Ann Gaetano or Judith Williams... Or all three at once...:mysmilie_13:
  4. I

    ipad app now allowing you to choose when u want an item delivered?

    Funnily enough, my local Hermes courier told me that they are looking at introducing 2-hour delivery slots at the end of July, I think it was. Whether he meant just for QVC specifically or for all Hermes deliveries, I don't know.
  5. I

    Loose Women (men) They Are Not!

    It was a right old load of rollocks on Monday but the one with Dale and Pipa wasn't so bad... And it had Judith Williams in it, and I have a little crush on her... :mysmilie_13:
  6. I

    Glen Campbell Male Model

    Could be worse - he could be modelling Y-Fronts. :mysmilie_51:
  7. I

    Yet another book.....

    Is it a colouring book? :mysmilie_19:
  8. I

    New Award Category!

    Julia bloody Roberts. Then again, good old Skeletor herself aka Jill Franks takes some beating.
  9. I

    Shut Up Mally!!!!

    She's the reason duct tape was invented. :D
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    nina leonard

    I suppose spontaneous human combustion is too much to hope for. I always wanted one of the models to thump him for the way he pawed at them.
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    Antthony Designs TSV 11/03/2015

    Oh Gawd, not him again.
  12. I

    Jill Franks Blooper

    She's just popping downstairs...