Flinty's looking fuller


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I wonder if the neighbours will appreciate her weekly singalong with Debbie? Still, some of her neighbour are family. Her mum and sister each have a flat there too so they might be joining in.🎤🎤🎤
Not being funny but that kitchen and bathroom looks like it needs some serious updating (from the photo) and for that price I’d expect Ryan Reynolds to come in and run the bath............Ahhhhh Ryan Reynolds (big sigh) 🙏😍.
Me too, in fact I like to walk into the bathroom to find him in the bath & an invite to join him 🥰🥂💖
I wonder if the neighbours will appreciate her weekly singalong with Debbie? Still, some of her neighbour are family. Her mum and sister each have a flat there too so they might be joining in.🎤🎤🎤
You'd hide if you saw her in the lobby or in the lift. I wonder if she'll try to set up community events, book clubs, writing seminars, afternoon teas. On the positive side if she's on the night shift at the Q she'd be out from early evening & sleeping the following day, there are her monthly trips to Devon & as she's living next door to her mum they may be together a lot of the time. Blimey I'm reassuring people I don't know that life with her as a neighbour might not be as awful as it could be 🤪
I didnt think it looked that bad!!!!! my brain must still be in invalid mode. I didnt like the front elevation though. But that price for a two bed two bath in Surrey is pretty good isnt it? I have never been to Banstead but it is near Epsom which I believe is pretty pricey. I dont know why I am rambling on really as have no clue as to property prices round there! But I do know someone who has bought a two bed two bath flat in a nice part of Cheltenham and that is pushing £600k.
How regimental are those and with zero privacy too, there’s no way I’d pay that, can’t see them allowing pets in them either, don’t think that’ll bother “look after number one” Flinty though.
Apart from that large room with all those windows, imagine the fingermarks & snot on them after the grandchildren have visited, the rest of it looks poky. Sorry, bijou 🤭

It must have been like a greenhouse during the recent heatwave. She’ll have to do a lot of toadying to Dyson to get a few freebie fans.
I didnt think it looked that bad!!!!! my brain must still be in invalid mode. I didnt like the front elevation though. But that price for a two bed two bath in Surrey is pretty good isnt it? I have never been to Banstead but it is near Epsom which I believe is pretty pricey. I dont know why I am rambling on really as have no clue as to property prices round there! But I do know someone who has bought a two bed two bath flat in a nice part of Cheltenham and that is pushing £600k.
Cheltenham is lovely.
The new flat she’s moving into in a converted hospital has a balcony

Did she mention her daughter developing a glamping business? :unsure:
Was on with Frank Usher June the other day and she mentioned something along the lines of camping. Debbie was in there with her daughter always loved camping when she was younger, but camping isn’t for her but now Lauren is developing a glamping business.

This ine is also under offer
In the first link to the flats, I know they are in a former hospital, but you’d think (or I would) that the developers could have done something with the outside of it, while converting it, because it looks like an “institution.“

Some of the views are ok though.
With my ex estate agency hat on, yes, looks ok and the outlook is beautiful, but on top of the purchase price there is always a service charge to pay with apartments - for building and grounds maintenance. This could range from £1,000 per year to infinity ! and why stay in Surrey ? for £350,000 even just north of London, a larger property could be bought, but if her Mum and Sister are immediate neighbours then its understandable. For that money I would certainly expect a lot more, and I bet its not as large as the photos indicate because agency photos always make a room look larger, or with a new property put smaller furniture in it.
I’ve just put the tv on and seen debbie .. her face looks very puffy poor woman .. it doesn’t look a normal shape more a moon shape that steroids can cause.
If you’re tuned into the Michele Hopeless hour-I hadn’t noticed Debbie”s face-I’m mesmerised by the terrible clothes. Apparently people are phoning in about her shirt-a royal blue chunk of polyester that doesn’t look any better on the model- What is the matter with folk? Put a rail of hope”s monstrosities in a high street store and I’d imagine it would be sat there as full as it was on day one, 6 months down the line. Put “em on Q and they’re limited stock in minutes! Or so they say!
Usual mish mash of garish sweaty housecoats, tunics , dodgy hemlines, printed lace and so pricey...£47 for hideous polyester tunic and that’s before p&p!! And why don’t any of her shirts seem to have a top button? Ok you might not do it up but it gives the collar a bit of shape, her shirts look so scrappy round the neckline. Worst designer ever!

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